Vital is a vital part of team chemistry and team toughness. We need toughness and swagger and tenacity on the perimeter and we will have it with Adams and Vital. Terry, Vance, Alterique, MAL, Durham, Enoch are all softspoken guys who lack the conviction that guys like Vital/Adams have naturally. With Alterique we lost to Wagner and Northeastern and got lucky to beat Loyola Marymount thanks in large part to Christian Vital late in the second half.
Vital is a better shooter, better defender, and brings more intangibles to the court. Forget the rankings, Vital right now is better than MAL and Gilbert and has better chemistry with Jalen and the team. Vital knows his role while MAL and Gilbert will try to take the reigns from Adams so to speak. CV knows what is needed from him and how to play off of Jalen.