Been to Lexington many times as a kid. The tech company my father worked for had offices in Greenwich but was headquartered in Lexington. So in the summers when he made long business trips there, I'd go. To say the city only exists b/c of UK is just ignorant. The basketball team is obviously the biggest show in town but not the end all be all of Lexington. History lesson: since you're probably 16 years old (or just a dummy) and never heard of IBM. I assure you it's a very large and important company that once had factories and offices in Lexington. This brought great prosperity to the city while also attracting other tech companies. Today Lexington completely dwarfs a city, like say, Hartford. Not only is it way bigger but about 1000 times more fun.
I just think people are completely over thinking the "intimacy" quote. I believe these visits are less about the coaching philosophies and more about having a good time and making friends. I'd say UCONN is perfectly described as intimate. Storrs only exists b/c of UCONN. Everyone is there b/c of UCONN. A student athlete can go to Storrs and concentrate solely on school and athletics (and girls). Lexington is a CITY with HUGE businesses, museums, night clubs, 5 star restaurants, concerts, theatre, etc. I guarantee you his night out in Lexington was the polar opposite of his night out in Storrs.