Greetings, brothers and sisters in soccer!
My name is Mike Kane, for those I have not yet had the pleasure to meet. I am so incredibly proud to be elected as president of the the Agents of Hale, the supporters group that has already made wonderful progress as we move toward being awarded an NASL franchise.
The brand new Board of Directors provides our organization with a mind-boggling combination of passion, insight, experience, logic and humor. My confidence in where our SG can go as a collective is as high as ever. I am proud to introduce:
Vice President: Chris Petter
Secretary: Brendan Lamb
Treasurer: Kelly Petter
Club Ambassador: Tom Lovkay
Fan Ambassador: Thad Reaves
Operations Coordinator: Adam Ksiazek
A little bit about myself: I've lived in CT most of my life. I've been a proud and active member of the Hartford Chapter of The American Outlaws for five years. AIongside Tom Lovkay, I had the distinct privilege to serve as capo at Landon's last international match at Rentschler Field in October 2014. I absolutely live for soccer. It is absolutely everything to me, and consumes my soul. With that said, while I've always been a passionate US supporter, I've never truly identified with a club. I'm among the many of us who have waited for professional soccer to return to our fair state for a long time. I was among the nerds who sat on online message boards for years arguing in favor of Hartford soccer. This club doesn't even technically exist yet, and I already hold it so close to my heart--I grow more excited each day knowing what it is going to mean to us and our community.
The Agents of Hale is already becoming a supporters group in which we can take an abundance of pride. Our consistent, open lines of communication and commitment to the cause have already resulted in a huge boost in membership and awareness. That said--keep plugging. Tell a friend, and tell that friend to tell ten friends. Post all over the social medias. We have lots of time to gain membership and grow the brand, but maintaining momentum in that time is paramount. The hard work we put in now will ultimately result in The Armory becoming the singing, flag-waving, smoke-bomb toting visual treat of which we all dream.
You've answered the #CallToArms--a promise to stand in the Armory in full support of Hartford City FC. I hope each and every one of you decide to become a full member of the Agents of Hale--further information is forthcoming.
As president, ensuring that all voices are heard is an absolute priority. Always feel free to reach out to me or with questions or concerns. The tremendous success of AO Hartford, as well as the progress of the Agents of Hale thus far, has undeniably been a result of communication and teamwork. You can depend on my passion and commitment, but our organization and the supporters culture of HCFC cannot succeed without yours.
Stay tuned, my friends! Cheers to the Agents of Hale, all who #StockTheArmory, and Hartford City FC. Drink it if you got it.
-Hartford 'Til I Die-
Mike Kane
President, Agents of Hale