Syracuse fan here. A few thoughts which I'll no doubt get hated on for...

#1. I don't think almost any fans care about this outside of Connecticut. Coaches may be a different story, but I haven't hear any speaking out and you guys got Hurley so it doesn't seem to be hurting you guys that much.
#2. All you fans who are saying he got fired for committing NCAA violations and for being a terrible coach are actually making Ollie's point for him. Legally, if they fired him AT ALL for being a terrible coach, they owe him his money. That's not for cause. If we have a shred of self-honestly, we all know that if KO had won the NCAA tournament last year, he's not getting fired-- the real reason he was fired was because of peformance and the school likely couldn't afford to bring in another coach and pay Ollie so they chose not to pay Ollie. They did him dirty--at the very least by the unspoken standards for hiring/firing in high major basketball and probably also legally, even if it can't be proven.
#3. Ollie has definitely not helped his future job prospects by fighting back. IDK if it's because he's dumb or spiteful like some of you say, or because he feels wronged and wants to stand up for himself even though it hurts him.
tl;dr the school screwed KO, KO is screwing the school and himself. UCONN probably chose the best path for the program, even if kinda dirty and unethical.