Best post you ever made.
I'll add to your reasons the following two:
1. The economy is dog crap and getting worse and, while the employment numbers appear sanguine, the truth is that most jobs out there pay crap and people are having a harder time making ends meet than at any time since I've been aware (about 40 years).
2. The right-of-passage of middle American kids going to college is dying an overdue death. A proportion of kids who go to college don't need college and won't use most of what they learn in college when they get a job. The concept of going to college to get a 4 year liberal arts degree is, appropriately, going the way of the buggy whip. A 24 year old kid I know well went to college for 1 year and didn't do much other than party and get bad grades. After a few years of working 8$ an hour jobs, he took a 3 month crash course in javascript/programming. 6 days a week, 11 hours a day, for 3 months. Got his certification. Withing 3 months, got a job making 30$ an hour. Nothing but upside potential, set for life programming.
That's the future. With the internet and technology, the concept that you have to travel to a brick and mortar institution and have a particular individual teach you BS and BA type stuff is outdated.
The value of a BA/BS for many students at this point is that it shows you toughed out a 4 year college degree and the HS grad applying did not. Ironically, it also means you probably have a lot of debt that you need to repay, so you'll value the job more. When these stupidly expensive, middle of the road schools start contracting and closing - and they should - it will be a good thing. College is big business, and their product is becoming, in part, obsolete. Sign of the times.