It has to be time right?? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

It has to be time right??

Aug 26, 2011
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I can picture KO talking to the media at the end of the season, after 1/2 of the team decides not to return with him still saying "Vibes are still good. We have enough .... to field a team.... this is temporary ....".

"I want to make sure everyone has 10 toes in, those guys didnt and they are gone. We only want winners on this UConn squad"
Aug 28, 2011
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If not now, then when? Are we waiting for an 0-18 effort in AAC play one year?
Feb 7, 2012
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One would have to assume our recruits would not honor their commitment to UConn if Kevin goes, correct?
Correct, but there is not a guy in this class that should save KO his job.
Jan 9, 2016
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Correct, but there is not a guy in this class that should save KO his job.
If all of the first year players were to leave too would you feel the same way (hypothetically)?


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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A couple people here were able to raise something like $40k for a bypass machine in Calhoun’s. Most of this was from a few big donors. The rest was $10 and $20 donations.

Any idea that a $6 million buyout would be possible with a gofundme campaign is incredidibly unrealistic.

And incredibly stupid. There is a lot of good in this world 6 million dollars could do (and the bypass machine would be a smaller example of some excellence on the part of UConn fans) but raising 6 million dollars in a gofund me to buyout a coaching contract to fire them?

I love the Huskies as much as most, but jesus, its just sports, people. Nobody is going to die from us losing to Temple by 40.

If a deep pocket donor wants to pledge that, its one thing. But regular people digging into their pockets to get their coach fired is kind of sad to me. I mean it's your money you have a right to do whatever you want with it, of course, but Holy cow.


Name checks out.
Aug 26, 2011
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Do you really think it is a good idea to fire the key witness just before the Ncaa interviews with him and his staff? I am sure that will really motivate him to stick up for the university. And I understand that he needs to keep his name clear as well, but it's not like he is on the shortlist for another head-coaching job right away.
Aug 27, 2011
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I guess it was my way of saying that I don't think a mid-season fire would be well received within the coaching community. Especially in college, you typically give the coach until the end of the season. Factor in that KO was handpicked by JC and is an actual alum, I do think both the timing of this does how it actually is done needs to respected. Not that I even think it will happen, but if DB did fire KO this week, I do think other coaches would interpret it poorly. Again, just thinking out loud and trying to convince myself how a midseason firing could work to our advantage. Not sure it does, but last nights performance certainly warrants it.
Honestly I don’t see that being DB’s style...if there were ver a coach worthy of being fired in season that was Diaco....and he let him finish out his season then fired him only after he refused to meet criteria set by DB. IMHO if KO gets fired it will be because of a culmination of things not just one thing. He will finish out this season and DB will do exit interviews...this is when we as a fan base will see something either way.
Aug 28, 2011
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If all of the first year players were to leave too would you feel the same way (hypothetically)?

I would.

Does it matter at this point? This program is going nowhere under Ollie (except maybe further down). If those kids stay and even develop nicely they will still be stuck in KO's dreadful offensive system. If we have to sacrifice five 3-star recruits (Carlton, Polley, Whaley, Mathews, Kisunas) and the 90th ranked player in the country then so be it. Blow it all up. KO needs to go NOW if this program is going to have any long-term hope of being relevant.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Can you expound on this thought a bit? I see similar sentiment on this board a lot but have no idea what it means. What is the threshold where the program becomes permanently irrelevant (I think that's what you're saying, maybe not?).

Is it when we've been bad enough for so long that it's not surprising and people stop talking about how bad we are? We're obviously not relevant in the tourny convo this year but do you foresee a time when if UCONN is winning games no one is going to notice? Or are you saying that we're soon about to cross some threshold that if we do, we'll never be able to field a competitve team again?

Or are you saying people are literally going to forget UCONN won the national championship in 2011 and 2014 soon?

I think they already have.
Aug 28, 2011
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They haven't, because we keep getting the "ooooh look at how far UConn has fallen" thing every other day.
Aug 27, 2011
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I really people overthink the players leaving if KO gets fired. Guys will have to sit out a year, so I don't see them all immediately jumping out the door when (if) KO gets fired.

