say it to his face or any other BLACK and see that your nosebone be poking out of the back of your head.
Well, I'm old enough that I don't pick fights, ever. On the other hand, if somebody picks a fight with me, then I'm ready to defend myself.
Say, for example, if I was out in public and I described LeJerk as a Big Black Man. And say some other Big Angry man, of whatever color, decided he didn't like that and started addressing me.
This is what would happen - I'd say - "hey man, I wasn't talking to you." Then I'd attempt to leave the area.
If the person then followed me, I'd hit 911 on my phone and keep moving away.
If they closed the distance to a range that indicated that they intended to seriously injure me or kill me, out comes the gun and the argument is over, either with them figuring out that they will not be striking me, or them getting shot, completely their choice. Self defense is not only my Constitutional right, it's a fundamental, from birth, human right.
To be clear, Internet tough guy, nobody ever raises his hand to me. I live in an open carry state, and I make it clear to those who are regularly around me that I am always carrying a handgun, and I always have spare ammo just in case angry man thinks bringing his three angry buddies might yield a different result. It won't, other than I'll be expending more 10mm hollow tip rounds out of my 16 round magazine.
I do not pick fights, and I mind my business. I will not be assaulted and battered by an angry man who has so little to speak of in life that he is willing to risk an aggravated assault charge in jail time because he perceives a slight from the words of another.
In short, Daddy Chocolate, there are so many folks running around out there like you, who take fake offense at so many things, like any reference to their skin color, that I consider it an obligation to my family and to common sense to protect myself at all times.
Hey Fishy - LeJerk held an hour long press conference to announce that he was going to the Miami Heat. He does a hand clap stupid thing with talc just for the marketing and attention. His headband is worn as an adornment, not to absorb sweat. He walked off the court in a tiff after losing a playoff without shaking hands. He quit on the Cavaliers in a playoff game. He's a loser and a spoiled, self-centered jerk.