OT: - Kitchen Renovation | Page 4 | The Boneyard

OT: Kitchen Renovation

Aug 26, 2011
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I imagine he’s sitting somewhere far from his wife after the kitchen reno caused some sort of argument. Given her over the top hatred of dog pee, she probably doesn’t like the job being done and wants Fishy to get them to make it right.
(Ok, maybe that’s what happens in my house)


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I imagine he’s sitting somewhere far from his wife after the kitchen reno caused some sort of argument. Given her over the top hatred of dog pee, she probably doesn’t like the job being done and wants Fishy to get them to make it right.
(Ok, maybe that’s what happens in my house)

There’s been no argument, but according to Find My Friends, my wife is 195 miles away from me right now....which makes sense since this house has no kitchen and my in-laws house has quite a nice one.

The downside to this is that every time a calamity happens, I have to call HQ like some middle manager explaining why my department failed to make its numbers this quarter. And we have failed to make our numbers this quarter.

So what sink did you choose? That's what everyone wants to know!

Honestly, I bought it so long ago that I do not remember. It’s German and it’s made out of something other than metal and the matching sink protector thingy cost such a ridiculous amount of money that I never would have even considered it if the rest of the kitchen had not anesthetized me to math.
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction Score
There’s been no argument, but according to Find My Friends, my wife is 195 miles away from me right now....which makes sense since this house has no kitchen and my in-laws house has quite a nice one.

The downside to this is that every time a calamity happens, I have to call HQ like some middle manager explaining why my department failed to make its numbers this quarter. And we have failed to make our numbers this quarter.

Honestly, I bought it so long ago that I do not remember. It’s German and it’s made out of something other than metal and the matching sink protector thingy cost such a ridiculous amount of money that I never would have even considered it if the rest of the kitchen had not anesthetized me to math.
Any toddler can install a quartz composite sink.
We now go live to Fishy's kitchen reno in progress:



Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Ok - none of this is a complaint. This is a cautionary tale for you to use whenever your significant other proposes a kitchen renovation. You can say, “well, I knew a guy who renovated his kitchen and he killed himself by jumping off his deck 187 times.”

This is really long. Print it out and keep it somewhere you can get to quickly. I recommend hiding it in your kitchen somewhere.

We hired a kitchen designer and we hired a cabinet designer. Don’t ask - I don’t know why.

The cabinet designer came over four times and produced a plan that you would have produced if you came over once and wrote “Install the same cabinets, but fancier” on a piece of paper. He was a wonderful gentleman, but we no longer speak.

The kitchen designer worked up a bunch of different paint colors, tile colors, cabinet colors, counter top colors. I found her helpful, but she picked out this one particular tile from this one particular store...it was an absolutely generic ceramic tile that you could have gotten close to for $2 a square foot at Home Depot. But at this dopey store, it was $6 a square foot. It’s a big kitchen....that crap adds up. I kept that to myself, but that will come back later.

She/we/not me picked out a countertop by CaesarStone. It was fine - I didn’t really care.

Now, we go back to cabinet guy. He has worked up a plan and a price. The price was stupid, but the cabinets were nice, so fine. We place the order. Couple of weeks later, we go back - we’re ordering the countertop from him, too.

While we’re there, he gives us some kind of printed update from the cabinet making peeps and I’m reading it because I just could not care less about whatever else is going on and I notice that the receipt he gave me did not match our plan. Cabinets were wrong, cabinets were duplicated, cabinets were omitted, they forgot the fancy-ass molding - the order was entirely botched.

We call a halt to the whole thing and someone is going to call us to straighten things out. They did call, but their efforts were really just to try to get me to accept most of what they got wrong. It was like a Honda Civic’s worth of “not what we wanted”, so I just told them to cancel the works. Cabinet guy is apologetic; we part as friends. Friends who will never speak again.

A friend of mine tells me that he knows a custom cabinet maker in Westchester who can help. We drive from the first cabinet place in northern Dutchess County down to southern Westchester. And then we go back the next day, too - the day after that, they come up and measure. We make a deal and the cabinets arrive eight weeks later. (They’re spectacular. Not without issue, as you will see, but they’re so well-made and somehow came out to be about 1/2 the cost of what we expected to pay.)

When the cabinets come in, I start taking down the old cabinets. We also had these dopey soffits that we hated - while I was taking them down, I tore a ligament in my elbow that will need to be repaired. I’ve broken ankles, feet, ribs and even a stress fracture in a hip - this is not the most painful thing, but it is tops for sheer annoyance. Picking anything up hurts. Shaking hands with people is agony. I see stars if I so much as rest it on the arm of a chair. I tried to fist bump a priest at my nephew’s confirmation because I couldn’t move my fingers that day.

In the middle there, without going into detail, we lose our kitchen designer. The poor woman had something so bad happen to her that no one in good conscience would ever think to bother her about something so stupid as a ceramic tile. So we set out on our own there.

My wife and I kind of bicker about the tile - I didn’t care about the color, but paying that much for a simple ceramic tile grated on me. Finally, I give up, I tell my wife to meet me at the tile store after work and we’ll place the order for that and for the CaesarStone counter. My wife gets to the tile store a half hour before I do....and no one helps her.

My wife is the nicest person in the world. But certain things bug her - if she’s in your store about to drop thousands of dollars on something, she expects someone to say hi in less than 30 minutes. By the time I get there, they could not have given her the tile for free - they were done for and the tile problem was solved.

We then drove to some hole in the wall tile place next to an OTB. The woman working there is from Yonkers - only thing you need to know about women from Yonkers is that they’re right and you’re wrong. She looked at our kitchen tile and countertop colors and she tells my wife, “You don’t want any of this.”

Over the next half hour, the woman throws out all of our plans. At some point, I started to make excuses as to why we had to leave because I was sure my wife was boiling inside. Nope, my wife loves this woman - an hour later, we walk out with an entirely different kitchen floor and the next day, she drives us down to this huge fab in Westchester where we pick out a completely different countertop. Woman was a genius.

Every thing is starting to come together after the fits and starts. I take the kitchen apart, redo the wiring, installed the recessed lighting and then have a plaster guy come in to do the Sheetrock, etc. (Quick note - if you’re doing recessed lighting, I cannot say enough good things about Halo - I’ve used the 5” cans and the 5” reno fixtures....really well-designed. Also, I give high marks to LeGrand’s Adorne switches and outlets - they’re a serious pain in the ass to find and they’re stupid expensive, but they’re really well-designed and look terrific. My wife saw the ones in the kitchen and forced me to swap out everything in the house.)

After agonizing over the appliances, we picked out what we wanted - my brother renovates houses in DC and he orders his appliances from US Appliance. They deliver quick, says he. We did save some money, but they most definitely did not deliver quick. They deliver quick when you live in metro DC....when you live in upstate NY, it is no so quick.

It took three weeks for them to put them on a truck. It took a week to get them from Michigan to New York and then it took two weeks for Fed Ex to put them on another truck to travel the last ten miles. They missed their promised delivery date by about three weeks; I was impressed at how little that bothered them. Buy from Best Buy or Lowes or Sears or Home Depot instead.

Now, all the appliances are in, floors are in, cabinets are in, plumbing has been moved, etc. Contractor comes up to install. He’s a friend of mine, so we’re working together. We set out all of the base cabinets and what we had really did not match the plan. After beating our heads against the wall, I call the cabinet guy and tell him that I think he screwed up - he says, ahhhh....I think you have the old plan.

Long story short, there were two plans. The working plan that we did with him and the actual plan that was generated when his guy came and took dimensions. An 18” base cabinet became a 12” base cabinet - no big deal but moving things six inches was not going to happen with the plumbing. So there’s a week delay.