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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If you asked me in October what the worst case scenario would be for this season, this is pretty much it.

What fans of the men's program remain need some reason to look to the future with some hope. The Kevin Ollie era started with the highest of highs, but it's been a complete disaster ever since. I tried to see the bright side for three years now. I've lost the will to keep forgiving. A new direction is about all that's left to keep me coming back.

Let KO finish the season. Not like there's anything to salvage in 2018 anyway. I'll watch the games because there are players I care about... I want them to know beyond a shadow of a doubt their efforts are appreciated and valued.

But next year there needs to be a new coach and new hope.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Can you expound on this thought a bit? I see similar sentiment on this board a lot but have no idea what it means. What is the threshold where the program becomes permanently irrelevant (I think that's what you're saying, maybe not?).

Is it when we've been bad enough for so long that it's not surprising and people stop talking about how bad we are? We're obviously not relevant in the tourny convo this year but do you foresee a time when if UCONN is winning games no one is going to notice? Or are you saying that we're soon about to cross some threshold that if we do, we'll never be able to field a competitve team again?

Or are you saying people are literally going to forget UCONN won the national championship in 2011 and 2014 soon?
1000% agreed
Who has won the most NC in last 25 years?
The events are too recent
It's not like Cinci that hasn't done crap since the 1950's/60's or Cuse with 1
Aug 2, 2016
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While I do agree with this, I am convincing myself that a mid season fire could actually be constructive. There are two things DB needs to consider. First, and why I would actually be shocked of a midseason fire, is the repercussions it would have within the coaching fraternity. Would a good coach really want to come here after DB does KO this dirty? I doubt it. However, the second issue(this is what I am trying to convince myself) is how can DB preserve the UConn brand. UConn could survive a few years of mediocrity, but its the erosion of the UConn brand that concerns me. Has KO destroyed that? Most on here, will say no. I am not as sure. So the question remains, is there a better way to preserve the brand other than admitting that this staff is doing such a poor job representing the brand, that we can't wait until the end of the year? This may have merit. The brand is bigger than anyone. I don't know, just trying to convince myself of that.

Exactly. He's an alumnus, by all accounts a good person, won a national championship. In addition, it's not like we have a Roy Williams in waiting on the bench. The team is what it is with this current coaching staff and nothing will change that and you want to show KO the door with some respect.

The brand is fine. NC State got tarred and feathered pretty good last year. They hire Kevin Keatts from UNC - Wilmington and now playing solid basketball and beat UNC recently. They were #109 on KenPom last year; now they are #65. Respectability restored.

Basketball isn't football -- the rebuilds are shorter, cultural changes happen more rapidly, less good players are necessary to turn a ship around. UConn has great facilities, the fanbase hungry for quality basketball, the history/tradition, and is in one of the best recruiting areas for CBB aided by our continual ability to turn out at MSG despite poor play the last couple years. Any coach coming in has access to the entire northeast including Boston, New York, and New Jersey that always turn out top 50 and 100 recruits. Top that off with we play very competitive non-conference schedules and our conference has gotten better despite KO's inability to field consistently competitive teams.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I would.

Does it matter at this point? This program is going nowhere under Ollie (except maybe further down). If those kids stay and even develop nicely they will still be stuck in KO's dreadful offensive system. If we have to sacrifice five 3-star recruits (Carlton, Polley, Whaley, Mathews, Kisunas) and the 90th ranked player in the country then so be it. Blow it all up. KO needs to go NOW if this program is going to have any long-term hope of being relevant.

It won't happen and I disagree totally with your stance
If he goes after the season, fine, but not now
Too many variables that could be very negative - much worse that a loss to Temple - would come out of a in-season firing, plus right now there is no "just cause" which would then cost tons of money.
An amiable and reasonable departure would cost much less
KO bleeds Husky blue and is a stand-up guy - he won't leave kicking his feet and crying
He'll leave that to the many posters here
Sep 6, 2011
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Why would Hurley even think about coming to UConn with NCAA around asking questions?

