Here's what makes no sense about the 'report' that Wolf hit the girl...
If Wolf really hit the girl, then where's the assault/battery charge!?
This is what irks me the most. If the girl said Wolf hit her, there'd be an assault or battery charge. He wasn't charged for it which makes me think either the 'report' that he hit the girl is a fabrication or that the police didn't believe her (again, a fabrication). Yet, it's hard to see the police simply ignoring the fact that if she stated he hit her. If anything, the police would air on the side of caution and charge him with assault/battery if she said anything about him hitting her.
I think the whole situation is skeptical. Honestly, there was probably only some minor physical contact (he could have reached for her and accidentally grabbed her hair, knocking off her glasses) . But, who knows. Both were drunk. He made a mistake, she overreacted. In the end, it resulted in an outcome that was probably not intended by either.
Wolf and her are still together. So if she's still with him after these 'reports' of him hitting her, she's either a moron or he didn't really hit her. I'm going with the latter since there's no charge for hitting her filed by the police.
In the end, I'm sure the school will make the right decision.