Here’s where we screwed up....when that happened, we really should have set out the wall cabinets, too. That is what we should have done. What we did do was we went out and sat on the deck and drank beer.

So fast forward a week, we set the base cabinets, appliances, install the fancy-ass fake door stuff that I would never have brought, but my wife declared non-negotiable, etc. We have some carpenters helping us and one of them comes in and asks where two of the 36” wall cabinets were. We go out and look through a garage-ful of cabinets in boxes. Called the cabinet guy. He calls the trucking guy. Cabinet guy calls back and just says, hey, we just didn’t make those.

That was three weeks ago. They were supposed to be delivered last Thursday. Friday, at the latest. Monday, at the absolutely outside window. Definitely will not be later than Tuesday. Not sure what the timeline is now, but they ain’t here.

But at least the countertops were being installed today, so that we would basically have a functioning kitchen.

Countertop guys park in front of the house at 7 am and eat breakfast. Odd, but all right. At 8, they pull into the driveway. At 8:03, they pull out of the driveway and park about 100 yards down the road. They keep getting into and out of the truck. Obviously, there is some sort of calamity that they want to sort out somewhere that I’m not.

Eventually, they drive back, knock on the door and tell me that they cannot install the countertop. Who knows how, but the biggest piece cracked on the drive up. The fab shop calls me and asks if I can come down today and pick out a new slab and do the layout. I leave work early, drive to their place, spend about an hour trying to figure out how to lay out this new slab in such a way that it won’t piss off my wife. (I can’t call her or send pictures because she’s on the Cape with no power.)

Finally, it’s all decided. They’re really apologetic, etc.,etc. Can’t do enough for me....until I tell them that I’m going on vacation and I really need this done by the end of the week. (Because I am going on vacation and really need this done by the end of the week.) Somehow, with a straight face, the manager said, “But sir, that is not realistic....we are very busy, you know.”

I am not, by nature, a drinker. There hasn’t been one time in my life where I’ve gone to the refrigerator to get a beer or a drink unless we have people over. My wife hates when I buy beer because it stays in the fridge for years. Since this thing has started, I have ended nearly every day with some sort of drink, sitting on my deck staring at nothing. I now have six different kinds of gin in the freezer; I can make a gin and tonic about 14 different ways. There are three deer that frequent my yard - I have spent enough time staring at them that I actually told my wife tonight that I thought the middle one and the small one are not getting along right now.

You don’t want to end up like me. You don’t. Don’t renovate your kitchen. Buy a new house, find a new wife, whatever. Don’t.
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction Score
Ok - none of this is a complaint. This is a cautionary tale for you to use whenever your significant other proposes a kitchen renovation. You can say, “well, I knew a guy who renovated his kitchen and he killed himself by jumping off his deck 187 times.”

This is really long. Print it out and keep it somewhere you can get to quickly. I recommend hiding it in your kitchen somewhere.

We hired a kitchen designer and we hired a cabinet designer. Don’t ask - I don’t know why.

The cabinet designer came over four times and produced a plan that you would have produced if you came over once and wrote “Install the same cabinets, but fancier” on a piece of paper. He was a wonderful gentleman, but we no longer speak.

The kitchen designer worked up a bunch of different paint colors, tile colors, cabinet colors, counter top colors. I found her helpful, but she picked out this one particular tile from this one particular store...it was an absolutely generic ceramic tile that you could have gotten close to for $2 a square foot at Home Depot. But at this dopey store, it was $6 a square foot. It’s a big kitchen....that crap adds up. I kept that to myself, but that will come back later.

She/we/not me picked out a countertop by CaesarStone. It was fine - I didn’t really care.

Now, we go back to cabinet guy. He has worked up a plan and a price. The price was stupid, but the cabinets were nice, so fine. We place the order. Couple of weeks later, we go back - we’re ordering the countertop from him, too.

While we’re there, he gives us some kind of printed update from the cabinet making peeps and I’m reading it because I just could not care less about whatever else is going on and I notice that the receipt he gave me did not match our plan. Cabinets were wrong, cabinets were duplicated, cabinets were omitted, they forgot the fancy-ass molding - the order was entirely botched.

We call a halt to the whole thing and someone is going to call us to straighten things out. They did call, but their efforts were really just to try to get me to accept most of what they got wrong. It was like a Honda Civic’s worth of “not what we wanted”, so I just told them to cancel the works. Cabinet guy is apologetic; we part as friends. Friends who will never speak again.

A friend of mine tells me that he knows a custom cabinet maker in Westchester who can help. We drive from the first cabinet place in northern Dutchess County down to southern Westchester. And then we go back the next day, too - the day after that, they come up and measure. We make a deal and the cabinets arrive eight weeks later. (They’re spectacular. Not without issue, as you will see, but they’re so well-made and somehow came out to be about 1/2 the cost of what we expected to pay.)

When the cabinets come in, I start taking down the old cabinets. We also had these dopey soffits that we hated - while I was taking them down, I tore a ligament in my elbow that will need to be repaired. I’ve broken ankles, feet, ribs and even a stress fracture in a hip - this is not the most painful thing, but it is tops for sheer annoyance. Picking anything up hurts. Shaking hands with people is agony. I see stars if I so much as rest it on the arm of a chair. I tried to fist bump a priest at my nephew’s confirmation because I couldn’t move my fingers that day.

In the middle there, without going into detail, we lose our kitchen designer. The poor woman had something so bad happen to her that no one in good conscience would ever think to bother her about something so stupid as a ceramic tile. So we set out on our own there.

My wife and I kind of bicker about the tile - I didn’t care about the color, but paying that much for a simple ceramic tile grated on me. Finally, I give up, I tell my wife to meet me at the tile store after work and we’ll place the order for that and for the CaesarStone counter. My wife gets to the tile store a half hour before I do....and no one helps her.

My wife is the nicest person in the world. But certain things bug her - if she’s in your store about to drop thousands of dollars on something, she expects someone to say hi in less than 30 minutes. By the time I get there, they could not have given her the tile for free - they were done for and the tile problem was solved.

We then drove to some hole in the wall tile place next to an OTB. The woman working there is from Yonkers - only thing you need to know about women from Yonkers is that they’re right and you’re wrong. She looked at our kitchen tile and countertop colors and she tells my wife, “You don’t want any of this.”

Over the next half hour, the woman throws out all of our plans. At some point, I started to make excuses as to why we had to leave because I was sure my wife was boiling inside. Nope, my wife loves this woman - an hour later, we walk out with an entirely different kitchen floor and the next day, she drives us down to this huge fab in Westchester where we pick out a completely different countertop. Woman was a genius.

Every thing is starting to come together after the fits and starts. I take the kitchen apart, redo the wiring, installed the recessed lighting and then have a plaster guy come in to do the Sheetrock, etc. (Quick note - if you’re doing recessed lighting, I cannot say enough good things about Halo - I’ve used the 5” cans and the 5” reno fixtures....really well-designed. Also, I give high marks to LeGrand’s Adorne switches and outlets - they’re a serious pain in the ass to find and they’re stupid expensive, but they’re really well-designed and look terrific. My wife saw the ones in the kitchen and forced me to swap out everything in the house.)

After agonizing over the appliances, we picked out what we wanted - my brother renovates houses in DC and he orders his appliances from US Appliance. They deliver quick, says he. We did save some money, but they most definitely did not deliver quick. They deliver quick when you live in metro DC....when you live in upstate NY, it is no so quick.

It took three weeks for them to put them on a truck. It took a week to get them from Michigan to New York and then it took two weeks for Fed Ex to put them on another truck to travel the last ten miles. They missed their promised delivery date by about three weeks; I was impressed at how little that bothered them. Buy from Best Buy or Lowes or Sears or Home Depot instead.

