Is there a feud between the B1G and ACC? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Is there a feud between the B1G and ACC?

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Nov 10, 2014
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I remember when winning national championships was what athletic department was all about...

Then came conference the success of program
/conference is measured in dollars. ...winning has less to do with it
Aug 26, 2011
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I wondered about Notre Dame and their ACC deal until I read a comment from their AD about feeling comfortable with the private school makeup in the ACC...I was astounded to hear that the ACC had more private universities than all of the other four P5 conferences together. It is tough for a private school to compete long term in football with a large public university. Miami, because of recruiting area, may be an exception but then again, Miami has never played in a ACC conference championship game.

No matter what conference you play in, you need games that people watch. No one wants to watch Wake vs Pitt or Indiana vs Rutgers. Networks want big match ups that turn the dial. BC vs FSU or Notre Dame does fine...but BC vs Cuse or Wake or Virginia does not.

There is less opportunity to have those big match up games when you have teams ranked outside the top 50 playing each other in division...

They also had an administration that didn't seem to care. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore with Shalala gone. If Miami is serious about things, it goes a long way towards helping that conference out.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Winning means jack these days.

The AAC has won a men's hoop title, two NYE bowls and whatever else - no one cares. We have a trophy case full of national championships in four or five sports - far more than any of you visiting nitwits can ever hope to claim. No one cares. And no one cares what the ACC has won.

Money is king. The Big Ten and SEC will be making 2.5x what everyone else is making by the mid-20's.

They will do what they want with you, your schools and your conferences. Pointing to some abstract ESPN rating (over and over and over) or a new school president like it actually means anything is foolish. You're frightened that your school will be marginalized. It will - you'll learn to live with it.

Big money train left without most of us. So be it.
Aug 13, 2013
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LOL....that sounds so Dudish it is eerie. The kooks have set the narrative..who'd have thunk it?

Me? I think there is the same chance for FSU to be marginilized as there is for Michigan.

Now...Wake and Iowa State type programs? Could be.
Nov 10, 2014
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Ummm, FSU won't be marginalized, they will be playing in the SEC (or maybe even the Big12 if it gets a network). The Big10 and SEC are making way more than anyone else. One can argue FSU should be content with the huge amount of money they are generating between the ACC payout and their direct merchandising but why would they accept $20 million from the ACC when the SEC will play them $40 million. FSU's direct marketing remains the same regardless of what conference they are in.

Michigan is an anchor team in a winning conference (the Big10). Michigan will never leave the Big10 and why would they? FSU is a team, like Oklahoma. who is an anchor caliber team but is in a losing conference. The ACC can either figure out how to generate Big10/SEC type money or their desirable teams will move to higher paying conferences like the Big10/SEC.

GORs don't last forever and when they expire the ACC teams that can make more money will leave. The ACC is a winner on the playing field but a loser in the business arena. The ACC better gets its act together before their GORs expire or they won't be renewed.
Nov 10, 2014
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Yeah I've heard of "the unwritten SEC rule" no 2 teams in the same state (exceptions being Alabama and Mississippi) but if conference realignment has taught me anything it is money trumps all.

FSU is money maker and would earn its share + in any conference it joins. My guess is there are very few conferences who would not want to add FSU. SEC rules are great but the trump rule is cash is king.

The only question would be whether FSU would pay dividends for the SEC since UF is already selling the SEC network in a lot of Florida. What UF wants is less important than the pay out...

FSU would probably prefer to stay in the ACC but if the ACC is $25 million lower than the other conferences...well, see the trump rule above.


Mar 30, 2012
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SEC would probably like to finish at 16 teams with a presence in NC and Va; alternatively, ESPN has probably asked them to keep space open to take top B12 schools (OU and KU?) and keep them in the ESPN family / out of the B1G or Pac if B12 blows up.

Hard to see a scenario where ESPN and SEC relationship is intact and SEC takes FSU. FSU's loss would greatly weaken ACC while not doing much to help SEC. ESPN might not mind NC State and Va Tech going to SEC, since they have those states covered with UVa/UNC/Duke/Wake; and SEC would likely prefer those two to FSU given its network model.
Aug 13, 2013
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The thing is...Florida, Alabama, Auburn, Ohio State, Michigan, Texas, Oklahoma, etc...have athletic departments that have been making $30 million per year more than FSU for some years...
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Aug 13, 2013
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LOL... Michigan and FSU aren't on the same side of the board in NCAA Monopoly.

