I simply wondered out loud to anyone that read my comment, how they thought a UConn post similar to this one would be perceived on the Vol Nation board given their bitter/scathing thoughts and feelings about Geno and UConn. It was a knee-jerk reaction to reading that post.
I, for one, actually got your intent. I often read the Summit and sometimes even post there. I can say that from my perspective the anti Uconn feeling seems to have subsided over the years, much as the anti-Vol feelings have diminished on the Boneyard. I believe Holly played a major role in that. She was something that both fan bases could agree on.
The decline and problems that the Vol program has faced in the last few years seemed to have injected a degree of humility in the fan base. Humility is something that a lot of fan bases can use. Ultimately, except for at games. the rabidity of a fan base does not decide how good a team performs. Some fans don't seem to grasp that concept. People can be reasonable and respectful, especially away from games, and still, be very supportive of their teams. Objectivity does not hurt their teams.
I can't be sure, but I don't think such a post would have the negative reaction that some might expect. That is anymore than any other team might have. Most sites are will have fans object if their treads stray too far away from focus on their team. That is one aspect that separates the Boneyard from most other sites. We can thank the excellent moderators they have here. Especially HuskeyNan.