Now, all the appliances are in, floors are in, cabinets are in, plumbing has been moved, etc. Contractor comes up to install. He’s a friend of mine, so we’re working together. We set out all of the base cabinets and what we had really did not match the plan. After beating our heads against the wall, I call the cabinet guy and tell him that I think he screwed up - he says, ahhhh....I think you have the old plan.

Long story short, there were two plans. The working plan that we did with him and the actual plan that was generated when his guy came and took dimensions. An 18” base cabinet became a 12” base cabinet - no big deal but moving things six inches was not going to happen with the plumbing. So there’s a week delay.

Here’s where we screwed up....when that happened, we really should have set out the wall cabinets, too. That is what we should have done. What we did do was we went out and sat on the deck and drank beer.

So fast forward a week, we set the base cabinets, appliances, install the fancy-ass fake door stuff that I would never have brought, but my wife declared non-negotiable, etc. We have some carpenters helping us and one of them comes in and asks where two of the 36” wall cabinets were. We go out and look through a garage-ful of cabinets in boxes. Called the cabinet guy. He calls the trucking guy. Cabinet guy calls back and just says, hey, we just didn’t make those.

That was three weeks ago. They were supposed to be delivered last Thursday. Friday, at the latest. Monday, at the absolutely outside window. Definitely will not be later than Tuesday. Not sure what the timeline is now, but they ain’t here.

But at least the countertops were being installed today, so that we would basically have a functioning kitchen.

Countertop guys park in front of the house at 7 am and eat breakfast. Odd, but all right. At 8, they pull into the driveway. At 8:03, they pull out of the driveway and park about 100 yards down the road. They keep getting into and out of the truck. Obviously, there is some sort of calamity that they want to sort out somewhere that I’m not.

Eventually, they drive back, knock on the door and tell me that they cannot install the countertop. Who knows how, but the biggest piece cracked on the drive up. The fab shop calls me and asks if I can come down today and pick out a new slab and do the layout. I leave work early, drive to their place, spend about an hour trying to figure out how to lay out this new slab in such a way that it won’t piss off my wife. (I can’t call her or send pictures because she’s on the Cape with no power.)

Finally, it’s all decided. They’re really apologetic, etc.,etc. Can’t do enough for me....until I tell them that I’m going on vacation and I really need this done by the end of the week. (Because I am going on vacation and really need this done by the end of the week.) Somehow, with a straight face, the manager said, “But sir, that is not realistic....we are very busy, you know.”

I am not, by nature, a drinker. There hasn’t been one time in my life where I’ve gone to the refrigerator to get a beer or a drink unless we have people over. My wife hates when I buy beer because it stays in the fridge for years. Since this thing has started, I have ended nearly every day with some sort of drink, sitting on my deck staring at nothing. I now have six different kinds of gin in the freezer; I can make a gin and tonic about 14 different ways. There are three deer that frequent my yard - I have spent enough time staring at them that I actually told my wife tonight that I thought the middle one and the small one are not getting along right now.

You don’t want to end up like me. You don’t. Don’t renovate your kitchen. Buy a new house, find a new wife, whatever. Don’t.
I want to make jokes but all my witty has turned to pity.


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Ok - none of this is a complaint. This is a cautionary tale for you to use whenever your significant other proposes a kitchen renovation. You can say, “well, I knew a guy who renovated his kitchen and he killed himself by jumping off his deck 187 times.”

This is really long. Print it out and keep it somewhere you can get to quickly. I recommend hiding it in your kitchen somewhere.

We hired a kitchen designer and we hired a cabinet designer. Don’t ask - I don’t know why.

The cabinet designer came over four times and produced a plan that you would have produced if you came over once and wrote “Install the same cabinets, but fancier” on a piece of paper. He was a wonderful gentleman, but we no longer speak.

The kitchen designer worked up a bunch of different paint colors, tile colors, cabinet colors, counter top colors. I found her helpful, but she picked out this one particular tile from this one particular store...it was an absolutely generic ceramic tile that you could have gotten close to for $2 a square foot at Home Depot. But at this dopey store, it was $6 a square foot. It’s a big kitchen....that crap adds up. I kept that to myself, but that will come back later.

She/we/not me picked out a countertop by CaesarStone. It was fine - I didn’t really care.

Now, we go back to cabinet guy. He has worked up a plan and a price. The price was stupid, but the cabinets were nice, so fine. We place the order. Couple of weeks later, we go back - we’re ordering the countertop from him, too.

While we’re there, he gives us some kind of printed update from the cabinet making peeps and I’m reading it because I just could not care less about whatever else is going on and I notice that the receipt he gave me did not match our plan. Cabinets were wrong, cabinets were duplicated, cabinets were omitted, they forgot the fancy-ass molding - the order was entirely botched.

We call a halt to the whole thing and someone is going to call us to straighten things out. They did call, but their efforts were really just to try to get me to accept most of what they got wrong. It was like a Honda Civic’s worth of “not what we wanted”, so I just told them to cancel the works. Cabinet guy is apologetic; we part as friends. Friends who will never speak again.

A friend of mine tells me that he knows a custom cabinet maker in Westchester who can help. We drive from the first cabinet place in northern Dutchess County down to southern Westchester. And then we go back the next day, too - the day after that, they come up and measure. We make a deal and the cabinets arrive eight weeks later. (They’re spectacular. Not without issue, as you will see, but they’re so well-made and somehow came out to be about 1/2 the cost of what we expected to pay.)

When the cabinets come in, I start taking down the old cabinets. We also had these dopey soffits that we hated - while I was taking them down, I tore a ligament in my elbow that will need to be repaired. I’ve broken ankles, feet, ribs and even a stress fracture in a hip - this is not the most painful thing, but it is tops for sheer annoyance. Picking anything up hurts. Shaking hands with people is agony. I see stars if I so much as rest it on the arm of a chair. I tried to fist bump a priest at my nephew’s confirmation because I couldn’t move my fingers that day.

In the middle there, without going into detail, we lose our kitchen designer. The poor woman had something so bad happen to her that no one in good conscience would ever think to bother her about something so stupid as a ceramic tile. So we set out on our own there.

My wife and I kind of bicker about the tile - I didn’t care about the color, but paying that much for a simple ceramic tile grated on me. Finally, I give up, I tell my wife to meet me at the tile store after work and we’ll place the order for that and for the CaesarStone counter. My wife gets to the tile store a half hour before I do....and no one helps her.

My wife is the nicest person in the world. But certain things bug her - if she’s in your store about to drop thousands of dollars on something, she expects someone to say hi in less than 30 minutes. By the time I get there, they could not have given her the tile for free - they were done for and the tile problem was solved.

We then drove to some hole in the wall tile place next to an OTB. The woman working there is from Yonkers - only thing you need to know about women from Yonkers is that they’re right and you’re wrong. She looked at our kitchen tile and countertop colors and she tells my wife, “You don’t want any of this.”

Over the next half hour, the woman throws out all of our plans. At some point, I started to make excuses as to why we had to leave because I was sure my wife was boiling inside. Nope, my wife loves this woman - an hour later, we walk out with an entirely different kitchen floor and the next day, she drives us down to this huge fab in Westchester where we pick out a completely different countertop. Woman was a genius.

Every thing is starting to come together after the fits and starts. I take the kitchen apart, redo the wiring, installed the recessed lighting and then have a plaster guy come in to do the Sheetrock, etc. (Quick note - if you’re doing recessed lighting, I cannot say enough good things about Halo - I’ve used the 5” cans and the 5” reno fixtures....really well-designed. Also, I give high marks to LeGrand’s Adorne switches and outlets - they’re a serious pain in the ass to find and they’re stupid expensive, but they’re really well-designed and look terrific. My wife saw the ones in the kitchen and forced me to swap out everything in the house.)