(just messin' with ya)

True...FSU won two National championships since Michigan won a split decision NC with Nebraska.

No team has won more games the last 32 seasons (my son was born in September 1984)...and only one team (Auburn, very slightly) over that time had opponents with a better winning record. No team had a higher scoring margin over that time.

FSU has not had a losing season nor missed a bowl in that time. Michigan may play monopoly but FSU plays football.

(just messing with can have the Top Hat)
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Nov 10, 2014
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I agree with your ESPN assessment of FSU. The ACC is currently a bargain for ESPN and the are paying far less for the ACC than what the SEC or Big10 Schools are getting. See link below

No question ESPN wants to continue to underpay the ACC and wants the ACC to remain strong (which means keeping FSU.) However, within the ACC not all teams are created equal and FSU has disproportionate leverage and prestige.

If I am FSU I am reading the below link and asking why are we not getting this type money? So either FSU will move to a conference who will pay them market value or the ACC will need to pay FSU more than an ACC average share. The only other option is for the ACC to get it act together and starts earning SEC/Big10 money but that is a bridge too far for Swofford.
Aug 13, 2013
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If you look at the top 7 SEC programs in'll see that TV money is at 40% or less of total athletic revenue.

The SEC programs could have a $20 million payout and still be rolling in the dough.
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Aug 13, 2013
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In 1991, I was lucky enough to travel to Michigan's Big House for the FSU-Michigan game. I was in awe of the 102,000 seat capacity stadium. FSU's 1991 capacity was a little over 60,000.

Michigan went undefeated in the Big Ten that year (Champs) and had a good did we. Wide right at Miami killed us.

It was a good game for us....but before I traveled to Ohio State and Michigan...I had not been in stadiums seating 100,000. It was really an eye opener coming from the erector set....

The older traditional programs like Bama, Oklahoma, Texas, Michigan, Ohio State, Florida...will probably always have an up on a program that is younger than I am.

Older, established alumni families, more donations, boosters, etc. However, FSU will slowly get closer over time...last month the school announced a $100 million gift. That has always been the area for the "old money" colleges.
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Aug 27, 2011
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If you look at the top 7 SEC programs in'll see that TV money is at 40% or even less of total athletic revenue.

The SEC programs could have a $20 million payout and still be rolling in the dough.
The SEC only sponsors 9 men's sports and 12 women's sports. There are only 11 sports total that all 14 schools compete in. It's easy to see why those schools spend so much money on football. They don't have as many hands taking $ out of the bank account.
Aug 2, 2013
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In 1991, I was lucky enough to travel to Michigan's Big House for the FSU-Michigan game. I was in awe of the 102,000 seat capacity stadium. FSU's 1991 capacity was a little over 60,000.

Michigan went undefeated in the Big Ten that year (Champs) and had a good did we. Wide right at Miami killed us.

It was a good game for us....but before I traveled to Ohio State and Michigan...I had not been in stadiums seating 100,000. It was really an eye opener coming from the erector set....

The older traditional programs like Bama, Oklahoma, Texas, Michigan, Ohio State, Florida...will probably always have an up on a program that is younger than I am.

Older, established alumni families, more donations, boosters, etc. However, FSU will slowly get closer over time...last month the school announced a $100 million gift. That has always been the area for the "old money" colleges.

What does this have to do with UConn? Isn't there an FSU or ACC message board that you can post on?
Aug 13, 2013
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Well others bring up the ACC and I discuss it from my unique perspective...and just perhaps UConn might have some kinship with a 1977 era FSU....kicking and fighting for recognition while coming off of 1-10, 3-8, and 5-6 seasons.

UConn aspires to join the big boys and so did FSU.

