Just trying to follow the timeline from 2003 to now as far as when TN was recruiting versus selecting. Scratch that...start with 2008ish to now...was TN recruiting or selecting? I don't see these two things as being independent. of one another. I mean...how can you select a player you didn't recruit. NO SCHOOL has it like that where they just go and get any player they want. Let's assume that somewhere around 2008 TN got back to selecting. Look at the selections and the results. WITH ALL DUE RESPECT...with the talent that put on the TN uniform...I would have a difficult time pointing fingers at the talent. That leaves whoever did the "selecting or recruiting".I think Evina alluded to that and we know how she was treated. Can we keep it real? If it weren't for the portal, now supersized because of covid, TN recruiting would be dismal. Those players you picked up...probably wouldn't even be in the portal and you might have a couple 2022 recruits. Justine...and someone else. But, I'm glad it worked for you guys and I hope that you are competitive because...it's time to whiz or get off the pot.