After agonizing over the appliances, we picked out what we wanted - my brother renovates houses in DC and he orders his appliances from US Appliance. They deliver quick, says he. We did save some money, but they most definitely did not deliver quick. They deliver quick when you live in metro DC....when you live in upstate NY, it is no so quick.

It took three weeks for them to put them on a truck. It took a week to get them from Michigan to New York and then it took two weeks for Fed Ex to put them on another truck to travel the last ten miles. They missed their promised delivery date by about three weeks; I was impressed at how little that bothered them. Buy from Best Buy or Lowes or Sears or Home Depot instead.

Now, all the appliances are in, floors are in, cabinets are in, plumbing has been moved, etc. Contractor comes up to install. He’s a friend of mine, so we’re working together. We set out all of the base cabinets and what we had really did not match the plan. After beating our heads against the wall, I call the cabinet guy and tell him that I think he screwed up - he says, ahhhh....I think you have the old plan.

Long story short, there were two plans. The working plan that we did with him and the actual plan that was generated when his guy came and took dimensions. An 18” base cabinet became a 12” base cabinet - no big deal but moving things six inches was not going to happen with the plumbing. So there’s a week delay.

Here’s where we screwed up....when that happened, we really should have set out the wall cabinets, too. That is what we should have done. What we did do was we went out and sat on the deck and drank beer.

So fast forward a week, we set the base cabinets, appliances, install the fancy-ass fake door stuff that I would never have brought, but my wife declared non-negotiable, etc. We have some carpenters helping us and one of them comes in and asks where two of the 36” wall cabinets were. We go out and look through a garage-ful of cabinets in boxes. Called the cabinet guy. He calls the trucking guy. Cabinet guy calls back and just says, hey, we just didn’t make those.

That was three weeks ago. They were supposed to be delivered last Thursday. Friday, at the latest. Monday, at the absolutely outside window. Definitely will not be later than Tuesday. Not sure what the timeline is now, but they ain’t here.

But at least the countertops were being installed today, so that we would basically have a functioning kitchen.

Countertop guys park in front of the house at 7 am and eat breakfast. Odd, but all right. At 8, they pull into the driveway. At 8:03, they pull out of the driveway and park about 100 yards down the road. They keep getting into and out of the truck. Obviously, there is some sort of calamity that they want to sort out somewhere that I’m not.

Eventually, they drive back, knock on the door and tell me that they cannot install the countertop. Who knows how, but the biggest piece cracked on the drive up. The fab shop calls me and asks if I can come down today and pick out a new slab and do the layout. I leave work early, drive to their place, spend about an hour trying to figure out how to lay out this new slab in such a way that it won’t piss off my wife. (I can’t call her or send pictures because she’s on the Cape with no power.)

Finally, it’s all decided. They’re really apologetic, etc.,etc. Can’t do enough for me....until I tell them that I’m going on vacation and I really need this done by the end of the week. (Because I am going on vacation and really need this done by the end of the week.) Somehow, with a straight face, the manager said, “But sir, that is not realistic....we are very busy, you know.”

I am not, by nature, a drinker. There hasn’t been one time in my life where I’ve gone to the refrigerator to get a beer or a drink unless we have people over. My wife hates when I buy beer because it stays in the fridge for years. Since this thing has started, I have ended nearly every day with some sort of drink, sitting on my deck staring at nothing. I now have six different kinds of gin in the freezer; I can make a gin and tonic about 14 different ways. There are three deer that frequent my yard - I have spent enough time staring at them that I actually told my wife tonight that I thought the middle one and the small one are not getting along right now.

You don’t want to end up like me. You don’t. Don’t renovate your kitchen. Buy a new house, find a new wife, whatever. Don’t.
Might you be interested in a teaching stint in a private international school in Central America?
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I went through Lowe's. I'm not married. I walked into Lowe's, went to the reno area and picked out flooring, counters, cabinets and appliances in less than 25 minutes. They said 4 weeks start to finish and it ended up being 6 weeks.

I'm sure your fancy sink and recessed lighting are nicer, but I'm pretty happy. Everything looks great, my elbow ligaments are intact and it ended up spot on budget.

So, I don't think I need to draw the final line connecting the dots but your wife and your incessant need to make sure she's completely satisfied is the true source of your headaches and gin consumption. And the deer are fine. That's all in your head.
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
My process sucked, but nothing like that. We were between a new kitchen (blowing out the dining room to add to the space), a new house, or a possible vacation home. We chose the first, thinking we'd have cash left over. Six weeks turned into twelve, we had to do asbestos mitigation from an old linoleum floor because we couldn't get it level without tearing everything up, and the house was so lopsided that everything needed to be massively shimmed to avoid making it look like some surrealist painting. Of course, we did none of the work ourselves other than picking out materials, and used an experienced GC that we know and trust from past projects. Did it make things more expensive? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Even more absolutely. Had we not had a great GC I would have shot myself in about week 3.


Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
We did. It was about $250.
You did better than I did. With the money we expected to have left over, we had planned to put in propane for a generator, new cooktop and also to feed the gas grill. Five years out and we are still waiting for that...

Our kitchen renovation was combined with an addition and we called a few audibles along the way that increased the costs by tens of thousands of dollars. We remain extremely happy with each choice, but that wiped out the hope of having money to spare at the end.

We also had the very unfortunate and sad experience of having our construction manager suffer a stroke when the project was around 95% complete; pretty much all done except for the eat-in kitchen island around which the entire project had been planned, and of course the running punch list he and I had been compiling. The island was to be made of black walnut that he was to obtain, and the punch list was to be credited against the overage he was claiming on the job, largely due to a mistake he had made. He suffered the stroke the day before we were supposed to meet to resolve the rest and I don't believe he has ever gone home since. That meant that we had to negotiate the final payment with his wife and brother in law, who had nothing to go on except for his rough notes. It also meant that we had to find the black walnut and hire a contractor to fabricate and install the island, and find another contractor to complete the punch list.

We did it, but it was not easy. Still happy with the outcome at the end of the day, except for the stroke of course.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I went through Lowe's. I'm not married. I walked into Lowe's, went to the reno area and picked out flooring, counters, cabinets and appliances in less than 25 minutes. They said 4 weeks start to finish and it ended up being 6 weeks.

I'm sure your fancy sink and recessed lighting are nicer, but I'm pretty happy. Everything looks great, my elbow ligaments are intact and it ended up spot on budget.

So, I don't think I need to draw the final line connecting the dots but your wife and your incessant need to make sure she's completely satisfied is the true source of your headaches and gin consumption. And the deer are fine. That's all in your head.


If I wasn't married, I'd be living in a condo and buying a new one every four or five years when I got tired of it.

And I don't know how you can say that about the deer - they're barely acknowledging each other. Something happened. Something bad.
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction Score
Ok - none of this is a complaint. This is a cautionary tale for you to use whenever your significant other proposes a kitchen renovation. You can say, “well, I knew a guy who renovated his kitchen and he killed himself by jumping off his deck 187 times.”

This is really long. Print it out and keep it somewhere you can get to quickly. I recommend hiding it in your kitchen somewhere.

We hired a kitchen designer and we hired a cabinet designer. Don’t ask - I don’t know why.

The cabinet designer came over four times and produced a plan that you would have produced if you came over once and wrote “Install the same cabinets, but fancier” on a piece of paper. He was a wonderful gentleman, but we no longer speak.