Presumably UConn knows the extent of the investigation, although we do not. UConn can tell Hurley the extent.

If it is not much, then there shouldn't be a problem for Hurley. He can be the savior and get a nice pay bump, which is a nice role to position yourself in. If it's serious, he doesn't come here, obviously.

It'll be very hard for Ollie to undo the stink he's put on UConn, but much easier for an outsider.
Aug 27, 2011
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Presumably UConn knows the extent of the investigation, although we do not. UConn can tell Hurley the extent.

If it is not much, then there shouldn't be a problem for Hurley. He can be the savior and get a nice pay bump, which is a nice role to position yourself in. If it's serious, he doesn't come here, obviously.

It'll be very hard for Ollie to undo the stink he's put on UConn, but much easier for an outsider.
There is no way Ollie can turn this thing a fan base we have been waiting for this the past few seasons and things have gotten worse. I’m just amazed that as bad as things are the NCAA is here investigating this program! The one thing UConn mbb has going formit with Hurley is that Tom Moore is a member of his staff. I’m sure that Moore can basically clue Hurley in on all that UConn has to offer and then some.
Jan 5, 2013
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1000% agreed
Who has won the most NC in last 25 years?
The events are too recent
It's not like Cinci that hasn't done crap since the 1950's/60's or Cuse with 1
I think the fear is that UConn is on its way to Cincy status when it looked like it was on the cusp of Indiana status (a blue blood even after all that has happened for decades). Part of the difference is cultural (IU can pull 15,000 fans even in the second of back-to-back losing seasons) which means we pay attention even when our collective memory is hazy on what Knight did besides choke a student. UConn is not Cincy yet, but yet is the operative word.
Feb 7, 2012
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If all of the first year players were to leave too would you feel the same way (hypothetically)?
Yep. A complete rebuild is just that. We can't concern ourselves with whats left.
Dec 29, 2011
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Presumably UConn knows the extent of the investigation, although we do not. UConn can tell Hurley the extent.

If it is not much, then there shouldn't be a problem for Hurley. He can be the savior and get a nice pay bump, which is a nice role to position yourself in. If it's serious, he doesn't come here, obviously.

It'll be very hard for Ollie to undo the stink he's put on UConn, but much easier for an outsider.
Will be interesting if UCONN considers a postseason ban for this year. If they don't, it may speak to the fact that they think is nothing or very minor (i.e. a scholarship loss).
May 2, 2015
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Why does everyone think Hurley would even come here ? Because they think he would get us back quickly? Has there been even the slightest hint Hurley would even consider UCONN?

Or is this just everyone wishing for one guy they think is the next coming of Dean Smith but has not done anything to show he can be a coach of a national powerhouse?

After 3 years and we are under .500 who you going to demand we replace him with ??

First thing Hurley is not coming here...

Second of all. this is going to be the best season out of the next 3. You think our team is bad? wait till they all transfer and we have to restock in April like last year...
Nov 18, 2014
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Why does everyone think Hurley would even come here ? Because they think he would get us back quickly? Has there been even the slightest hint Hurley would even consider UCONN?

Or is this just everyone wishing for one guy they think is the next coming of Dean Smith but has not done anything to show he can be a coach of a national powerhouse?

After 3 years and we are under .500 who you going to demand we replace him with ??

First thing Hurley is not coming here...

Second of all. this is going to be the best season out of the next 3. You think our team is bad? wait till they all transfer and we have to restock in April like last year...
So you know Hurley personally and he told you that? Yeah, I didn't think so.

And to the guy that said 2.2M wouldn't be enough, how many coaches in his situation would be making more? 2.2M is enough and there won't be "fierce" competition for him from better programs for exactly the reason stairmaster has been harping on. He has not done enough for anyone to know he is a sure thing. He has promise and 2.2M from a program like UConn is enough to land a "coach with promise."

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