Hurley vs. fans | Page 7 | The Boneyard

Hurley vs. fans

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The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Hurley needs to be more professional in that situation. He's a highly compensated public figure. And executive representing the University. Doesn't matter what the fans say, he is paid to handle it professionally. Sarcasm works better "thanks, love you too".

As for his game coaching and roster's a good thing he's a great recruiter and motivator.
Dec 8, 2015
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Actually, I do. It’s easy to scream and yell from across a wide expanse. It’s much harder to do close up.

But I could be wrong. Some people can discuss things civilly and and unemotionally, and other people devolve to ad hominem attacks. We see that all to frequently right here on The Boneyard. It usually is a pretty clear sign they are either uncomfortable with the position they have taken, or are just insecure about themselves.

When someone is screaming at you from a distance and you say "come here and say it to my face like a man"... you are participating in the conflict, inviting a fight, and making it worse than it already was.

If you really think Hurley was looking for a reasonable discussion, your naivete is beyond help. Good luck with that. Your inability to judge character and human interaction is shocking to say the least.

Nice subtle dig there at the end. I think the other option is probably that people tend to say mean things on the internet because it's anonymous. Another poor take, unfortunately. I know a great critic thinking instructor if you're interested in sitting in on a class!
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Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Actually, I do. It’s easy to scream and yell from across a wide expanse. It’s much harder to do close up.

But I could be wrong. Some people can discuss things civilly and and unemotionally, and other people devolve to ad hominem attacks. We see that all to frequently right here on The Boneyard. It usually is a pretty clear sign they are either uncomfortable with the position they have taken, or are just insecure about themselves.
They need to stop selling beer to people who can’t hold it. But Hurley should ignore them the way he does the some the ridiculous posts on the BY.
Mar 28, 2019
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When people say they don't care what other people think about them I usually believe it's just the opposite. In game situations it is more important to stay focused on your job which is to act like a coach. I am sure the players hear opposing fans especially and have to ignore and stay focused so Dan Hurley is supposed to set an example for the team.
I was on the floor for many a game, and I would say things (good-natured ribbing type stuff) to opposing players all the time. I was impressed by their ability to completely ignore me. I only got a noticeable reaction once: The ball went out of bounds and the refs called it Gonzaga ball. A UConn player, referencing a Gonzaga player with a spectacular curly mop, said, "It went off his leg!" and I yelled, "It went off his hair." The player looked at me and laughed, seeming genuinely entertained.

In a separate incident, Reverend Jim Jones' nephew didn't react to me yelling, "Don't drink the kool-aid!", but he had the last laugh as his San Diego team knocked us out of the tournament.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Actually, I do. It’s easy to scream and yell from across a wide expanse. It’s much harder to do close up.

But I could be wrong. Some people can discuss things civilly and and unemotionally, and other people devolve to ad hominem attacks. We see that all to frequently right here on The Boneyard. It usually is a pretty clear sign they are either uncomfortable with the position they have taken, or are just insecure about themselves.
Lol, @husky429 hit me with a dislike and then put me on ignore. It kind of makes the point. Guys who shoot their mouth off seldom have the nerve to back it up when they’re quietly called on it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Looks like Dan graduated from the Bobby Knight School of Conflict Resolution.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Looks like Dan graduated from the Bobby Knight School of Conflict Resolution.
Meh, he didn’t use a chair
Aug 26, 2011
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Lol, @husky429 hit me with a dislike and then put me on ignore. It kind of makes the point. Guys who shoot their mouth off seldom have the nerve to back it up when they’re quietly called on it.
Or he’s walking away from the conflict?


Running everywhere
Apr 21, 2016
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Hurley’s personality is not on the list of our problems. Recruits/players pretty universally say they love his personality. Plenty of other things to fix, but this is a stupid one. Even “Hurley vs fans” is a hyperbolic title. If we’re winning everybody will be loving how much “fight” he has.

