KO vs UConn | Page 6 | The Boneyard

KO vs UConn

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Jan 31, 2018
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I'm in New York. I'd also argue that less and less people are getting their news from ESPN, but that's not really the point. I just don't think you can say the situation has had a negative impact solely based on the opinions of the minuscule number of people any one person talks to.
That does it, I'm starting a blog NOW!!!


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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None of this is any surprise. UConn did it all it could to destroy Kevin Ollie and his reputation to justify his firing and not paying him the buyout. Ollie is returning the favor. UConn made the first move and chose this path. It is facing the consequences. In the end, neither party actually wins as both will be tarnished.
Self-destructive guy acts self destructively.

In the end Ollie will have made himself unemployable and have blown up his connection to a network that could have helped him. It's sad, but this point KO just isn't sympathetic anymore. He's just a guy who was bad at his job, cheated, lied about it to his bosses and to an outside reviewing agency, and then demanded to be paid for not working.
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I don’t think his job status would be much different if he took a different legal strategy.
Disagree Stair. If he had made nice and gone away, he likely would have gotten a settlement and have had a say in the narrative which would have been good guy accidentally runs afoul of byzantine NCAA regulations. Now's he's just a guy who was bad at his job, cheated, lied about it to his bosses and to an outside reviewing agency, and then demanded to be paid $11M for not working.
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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They took the for cause path because they couldn’t afford to take any other path.

They were so desperate they had to facilitate the NCAA charges.

If you are dim enough to think Diaco didn’t have petty violations like shot a basket in khakis or 30 second face time with recruit - you probably shouldn’t be insulting anyone’s intellect.
Geesh I'm only three pages into to this thread and your are already deep into your tin foil hat.

Are you seriously saying that UConn could not come up with $10M to pay Ollie? That's what can't afford means right?

Are you seriously saying that UConn entrapped Ollie?

Are you unaware that KO provided illegal (in the NCAA sense) travel, meals and lodging to have players attend a illegal coaching session?

Sometimes you're nuts Whaler but this crap is off your meds nuts.
Jan 31, 2018
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Geesh I'm only three pages into to this thread and your are already deep into your tin foil hat.

Are you seriously saying that UConn could not come up with $10M to pay Ollie? That's what can't afford means right?

Are you seriously saying that UConn entrapped Ollie?

Are you unaware that KO provided illegal (in the NCAA sense) travel, meals and lodging to have players attend a illegal coaching session?

Sometimes you're nuts Whaler but this crap is off your meds nuts.
Whaler is on meds? Now I have to go back and unlike all his posts.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I can think of 10,000,000 reasons why he doesn't care!
Meh, if he had even a vaguely realistic chance of getting it, perhaps. He doesn't.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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well uconn made up it was about violations...

and in the past ignored violations...

what did they think was going to happen
Are you seriously suggesting that the things listed in the NCAA's findings never happened?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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LOL "Deep Pockets"

we were 40 million in the hole last year, our BigEast carry over money dried up, and we and chose to nickel and dime swindle on a signed contract to save 10 million to get rid of a coach.

Yeah that screams of "Deep Pockets" to me.

August under the terms of the contract, it terminates on the occurrence of certain events, including violation of NCAA rules. At that point in time Ollie was only owed "notice" money under the contract @$600k and change. That's it. I'm not sure how things work down in IT but I'm pretty sure up it the C-suite, paying out $10M to someone who has no legal claim to it is frowned upon.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Disagree Stair. If had made nice and gone away, he likely would have gotten a settlement and have had a say in the narrative which would have been good guy accidentally runs afoul of byzantine NCAA regulations. Now's he's just a guy who was bad at his job, cheated, lied about it to his bosses and to an outside reviewing agency, and then demanded to be paid $11M for not working.

