can't pass, no d, doesn't board, steal, or block, but has a nice shot against dorky high school kids. and where are his dunk clips? shortish, too. pass, hard pass. and if this guy is so special, why does his 'new recruit' you tube vids have like no views, hmmm?
and why is almost every recruit video here get almost universal 'ooohs and aahhhs' followed by 'must have, greatest ever?' u know who is/will be top notch and a force on the floor? mr flip.
now, back to fatts rocket, the greatest baller in the history of time. or not.
ya know what's impressive? diggins brain, hawkins nose for the bucket, and samson's, well samsonness. i compare the potential recruits to what our new guys bring, and mostly im not impressed. the last guy that i wanted, cj frederick, is now on kentucky.