Howard Gardner's landmark book on multiple intelligences that allowed us to see that there are many ways to measure "intelligence" besides the traditional IQ way. Kinesthetic (what I've been calling for short kinetic) intelligence wasn't part of his original theory. But he revised his book after seeing Michael Jordan, because he realized that he missed that one!
The Wikipedia article defines it: "a sense of timing, a clear sense of the goal of a physical action, along with the ability to train responses."
Theory of multiple intelligences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
we'd say "court sense". I think in any fast moving, continuous action game (basketball, soccer, lacrosse etc) we all get a feeling that some players really "get it"--how they envision at some subconscious level how all the parts on the field/court are unfolding and in what way their own physical skills can be used to maximum advantage at that precise moment. Like an artist, faced with a blank canvas, can suddenly paint a picture almost from the subconscious.