If Big time "college" football breaks from the NCAA, is it really college football anymore? Will players be beholden to APR requirements? If not, will it be worth it for these institutions to sponsor such non-curricular activities? Will it force the NFL to follow the NBA and provide a G League of sorts? If so, who gets the media money? 'Cause the networks have already demonstrated that there is not enough to go around.
If Herbst was correct about anything, it was that athletics are the front porch of an institution. State schools in SEC country need athletics to drive enrollment and maintain the façade of a worthwhile education, but without football and all else being equal, what is the appeal of the University of Alabama for a Texas kid that has how many other local options that are better or offer more prestige?
They already broke away , They negotiated a separate deal for the football playoffs with a forecasted worth of double the mens basketball tournament.
The difference is the current 60 P5 schools will share $1.8 billion $80% annually and the NCAA body gets zero .
That’s an approximately $30,000,000 per school annually in addition to their media deals.
The approximately
60 G5 schools plus the few Indies will share
unequally, about $200 million using a formula based on conference strength. Indies have always gotten a flat amount.
The only possible good news for BB only conferences is the current NCAA blanket deal covering multiple sports including women’s basketball, hockey ,and baseball is predicted to go from $36 million to $100 million annually putting those sports in the black for the first time.
The old rules agreed upon by colleges and even followed by some. ended with the NIL and free agent transfer rules
The role of the NCAA is now simply an organizational and distribution one.
If anyone needs to disengage from the NCAA is men’s basketball schools who gets screwed big time, sharing in less than 40% of what they earn. That can change to close to 80% simply by changing distribution methods
Even if the new Big East Contract is double and UConn football playoff share is doubled , with our football media deal we will be lucky to make $15 million annually while a school in the Big 12 will be making $60 million.
It’s obvious unless you’re in a p5 conference you better have a great. Organization or pick you battles carefully.