I've been strongly on the "take it easy" train going back for some time. Yes, much of the board, including me, reacts to the good and the bad. Yes, much of the reactions are overreactions.
The only issue I have with your post is that this loss kinda makes things different because, unlike the loss to MSU, this loss felt just like last year. Which is setting off many alarm bells in my head.
It was supposed to be different this year. Today felt awfully the same.
So. We'll see. I totally respect your thoughts on this, and my heart is with you in believing that this storm will pass and halcyon days are ahead.
My brain, however, has battened down all of the hatches, stowed the sails, put on a life jacket, and woken up the captain, o captain, because it believes that we're heading into a Clooney-esque storm and the potential for disaster is acute.