David Ubben @davidubben · 11m11 minutes ago
If Houston talks its way into Big 12, it'd be one of the biggest coups in CFB history. Gigantic, valuable move for them. Awful for league.
David Ubben @davidubben · 11m11 minutes ago
You're enabling a great, proud program to be even greater at the expense of your programs. UH gets better. Everyone in Big 12 gets worse.
Josh Reddoch @JoshReddoch · 16m16 minutes ago
@davidubben I don't understand this logic. How does OU, Texas, TCU get worse with Houston in the league?
Brian Banks @bbanks2121 · 15m15 minutes ago
@JoshReddoch Competition for recruits from the area.
Kevin Joyner@iagreewithkevin
@davidubben and almost 0 increase in TV appeal.
David Ubben @davidubben · 11m11 minutes ago
Not entirely sure that's true. Definitely seems like Big 12 impact in Houston has been hurt badly with A&M in SEC
David Ubben @davidubben · 9m9 minutes ago
UH has won at least eight games six times since 2006. Ten games twice. Thirteen games twice.
David Ubben@davidubben
Thought Big 12 admins were smart enough not to give a bazooka to a program recruiting with a pistol, but more I hear, I'm not sure anymore.
John Barako@VillefanJB
@davidubben Who are your choices? Seems like BYU would be good; #2 is harder to choose.
David Ubben @davidubben · 2m2 minutes ago
If it were up to me, BYU and Cincy are clear top two choices. But a lot of people around league like UConn/UH