Besides. the demise of the ACC seems to be a reoccurring topic here and on Big 12 boards...and not on ACC boards...It is a UConn CR board thing.
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Nov 10, 2014
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The worst case scenario for UConn is the P5 conferences remain status quo. The primary factor that drove the last few stages of conference realignment, money, remains the driving force and income disparity could trigger a defection. An ACC or Big12 defection only can help UConn's situation...c'mon we are in the AAC, it is not a far fall from the bottom rung of the ladder.

There is a reason no team is looking to leave the Big10 or SEC. It is because they are financially winning conferences. The ACC and Big 12 made dumb financial choices and they are at risk of being raided.

Personally I dislike FSU. I blame them in large part for UConn not being in the ACC. FSU voted against us and they likely disproportionately influenced other ACC teams when they threatened to leave if the ACC did not take Louisville. That said, I can separate the personal from the professional and IMO FSU is a valuable program that could trigger a new era of realignment.

No matter how much money I make if a new job offers me another $20 million I am probably going to take it. At some point someone will offer FSU a raise. When that on for UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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True...FSU won two National championships since Michigan won a split decision NC with Nebraska.
Well, this isn't really what it's about, though. Michigan as an AD is on a different plane than FSU, UConn, and almost all other departments out there. A few football NCs doesn't change that.
Aug 27, 2011
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Well, this isn't really what it's about, though. Michigan as an AD is on a different plane than FSU, UConn, and almost all other departments out there. A few football NCs doesn't change that.
Almost like a Fortune 500 Blue Chip vs a company doing a IPO


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Well others bring up the ACC and I discuss it from my unique perspective...and just perhaps UConn might have some kinship with a 1977 era FSU....kicking and fighting for recognition while coming off of 1-10, 3-8, and 5-6 seasons.

UConn aspires to join the big boys and so did FSU.

Besides. the demise of the ACC seems to be a reoccurring topic here and on Big 12 boards...and not on ACC boards...It is a UConn CR board thing.
Mmm. WVU loves to talk about the demise of the ACC. I don't see that here much, if at all. What I do see is the comment that the ACC and Big 12 are the two weak sisters of the P5. They are.

Since the P4 seems inevitable, only one of them will survive. Right now it seems to me that the ACC is likely to be the survivor, but it is close enough that the UConn to the Big 12 could be enough to flip that result.
Aug 13, 2013
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If it does go to a P4 (and the champs play in a play off)...the Irish will finally have to go somewhere.

And, since the P4 Champs will already have survived a 16 team conference championship game, I could see a weaning of the non P4 from the playoff.
Aug 26, 2011
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If it does go to a P4 (and the champs play in a play off)...the Irish will finally have to go somewhere.

And, since the P4 Champs will already have survived a 16 team conference championship game, I could see a weaning of the non P4 from the playoff.
That's just the sort of thinking that would ultimately minimize college football's appeal. You have to have potential upsets.

They should be generating interest by having every conference get a team in, and fill out to 16. Mirror the NCAAs. They're be a ton of interest, and you'd get some legendary upsets every now and then.

If they took top 16 (using CFP rankings for those in it), it would have looked like this:

Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 8.08.11 AM.png

If they just took two at large schools, based off CFP, you lose Notre Dame, Florida State, TCU, and Ohio State, and give the top four seeds a bye. There'd also probably be rules about what seeds can be to keep conferences apart and avoid rematches.

Regardless, that keeps everyone in the country involved, not just alums of those P5 schools that have won in the past.
Aug 26, 2011
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A day may come when we begin discussing reduced payouts or contraction. If the money reaches a ceiling or becomes less, will schools such as FSU support equal payments for Wake, etc.

As we all know too well, money and greed can make for interesting scenarios. We may see this soon in the B12 if the league agrees to give Texas more money per year to support a B12N.
Aug 27, 2011
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A day may come when we begin discussing reduced payouts or contraction. If the money reaches a ceiling or becomes less, will schools such as FSU support equal payments for Wake, etc.

As we all know too well, money and greed can make for interesting scenarios. We may see this soon in the B12 if the league agrees to give Texas more money per year to support a B12N.
If you are talking ACC contraction without a network...with the performance of their teams on the football field and basketball court BC has to be in the immediate discussion to be one of the schools sent on their way.
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