Is Joe Williams still suspended? | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Is Joe Williams still suspended?

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Aug 26, 2011
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Should an academic scholarship student under investigation, or charged with a crime and going through court proceedings be prevented from going to classes?

A good friend of mine back in the day got kicked off campus for having a keg in his dorm room and was charged with some kind of crimeby the UConn cops for serving alcohol to minors, that was eventually dropped. Should he have been prevented from going to classes as it was played out?

(I am posing questions for thought only. The point is that there needs to be some common sense, and proportionality to disciplinary actions.) I honestly have no idea what Williams situation is. I'm sure it's not something that a little investigative reporting wouldn't be able to uncover.
The court of public opinion should be just that, OPINION!
Social media has made innocent until proven guilty null and void.
How can people read a news report and make an assumption of guilt or innocence.
Much less punish an individual before due process has even started.
That's really "WING"ing it!
Aug 26, 2011
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Quick question is Joe Williams suspended from practice as well? From what we heard about the reasons he did not play much last year, unless things have changed and as long as he is still practicing this suspension might not be as bad as it appears. I mean if he isn't going to play anyway it wouldn't really matter if he is suspended or not.

In addition this could be seen as a second strike for Joe. The first being him not learning playbook or getting the job done in practice last year. The police don't have to be involved for a player to be in trouble with the coaching staff.
Aug 30, 2011
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I don't understand your point here? McCombs also spit on his girlfriend. The decision to sit him for a quarter was a disgrace.

Sorry, It was a little long. The point is that each of these types of situations require time to play out. We outsiders typically don't get the info necessary to form an opinion and terms like "domestic battery," "harassment," and, lately, "bullying" are thrown around by the media and Law Enforcement without regard to the perception they create. I guess the point is Remember Duke Lacrosse.
Aug 28, 2011
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Should an academic scholarship student under investigation, or charged with a crime and going through court proceedings be prevented from going to classes?

A good friend of mine back in the day got kicked off campus for having a keg in his dorm room and was charged with some kind of crimeby the UConn cops for serving alcohol to minors, that was eventually dropped. Should he have been prevented from going to classes as it was played out?

(I am posing questions for thought only. The point is that there needs to be some common sense, and proportionality to disciplinary actions.) I honestly have no idea what Williams situation is. I'm sure it's not something that a little investigative reporting wouldn't be able to uncover.

Neither of those have anything to do with your last point that scholarship athletes should be treated different than non-scholarship athletes, only because they are scholarship athletes.

That first question is so stupid for a multitude of reasons that aren't worth my time getting into. I don't know why you think it's thought provoking, it's not.

Put simply, you don't need to be an athlete to be a student at a university; however, you do need to be a student to be an athlete at a university. Not surprisingly, you don't need to live on campus to remain a student.

Take away the ability to go to class and you might as well just expel the student.

Of course there should be some common sense. I hope there's more to the story, because if all he did was charge up less than $200 on a stolen credit card, he should be back playing by now.
Aug 28, 2011
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Sorry, It was a little long. The point is that each of these types of situations require time to play out. We outsiders typically don't get the info necessary to form an opinion and terms like "domestic battery," "harassment," and, lately, "bullying" are thrown around by the media and Law Enforcement without regard to the perception they create. I guess the point is Remember Duke Lacrosse.

If McCombs is worried about his reputation he should keep his name out of the papers for anything that doesn't involve success on the field or in the classroom. If you think I'm the one tarnishing his reputation you're being naive.
Aug 28, 2011
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Joe stole a credit card, made a purchase and had it delivered to his house.

You gotta be pretty dumb to do that, sorry Joe, so maybe its best he doesn't play.
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