The kitchen designer worked up a bunch of different paint colors, tile colors, cabinet colors, counter top colors. I found her helpful, but she picked out this one particular tile from this one particular store...it was an absolutely generic ceramic tile that you could have gotten close to for $2 a square foot at Home Depot. But at this dopey store, it was $6 a square foot. It’s a big kitchen....that crap adds up. I kept that to myself, but that will come back later.

She/we/not me picked out a countertop by CaesarStone. It was fine - I didn’t really care.

Now, we go back to cabinet guy. He has worked up a plan and a price. The price was stupid, but the cabinets were nice, so fine. We place the order. Couple of weeks later, we go back - we’re ordering the countertop from him, too.

While we’re there, he gives us some kind of printed update from the cabinet making peeps and I’m reading it because I just could not care less about whatever else is going on and I notice that the receipt he gave me did not match our plan. Cabinets were wrong, cabinets were duplicated, cabinets were omitted, they forgot the fancy-ass molding - the order was entirely botched.

We call a halt to the whole thing and someone is going to call us to straighten things out. They did call, but their efforts were really just to try to get me to accept most of what they got wrong. It was like a Honda Civic’s worth of “not what we wanted”, so I just told them to cancel the works. Cabinet guy is apologetic; we part as friends. Friends who will never speak again.

A friend of mine tells me that he knows a custom cabinet maker in Westchester who can help. We drive from the first cabinet place in northern Dutchess County down to southern Westchester. And then we go back the next day, too - the day after that, they come up and measure. We make a deal and the cabinets arrive eight weeks later. (They’re spectacular. Not without issue, as you will see, but they’re so well-made and somehow came out to be about 1/2 the cost of what we expected to pay.)

When the cabinets come in, I start taking down the old cabinets. We also had these dopey soffits that we hated - while I was taking them down, I tore a ligament in my elbow that will need to be repaired. I’ve broken ankles, feet, ribs and even a stress fracture in a hip - this is not the most painful thing, but it is tops for sheer annoyance. Picking anything up hurts. Shaking hands with people is agony. I see stars if I so much as rest it on the arm of a chair. I tried to fist bump a priest at my nephew’s confirmation because I couldn’t move my fingers that day.

In the middle there, without going into detail, we lose our kitchen designer. The poor woman had something so bad happen to her that no one in good conscience would ever think to bother her about something so stupid as a ceramic tile. So we set out on our own there.

My wife and I kind of bicker about the tile - I didn’t care about the color, but paying that much for a simple ceramic tile grated on me. Finally, I give up, I tell my wife to meet me at the tile store after work and we’ll place the order for that and for the CaesarStone counter. My wife gets to the tile store a half hour before I do....and no one helps her.

My wife is the nicest person in the world. But certain things bug her - if she’s in your store about to drop thousands of dollars on something, she expects someone to say hi in less than 30 minutes. By the time I get there, they could not have given her the tile for free - they were done for and the tile problem was solved.

We then drove to some hole in the wall tile place next to an OTB. The woman working there is from Yonkers - only thing you need to know about women from Yonkers is that they’re right and you’re wrong. She looked at our kitchen tile and countertop colors and she tells my wife, “You don’t want any of this.”

Over the next half hour, the woman throws out all of our plans. At some point, I started to make excuses as to why we had to leave because I was sure my wife was boiling inside. Nope, my wife loves this woman - an hour later, we walk out with an entirely different kitchen floor and the next day, she drives us down to this huge fab in Westchester where we pick out a completely different countertop. Woman was a genius.

Every thing is starting to come together after the fits and starts. I take the kitchen apart, redo the wiring, installed the recessed lighting and then have a plaster guy come in to do the Sheetrock, etc. (Quick note - if you’re doing recessed lighting, I cannot say enough good things about Halo - I’ve used the 5” cans and the 5” reno fixtures....really well-designed. Also, I give high marks to LeGrand’s Adorne switches and outlets - they’re a serious pain in the ass to find and they’re stupid expensive, but they’re really well-designed and look terrific. My wife saw the ones in the kitchen and forced me to swap out everything in the house.)

After agonizing over the appliances, we picked out what we wanted - my brother renovates houses in DC and he orders his appliances from US Appliance. They deliver quick, says he. We did save some money, but they most definitely did not deliver quick. They deliver quick when you live in metro DC....when you live in upstate NY, it is no so quick.

It took three weeks for them to put them on a truck. It took a week to get them from Michigan to New York and then it took two weeks for Fed Ex to put them on another truck to travel the last ten miles. They missed their promised delivery date by about three weeks; I was impressed at how little that bothered them. Buy from Best Buy or Lowes or Sears or Home Depot instead.

Now, all the appliances are in, floors are in, cabinets are in, plumbing has been moved, etc. Contractor comes up to install. He’s a friend of mine, so we’re working together. We set out all of the base cabinets and what we had really did not match the plan. After beating our heads against the wall, I call the cabinet guy and tell him that I think he screwed up - he says, ahhhh....I think you have the old plan.

Long story short, there were two plans. The working plan that we did with him and the actual plan that was generated when his guy came and took dimensions. An 18” base cabinet became a 12” base cabinet - no big deal but moving things six inches was not going to happen with the plumbing. So there’s a week delay.

Here’s where we screwed up....when that happened, we really should have set out the wall cabinets, too. That is what we should have done. What we did do was we went out and sat on the deck and drank beer.

So fast forward a week, we set the base cabinets, appliances, install the fancy-ass fake door stuff that I would never have brought, but my wife declared non-negotiable, etc. We have some carpenters helping us and one of them comes in and asks where two of the 36” wall cabinets were. We go out and look through a garage-ful of cabinets in boxes. Called the cabinet guy. He calls the trucking guy. Cabinet guy calls back and just says, hey, we just didn’t make those.

That was three weeks ago. They were supposed to be delivered last Thursday. Friday, at the latest. Monday, at the absolutely outside window. Definitely will not be later than Tuesday. Not sure what the timeline is now, but they ain’t here.

But at least the countertops were being installed today, so that we would basically have a functioning kitchen.

Countertop guys park in front of the house at 7 am and eat breakfast. Odd, but all right. At 8, they pull into the driveway. At 8:03, they pull out of the driveway and park about 100 yards down the road. They keep getting into and out of the truck. Obviously, there is some sort of calamity that they want to sort out somewhere that I’m not.

Eventually, they drive back, knock on the door and tell me that they cannot install the countertop. Who knows how, but the biggest piece cracked on the drive up. The fab shop calls me and asks if I can come down today and pick out a new slab and do the layout. I leave work early, drive to their place, spend about an hour trying to figure out how to lay out this new slab in such a way that it won’t piss off my wife. (I can’t call her or send pictures because she’s on the Cape with no power.)

Finally, it’s all decided. They’re really apologetic, etc.,etc. Can’t do enough for me....until I tell them that I’m going on vacation and I really need this done by the end of the week. (Because I am going on vacation and really need this done by the end of the week.) Somehow, with a straight face, the manager said, “But sir, that is not realistic....we are very busy, you know.”

I am not, by nature, a drinker. There hasn’t been one time in my life where I’ve gone to the refrigerator to get a beer or a drink unless we have people over. My wife hates when I buy beer because it stays in the fridge for years. Since this thing has started, I have ended nearly every day with some sort of drink, sitting on my deck staring at nothing. I now have six different kinds of gin in the freezer; I can make a gin and tonic about 14 different ways. There are three deer that frequent my yard - I have spent enough time staring at them that I actually told my wife tonight that I thought the middle one and the small one are not getting along right now.

You don’t want to end up like me. You don’t. Don’t renovate your kitchen. Buy a new house, find a new wife, whatever. Don’t.

I remodel kitchens for a living and my only advice is to try to stick to beer as long as the drinking is inevitable.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Update - never renovate a kitchen.

