Amen. That class should have been removed and GPA's recalculated. Any games played with an ineligible student athlete are forfeited. Easy answer.
Exactly. They had Rashad McCants admitting the sham and the tutor Willmingham stating kids couldn’t read as well as many not attending even the fake classes or submitting any work and still getting grades to stay eligible.
Those admissions should have in the least made those players academically ineligible, impacted the GPA and resulted in disqualified games.
The NCAA doesn’t want to go that route for fear that a large number of it’s student athletes are not eligible. They are probably right. Given that the NCAA is university governance and extremely profitable there are two problems with looking the other way.
The first is blatant exploitation of kids for profits. The second is the APR. It has been exposed as a sham and those universities punished from it might have an opportunity to be compensated.
Senate hearing on UNC Scandal