Chuck Carlton @ChuckCarltonDMN · 14h14 hours ago
The air miles breakdowns to those seven Big 12 possibilities:
Houston 248
Memphis 431
Colo St 642
Cincinnati 812
UCF 984
BYU 989
UConn 1,470
jay kevin @jaykevin62 · 14h14 hours ago
@ChuckCarltonDMN starting from where?
Chuck Carlton @ChuckCarltonDMN · 13h13 hours ago
@themanbiff @jaykevin62 Those miles are from DFW. The website
Air Miles Calculator will also give you the flight duration.
Chuck Carlton @ChuckCarltonDMN · 14h14 hours ago
Of course, Commissioner Bob Bowlsby has repeatedly said he's more concerned with an electronic footprint than geographic one.
Brandon Helwig @UCFSports · 14h14 hours ago
@ChuckCarltonDMN Better gauge is which airports have decent nonstop flights from Big 12 cities for non-revenue sports travel.
Chuck Carlton@ChuckCarltonDMN
@UCFSports Good point but most are close enough to major airports that it's not a huge factor. But yes, a lot of direct flights to MCO.
Educate the Ignorant @UCF_Facts · 13h13 hours ago
@ChuckCarltonDMN I noticed it's not mileage to WV. Hmmmm. What's the air miles to WV again?
Chuck Carlton@ChuckCarltonDMN
@UCF_Facts WVU is in the league, although on an island. More interesting would be mileage from WVU to candidates as a travel partner/rival.
Educate the Ignorant @UCF_Facts · 13h13 hours ago
@ChuckCarltonDMN Correct. That's what I was really asking. Is it better for the B12 to go east or west and 3 time zones.
Chuck Carlton @ChuckCarltonDMN · 13h13 hours ago
@UCF_Facts Fair point. But as I tweeted a few minutes ago, Big 12 talking less geographic footprint than electronic footprint. So who knows?