Buy a new house.
Doing it now. Realizing that my "yeah hon we can get it done in a month, six weeks tops" may have been a tad optimistic.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I went through Lowe's. I'm not married. I walked into Lowe's, went to the reno area and picked out flooring, counters, cabinets and appliances in less than 25 minutes. They said 4 weeks start to finish and it ended up being 6 weeks.

I'm sure your fancy sink and recessed lighting are nicer, but I'm pretty happy. Everything looks great, my elbow ligaments are intact and it ended up spot on budget.

So, I don't think I need to draw the final line connecting the dots but your wife and your incessant need to make sure she's completely satisfied is the true source of your headaches and gin consumption. And the deer are fine. That's all in your head.
I actually mentioned this to my wife. If we were to build it out with stock Lowe's cabinets and their contractors we are done in a month and at a fraction of the cost. Would it be as nice? Nope. Would some of the workmanship bother my OCD preference for precision workmanship? Probably. But on the other hand, I wouldn't be naming the deer in my backyard: "Sparky? Oh that's not Sparky. That's Trevor. Sparky has much more expressive eyes. He's such a jokster."

Life is trade offs. If having a stock kitchen means that you get to keep your sanity, it is a trade off that you ought to consider.

[Disclosure: We won't be going the Lowe's route, but the speed and simplicity is speaking to me right now.]
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Still buckin like five, deuce, four, trey.
Apr 13, 2018
Reaction Score
Sounds like it has been a nightmare for you. My wife and I redid our kitchen last year and had some headaches but nothing like what you have gone through. I still have extra cabinets in my basement since our cabinet guy who mismeasured our kitchen multiple times and I ended up with a bunch extra. He said he was going to buy them back, but then just kind of disappeared.


Somewhere around Barstow
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction Score
Ok - none of this is a complaint. This is a cautionary tale for you to use whenever your significant other proposes a kitchen renovation. You can say, “well, I knew a guy who renovated his kitchen and he killed himself by jumping off his deck 187 times.”

This is really long. Print it out and keep it somewhere you can get to quickly. I recommend hiding it in your kitchen somewhere.

We hired a kitchen designer and we hired a cabinet designer. Don’t ask - I don’t know why.

The cabinet designer came over four times and produced a plan that you would have produced if you came over once and wrote “Install the same cabinets, but fancier” on a piece of paper. He was a wonderful gentleman, but we no longer speak.

The kitchen designer worked up a bunch of different paint colors, tile colors, cabinet colors, counter top colors. I found her helpful, but she picked out this one particular tile from this one particular store...it was an absolutely generic ceramic tile that you could have gotten close to for $2 a square foot at Home Depot. But at this dopey store, it was $6 a square foot. It’s a big kitchen....that crap adds up. I kept that to myself, but that will come back later.

She/we/not me picked out a countertop by CaesarStone. It was fine - I didn’t really care.

Now, we go back to cabinet guy. He has worked up a plan and a price. The price was stupid, but the cabinets were nice, so fine. We place the order. Couple of weeks later, we go back - we’re ordering the countertop from him, too.

While we’re there, he gives us some kind of printed update from the cabinet making peeps and I’m reading it because I just could not care less about whatever else is going on and I notice that the receipt he gave me did not match our plan. Cabinets were wrong, cabinets were duplicated, cabinets were omitted, they forgot the fancy-ass molding - the order was entirely botched.

We call a halt to the whole thing and someone is going to call us to straighten things out. They did call, but their efforts were really just to try to get me to accept most of what they got wrong. It was like a Honda Civic’s worth of “not what we wanted”, so I just told them to cancel the works. Cabinet guy is apologetic; we part as friends. Friends who will never speak again.

A friend of mine tells me that he knows a custom cabinet maker in Westchester who can help. We drive from the first cabinet place in northern Dutchess County down to southern Westchester. And then we go back the next day, too - the day after that, they come up and measure. We make a deal and the cabinets arrive eight weeks later. (They’re spectacular. Not without issue, as you will see, but they’re so well-made and somehow came out to be about 1/2 the cost of what we expected to pay.)

When the cabinets come in, I start taking down the old cabinets. We also had these dopey soffits that we hated - while I was taking them down, I tore a ligament in my elbow that will need to be repaired. I’ve broken ankles, feet, ribs and even a stress fracture in a hip - this is not the most painful thing, but it is tops for sheer annoyance. Picking anything up hurts. Shaking hands with people is agony. I see stars if I so much as rest it on the arm of a chair. I tried to fist bump a priest at my nephew’s confirmation because I couldn’t move my fingers that day.

In the middle there, without going into detail, we lose our kitchen designer. The poor woman had something so bad happen to her that no one in good conscience would ever think to bother her about something so stupid as a ceramic tile. So we set out on our own there.

My wife and I kind of bicker about the tile - I didn’t care about the color, but paying that much for a simple ceramic tile grated on me. Finally, I give up, I tell my wife to meet me at the tile store after work and we’ll place the order for that and for the CaesarStone counter. My wife gets to the tile store a half hour before I do....and no one helps her.

My wife is the nicest person in the world. But certain things bug her - if she’s in your store about to drop thousands of dollars on something, she expects someone to say hi in less than 30 minutes. By the time I get there, they could not have given her the tile for free - they were done for and the tile problem was solved.

We then drove to some hole in the wall tile place next to an OTB. The woman working there is from Yonkers - only thing you need to know about women from Yonkers is that they’re right and you’re wrong. She looked at our kitchen tile and countertop colors and she tells my wife, “You don’t want any of this.”

Over the next half hour, the woman throws out all of our plans. At some point, I started to make excuses as to why we had to leave because I was sure my wife was boiling inside. Nope, my wife loves this woman - an hour later, we walk out with an entirely different kitchen floor and the next day, she drives us down to this huge fab in Westchester where we pick out a completely different countertop. Woman was a genius.

Every thing is starting to come together after the fits and starts. I take the kitchen apart, redo the wiring, installed the recessed lighting and then have a plaster guy come in to do the Sheetrock, etc. (Quick note - if you’re doing recessed lighting, I cannot say enough good things about Halo - I’ve used the 5” cans and the 5” reno fixtures....really well-designed. Also, I give high marks to LeGrand’s Adorne switches and outlets - they’re a serious pain in the ass to find and they’re stupid expensive, but they’re really well-designed and look terrific. My wife saw the ones in the kitchen and forced me to swap out everything in the house.)

After agonizing over the appliances, we picked out what we wanted - my brother renovates houses in DC and he orders his appliances from US Appliance. They deliver quick, says he. We did save some money, but they most definitely did not deliver quick. They deliver quick when you live in metro DC....when you live in upstate NY, it is no so quick.

It took three weeks for them to put them on a truck. It took a week to get them from Michigan to New York and then it took two weeks for Fed Ex to put them on another truck to travel the last ten miles. They missed their promised delivery date by about three weeks; I was impressed at how little that bothered them. Buy from Best Buy or Lowes or Sears or Home Depot instead.

Now, all the appliances are in, floors are in, cabinets are in, plumbing has been moved, etc. Contractor comes up to install. He’s a friend of mine, so we’re working together. We set out all of the base cabinets and what we had really did not match the plan. After beating our heads against the wall, I call the cabinet guy and tell him that I think he screwed up - he says, ahhhh....I think you have the old plan.

Long story short, there were two plans. The working plan that we did with him and the actual plan that was generated when his guy came and took dimensions. An 18” base cabinet became a 12” base cabinet - no big deal but moving things six inches was not going to happen with the plumbing. So there’s a week delay.

