For the life of me I don't understand how Chol Marial has not had a Ralph Sampson college career and impact. He was an elite ranked 7'+ player at Cheshire Academy about 10 years ago, and played in the 4 team televised tournament that gave me my first look at Hamidou Diallo, Wenyan Gabriel, Alpha Diallo, Jordan Nwora, and a bunch of others. Marial dominated at both ends blocking shots, running the floor, shooting from deep, rebounding, scoring around the basket. Since that game Alpha Diallo played a year at Brewster, 4 years at Providence, and now another season has passed. All the other guys are on to the NBA or elsewhere, and Marial is at Maryland in 2021, doesn't get on the court, and is transferring to spend another year at college, He'll still be at college 7 years after that tournament!! What in the world happened?