No, I think there are outside factors affecting his employability much more than any legal issues he’s involved in.
Aug 27, 2011
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He made really bad decisions career-wise and killed any chance he has at coaching again. A settlement or ruling in his favor is probably the only money he'll see for a while. I can't say I'm surprised by how he's acting. He blew up his own life and now he just wants to take everyone down with him.
He should have been out there saying he’s willing to meet half way. He should have been “I get i underperformed and blew it, but I didn’t break the contract. All I want is a reasonable settlement.” Either he’s out of control or he’s truly been led down a rat hole by idiot lawyers that mangled his public persona at the expense of trying to go all or nothing. I’m truly astounded how badly his legal has allowed this to go.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Are you seriously suggesting that the things listed in the NCAA's findings never happened?

did someone facetime ray allen? i dont know - was there any evidence beyond miller said so?

did ollie shoot a jumper wearing khakis on his way to lunch? it sounds just crazy enough to be true.

did some kids work out in atlanta and eat for free? i assume it’s true but ive never seen anything that proves it. its earth shattering though

miller said he paid players - is that one true too?

what a lucky coincidence that glenn miller just happened to randomly sing to the ncaa just in time to fire ollie in march. for a guy who can’t do ANYTHING right benedict sure got lucky. it was such a coincidence that the one big win they had in january someone just happened to leak to jacobs about the investigation.

sure miller was working with calhoun who is still an ad employee and went and sang to the ncaa and calhoun didnt know (this is the funniest claim)

phew good thing benedict is this lucky - because if he wasn’t ollie would still be coaching the team champ cuz they didnt have $11 million to fix it
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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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He should have been out there saying he’s willing to meet half way. He should have been “I get i underperformed and blew it, but I didn’t break the contract. All I want is a reasonable settlement.” Either he’s out of control or he’s truly been led down a rat hole by idiot lawyers that mangled his public persona at the expense of trying to go all or nothing. I’m truly astounded how badly his legal has allowed this to go.

im not sure how much more obvious it can be... they fired him for cause. they werent offering a cent
Jan 5, 2019
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I was wondering, does anyone know of any similar past situations with ex-coaches at other programs?


Mar 30, 2012
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I can think of 10,000,000 reasons why he doesn't care!

10,000,000 fantasy reasons that won't ever exist in real life.

Instead of thinking he was entitled to the money in his contract regardless of performance, he should think he's entitled to what people are willing to give him, and go find people who are willing to give him more money. I'm sure UConn made some sort of settlement offer to him and he should have taken it.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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did someone facetime ray allen? i dont know - was there any evidence beyond miller said so?

did ollie shoot a jumper wearing khakis on his way to lunch? it sounds just crazy enough to be true.

did some kids work out in atlanta and eat for free? i assume it’s true but ive never seen anything that proves it. its earth shattering though

miller said he paid players - is that one true too?

what a lucky coincidence that glenn miller just happened to randomly sing to the ncaa just in time to fire ollie in march. for a guy who can’t do ANYTHING right benedict sure got lucky. it was such a coincidence that the one big win they had in january someone just happened to leak to jacobs about the investigation.

sure miller was working with calhoun who is still an ad employee and went and sang to the ncaa and calhoun didnt know (this is the funniest claim)

phew good thing benedict is this lucky - because if he wasn’t ollie would still be coaching the team champ cuz they didnt have $11 million to fix it
Can't help but notice you didn't mention Ollie paying for illegal airfare, meals and hotel to attend an illegal coaching session. Kind of seems disingenuous, no?

But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you didn't know about it.

Sep 21, 2011
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Whaler what would you have done if you were benedict?
Keep ollie? Fire him and cut him a 10 million check? Something else?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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of course uconn cant come up to pay uconn 10 million dollars. they literally cant pay to have a spring game and are leaking oil like a 1976 Datsun.
Financial guy makes dumb statement about finances. You don't think that with annual revenue in excess of $1.2B they can find $10M. Seriously?
Aug 26, 2011
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None of this is any surprise. UConn did it all it could to destroy Kevin Ollie and his reputation to justify his firing and not paying him the buyout. Ollie is returning the favor. UConn made the first move and chose this path. It is facing the consequences. In the end, neither party actually wins as both will be tarnished.
You make it sound like UConn started the problem.
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