Here’s where we screwed up....when that happened, we really should have set out the wall cabinets, too. That is what we should have done. What we did do was we went out and sat on the deck and drank beer.

So fast forward a week, we set the base cabinets, appliances, install the fancy-ass fake door stuff that I would never have brought, but my wife declared non-negotiable, etc. We have some carpenters helping us and one of them comes in and asks where two of the 36” wall cabinets were. We go out and look through a garage-ful of cabinets in boxes. Called the cabinet guy. He calls the trucking guy. Cabinet guy calls back and just says, hey, we just didn’t make those.

That was three weeks ago. They were supposed to be delivered last Thursday. Friday, at the latest. Monday, at the absolutely outside window. Definitely will not be later than Tuesday. Not sure what the timeline is now, but they ain’t here.

But at least the countertops were being installed today, so that we would basically have a functioning kitchen.

Countertop guys park in front of the house at 7 am and eat breakfast. Odd, but all right. At 8, they pull into the driveway. At 8:03, they pull out of the driveway and park about 100 yards down the road. They keep getting into and out of the truck. Obviously, there is some sort of calamity that they want to sort out somewhere that I’m not.

Eventually, they drive back, knock on the door and tell me that they cannot install the countertop. Who knows how, but the biggest piece cracked on the drive up. The fab shop calls me and asks if I can come down today and pick out a new slab and do the layout. I leave work early, drive to their place, spend about an hour trying to figure out how to lay out this new slab in such a way that it won’t piss off my wife. (I can’t call her or send pictures because she’s on the Cape with no power.)

Finally, it’s all decided. They’re really apologetic, etc.,etc. Can’t do enough for me....until I tell them that I’m going on vacation and I really need this done by the end of the week. (Because I am going on vacation and really need this done by the end of the week.) Somehow, with a straight face, the manager said, “But sir, that is not realistic....we are very busy, you know.”

I am not, by nature, a drinker. There hasn’t been one time in my life where I’ve gone to the refrigerator to get a beer or a drink unless we have people over. My wife hates when I buy beer because it stays in the fridge for years. Since this thing has started, I have ended nearly every day with some sort of drink, sitting on my deck staring at nothing. I now have six different kinds of gin in the freezer; I can make a gin and tonic about 14 different ways. There are three deer that frequent my yard - I have spent enough time staring at them that I actually told my wife tonight that I thought the middle one and the small one are not getting along right now.

You don’t want to end up like me. You don’t. Don’t renovate your kitchen. Buy a new house, find a new wife, whatever. Don’t.
All I have to say is this went on for how long, 4-5 months? Our renovation (bathroom remodel) went on for 1 year+. We couldn't live there because there was no bathroom, and we spent $$$ on rentals etc. Then we had to fire the bahstahd (never hire the Swiss) and get a new contractor to finish up the other work. (Had to move out again for a month when the floors were refinished!) All in all 2+ years of contractors. Of course when the neighbors sold the downstairs place last year, we had to get the outside painted etc., too...

Oh and we had just bought the house in '16. I said, buy a house you can be happy with for at least a year. We were there 2 months before she demanded the renovation.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
All I have to say is this went on for how long, 4-5 months? Our renovation (bathroom remodel) went on for 1 year+. We couldn't live there because there was no bathroom, and we spent $$$ on rentals etc. Then we had to fire the bahstahd (never hire the Swiss) and get a new contractor to finish up the other work. (Had to move out again for a month when the floors were refinished!) All in all 2+ years of contractors. Of course when the neighbors sold the downstairs place last year, we had to get the outside painted etc., too...

Oh and we had just bought the house in '16. I said, buy a house you can be happy with for at least a year. We were there 2 months before she demanded the renovation.

I don’t know when the unofficial start was, but the official start, in my mind, was when I took down the old cabinets - so Easter weekend. I left the sink, stove and fridge in the old kitchen for a while, but they’ve been gone since sometime in May. The fridge is in the garage now,.

Our “kitchen”, where the occasional glass is washed, (we have not used a plate since the kitchen sink left), is the upstairs guest bathroom where my wife duct taped the toilet bowl closed and set up a series of basins in the tub for dishwashing.

I feel like I have made progress today, even though I really haven’t. The new, hopefully unbroken, counter tops are being cut. I still can’t find out where on this earth my wall cabinets are, but I’m used to that.


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Ok - none of this is a complaint. This is a cautionary tale for you to use whenever your significant other proposes a kitchen renovation. You can say, “well, I knew a guy who renovated his kitchen and he killed himself by jumping off his deck 187 times.”

This is really long. Print it out and keep it somewhere you can get to quickly. I recommend hiding it in your kitchen somewhere.

We hired a kitchen designer and we hired a cabinet designer. Don’t ask - I don’t know why.

The cabinet designer came over four times and produced a plan that you would have produced if you came over once and wrote “Install the same cabinets, but fancier” on a piece of paper. He was a wonderful gentleman, but we no longer speak.

The kitchen designer worked up a bunch of different paint colors, tile colors, cabinet colors, counter top colors. I found her helpful, but she picked out this one particular tile from this one particular store...it was an absolutely generic ceramic tile that you could have gotten close to for $2 a square foot at Home Depot. But at this dopey store, it was $6 a square foot. It’s a big kitchen....that crap adds up. I kept that to myself, but that will come back later.

She/we/not me picked out a countertop by CaesarStone. It was fine - I didn’t really care.

Now, we go back to cabinet guy. He has worked up a plan and a price. The price was stupid, but the cabinets were nice, so fine. We place the order. Couple of weeks later, we go back - we’re ordering the countertop from him, too.

While we’re there, he gives us some kind of printed update from the cabinet making peeps and I’m reading it because I just could not care less about whatever else is going on and I notice that the receipt he gave me did not match our plan. Cabinets were wrong, cabinets were duplicated, cabinets were omitted, they forgot the fancy-ass molding - the order was entirely botched.

We call a halt to the whole thing and someone is going to call us to straighten things out. They did call, but their efforts were really just to try to get me to accept most of what they got wrong. It was like a Honda Civic’s worth of “not what we wanted”, so I just told them to cancel the works. Cabinet guy is apologetic; we part as friends. Friends who will never speak again.

A friend of mine tells me that he knows a custom cabinet maker in Westchester who can help. We drive from the first cabinet place in northern Dutchess County down to southern Westchester. And then we go back the next day, too - the day after that, they come up and measure. We make a deal and the cabinets arrive eight weeks later. (They’re spectacular. Not without issue, as you will see, but they’re so well-made and somehow came out to be about 1/2 the cost of what we expected to pay.)

When the cabinets come in, I start taking down the old cabinets. We also had these dopey soffits that we hated - while I was taking them down, I tore a ligament in my elbow that will need to be repaired. I’ve broken ankles, feet, ribs and even a stress fracture in a hip - this is not the most painful thing, but it is tops for sheer annoyance. Picking anything up hurts. Shaking hands with people is agony. I see stars if I so much as rest it on the arm of a chair. I tried to fist bump a priest at my nephew’s confirmation because I couldn’t move my fingers that day.

In the middle there, without going into detail, we lose our kitchen designer. The poor woman had something so bad happen to her that no one in good conscience would ever think to bother her about something so stupid as a ceramic tile. So we set out on our own there.

My wife and I kind of bicker about the tile - I didn’t care about the color, but paying that much for a simple ceramic tile grated on me. Finally, I give up, I tell my wife to meet me at the tile store after work and we’ll place the order for that and for the CaesarStone counter. My wife gets to the tile store a half hour before I do....and no one helps her.

My wife is the nicest person in the world. But certain things bug her - if she’s in your store about to drop thousands of dollars on something, she expects someone to say hi in less than 30 minutes. By the time I get there, they could not have given her the tile for free - they were done for and the tile problem was solved.

