Yeah I’m feeling major hater energy for Mac right now, maybe it’s from the loss today. The constant glazing from the announcers was nauseating, you would think the NBA gave them a directive to hype him up for the viewers.
Gotta give Mac credit for figuring out nobody dings you points for staging the ball in the perfect spot for your dunk. He gets max vertical on every attempt because he takes all the timing/reaction time factors away that make other dunks, like castles, harder to pull off.
I mean seriously on the spinner dunk the second ball was literally placed on the rim, there should be some kinda rule where they can’t have the ball staged that close.
The car dunk he didn’t even clear it, kinda takes away from it if you’re being objective. The still shot of him in the air is incredible though.
Steph’s between the legs dunk was the best of the contest, in real time it looked impossible.
Woulda loved to see if castle had anything planned for a third round, you know Mac probably did.