We then drove to some hole in the wall tile place next to an OTB. The woman working there is from Yonkers - only thing you need to know about women from Yonkers is that they’re right and you’re wrong. She looked at our kitchen tile and countertop colors and she tells my wife, “You don’t want any of this.”

Over the next half hour, the woman throws out all of our plans. At some point, I started to make excuses as to why we had to leave because I was sure my wife was boiling inside. Nope, my wife loves this woman - an hour later, we walk out with an entirely different kitchen floor and the next day, she drives us down to this huge fab in Westchester where we pick out a completely different countertop. Woman was a genius.

Every thing is starting to come together after the fits and starts. I take the kitchen apart, redo the wiring, installed the recessed lighting and then have a plaster guy come in to do the Sheetrock, etc. (Quick note - if you’re doing recessed lighting, I cannot say enough good things about Halo - I’ve used the 5” cans and the 5” reno fixtures....really well-designed. Also, I give high marks to LeGrand’s Adorne switches and outlets - they’re a serious pain in the ass to find and they’re stupid expensive, but they’re really well-designed and look terrific. My wife saw the ones in the kitchen and forced me to swap out everything in the house.)

After agonizing over the appliances, we picked out what we wanted - my brother renovates houses in DC and he orders his appliances from US Appliance. They deliver quick, says he. We did save some money, but they most definitely did not deliver quick. They deliver quick when you live in metro DC....when you live in upstate NY, it is no so quick.

It took three weeks for them to put them on a truck. It took a week to get them from Michigan to New York and then it took two weeks for Fed Ex to put them on another truck to travel the last ten miles. They missed their promised delivery date by about three weeks; I was impressed at how little that bothered them. Buy from Best Buy or Lowes or Sears or Home Depot instead.

Now, all the appliances are in, floors are in, cabinets are in, plumbing has been moved, etc. Contractor comes up to install. He’s a friend of mine, so we’re working together. We set out all of the base cabinets and what we had really did not match the plan. After beating our heads against the wall, I call the cabinet guy and tell him that I think he screwed up - he says, ahhhh....I think you have the old plan.

Long story short, there were two plans. The working plan that we did with him and the actual plan that was generated when his guy came and took dimensions. An 18” base cabinet became a 12” base cabinet - no big deal but moving things six inches was not going to happen with the plumbing. So there’s a week delay.

Here’s where we screwed up....when that happened, we really should have set out the wall cabinets, too. That is what we should have done. What we did do was we went out and sat on the deck and drank beer.

So fast forward a week, we set the base cabinets, appliances, install the fancy-ass fake door stuff that I would never have brought, but my wife declared non-negotiable, etc. We have some carpenters helping us and one of them comes in and asks where two of the 36” wall cabinets were. We go out and look through a garage-ful of cabinets in boxes. Called the cabinet guy. He calls the trucking guy. Cabinet guy calls back and just says, hey, we just didn’t make those.

That was three weeks ago. They were supposed to be delivered last Thursday. Friday, at the latest. Monday, at the absolutely outside window. Definitely will not be later than Tuesday. Not sure what the timeline is now, but they ain’t here.

But at least the countertops were being installed today, so that we would basically have a functioning kitchen.

Countertop guys park in front of the house at 7 am and eat breakfast. Odd, but all right. At 8, they pull into the driveway. At 8:03, they pull out of the driveway and park about 100 yards down the road. They keep getting into and out of the truck. Obviously, there is some sort of calamity that they want to sort out somewhere that I’m not.

Eventually, they drive back, knock on the door and tell me that they cannot install the countertop. Who knows how, but the biggest piece cracked on the drive up. The fab shop calls me and asks if I can come down today and pick out a new slab and do the layout. I leave work early, drive to their place, spend about an hour trying to figure out how to lay out this new slab in such a way that it won’t piss off my wife. (I can’t call her or send pictures because she’s on the Cape with no power.)

Finally, it’s all decided. They’re really apologetic, etc.,etc. Can’t do enough for me....until I tell them that I’m going on vacation and I really need this done by the end of the week. (Because I am going on vacation and really need this done by the end of the week.) Somehow, with a straight face, the manager said, “But sir, that is not realistic....we are very busy, you know.”

I am not, by nature, a drinker. There hasn’t been one time in my life where I’ve gone to the refrigerator to get a beer or a drink unless we have people over. My wife hates when I buy beer because it stays in the fridge for years. Since this thing has started, I have ended nearly every day with some sort of drink, sitting on my deck staring at nothing. I now have six different kinds of gin in the freezer; I can make a gin and tonic about 14 different ways. There are three deer that frequent my yard - I have spent enough time staring at them that I actually told my wife tonight that I thought the middle one and the small one are not getting along right now.

You don’t want to end up like me. You don’t. Don’t renovate your kitchen. Buy a new house, find a new wife, whatever. Don’t.

I am at work. While reading this I let 5 phone calls to to VM. As I scrolled the text just kept coming up from the bottom. Sweet Jesus. Did you hunt and peck with that sore ligament?

My cousin married an excellent cabinet guy. He would have been the answer to your prayers. He never messes up.

I, too, love that Yonkers lady.

When the guy on phone told you about the two 36" cabs dis something near you get killed?

Enjoy vacation.

Note to self...being wealthy can't buy perfection.
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The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I don’t know when the unofficial start was, but the official start, in my mind, was when I took down the old cabinets - so Easter weekend. I left the sink, stove and fridge in the old kitchen for a while, but they’ve been gone since sometime in May. The fridge is in the garage now,.

Our “kitchen”, where the occasional glass is washed, (we have not used a plate since the kitchen sink left), is the upstairs guest bathroom where my wife duct taped the toilet bowl closed and set up a series of basins in the tub for dishwashing.

I feel like I have made progress today, even though I really haven’t. The new, hopefully unbroken, counter tops are being cut. I still can’t find out where on this earth my wall cabinets are, but I’m used to that.

Damn man. That sounds awful. I did a big kitchen renovation a few years back. Beyond that really, as we moved a laundry room upstairs, reconfigured the master bedroom including building a walk-in closet (to fit the new upstairs laundry) and then moved the bathroom where the laundry room was to expand the kitchen. Plus new hardwood, cabinets, counters, all that stuff.

I won't say it was easy, because living with no kitchen sucks. But it went smoothly. Two takeaways that don't seem to fit for you. (a) my wife was a project manager before becoming a "homemaker", which means she's still a kick-ass project manager and (b) we chose our general contractor carefully. He is a home-builder and let us handle several key aspects and remaining attentive to his subs. So we knew exactly what we wanted, they merely advised what was feasible or particularly costly, and we adjusted to that. Cabinet guy was fantastic, and we quickly learned that his custom cabinets were half what "semi-custom" big box store cabinets cost. We've hired him directly two times since then.

It can be done without impending divorce or financial ruination.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I actually mentioned this to my wife. If we were to build it out with stock Lowe's cabinets and their contractors we are done in a month and at a fraction of the cost. Would it be as nice? Nope. Would some of the workmanship bother my OCD preference for precision workmanship? Probably. But on the other hand, I wouldn't be naming the deer in my backyard: "Sparky? Oh that's not Sparky. That's Trevor. Sparky has much more expressive eyes. He's such a jokster."

Life is trade offs. If having a stock kitchen means that you get to keep your sanity, it is a trade off that you ought to consider.

[Disclosure: We won't be going the Lowe's route, but the speed and simplicity is speaking to me right now.]

My custom guy came in at half of similar quality cabinets at Lowes and did everything exactly on time. They are out there, but they aren't the people with flashy showrooms. This guy has no foot-traffic enabled storefront at all.

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