If we were mediocre, you don’t think Calhoun would be dragged for running to halfcourt to yell in a kid’s face? Was that calculated coaching strategy or did he have just a little trouble controlling his temper maybe? And for all those saying how stupid they find it that someone as old as Hurley is puffing up his chest and pretending he can and wants to fight, how many times are we going to hear former players talking about how an even older Calhoun would always say he’s the toughest dude in the gym and that if any player wanted to test him they could go in a room, lock the door and see who made it out.

I don’t have a problem with either. They both hate to lose and are unpleasant when they do…kinda what you need if you want to win at an elite level
May 7, 2014
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I was commenting specifically on Marquette game #1, but on the season? you are 100% correct. RJ has given us everything on both ends. He's forced into this stuff. I was stating that its not a long term winning offensive option. Martin? I just don't get it. I initially loved his perceived toughness but (and Im going into netherworld controversy here just from game attendance) Im not sure he is as tough a matchup mentally as he is physically.

I'll let you in on my mind think. I would like Polley (or Hawkins preferably, but he just isn't ready) to start instead of .............someone? ............... just for floor balance and not being hampered offensively to start games. But when I really think about it, who are you going to pull for this? Whaley? nope. He's too important to defensive cohesion, AJ? nope he's too important as an RJ pressure release and guards pretty well. Martin? He would be the guy who could play the same minutes off the bench than he does as a starter but his floor countenance(again to me, it's just my read, I could be totally wrong) makes me think that he would be the least out of the 3 willing to accept it. Hard to get a read on this kid. He carries himself in a different way on the floor. This roster handcuffs Hurley a bit.
I’ve thought from the beginning that Polley needs to start, even if he doesn’t end up playing significant minutes.

We need three perimeter threats on the floor at all times; and without Akok (who only hit corner 3s anyway), options are limited. At least teams are terrified of him and he will force at least one defender out of the paint the entire time he’s on the floor.

Polley needs to be in the game from the beginning so we can learn straight away what kind of night to expect from him. If he hits his first couple shots, keep him in; otherwise, limited minutes. He can’t come in at random times for a shot of offense, and he can’t be a primary scorer with the second unit. We know he’s too streaky to wait until 12 minutes into the game to watch him throw up a couple bricks.

I would rather he start with RJ and Martin in the back court and have AJ come in for energy minutes, and/or if Polley starts cold. Have AJ spend more time facilitating for the second unit and help with Gaffney’s point guard responsibilities. Gafney could use some off-ball opportunities that he doesn’t get as the point guard for the second unit; he’s been struggling mightily being lead guard. If you have to take Polley off the floor you scheme spacing as best you can.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Or he’s walking away from the conflict?
I guess. Although launching an ad hominem attack and then putting someone on ignore is pretty weak.
Apr 14, 2020
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Hesitate to jump in with this comment.. Speaking strictly about regional stereotypes and from my own experience.. Back in the day I used to run with a Jersey guy and a Long Island guy.. Both of whom could back it up when confronted with a challenge.. You didn't nudge the Jersey guy too much.. It wasn't pretty for you.

With Dan Hurley's kid on the team and his wife in the stands after a game he didn't feel great about. A dude with liquid courage is bustin' on him.. Know what I'm sayin'? He'll learn to respond differently in the future but its tough to deal with now.
Dec 8, 2015
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Hesitate to jump in with this comment.. Speaking strictly about regional stereotypes and from my own experience.. Back in the day I used to run with a Jersey guy and a Long Island guy.. Both of whom could back it up when confronted with a challenge.. You didn't nudge the Jersey guy too much.. It wasn't pretty for you.

With Dan Hurley's kid on the team and his wife in the stands after a game he didn't feel great about. A dude with liquid courage is bustin' on him.. Know what I'm sayin'? He'll learn to respond differently in the future but its tough to deal with now.

I have likely been in more fights than just about anyone on this board. I competed in boxing for a decade. And still go for fun now. I have been punched in the face 1000s of times. (@August_West can confirm I'm an ugly SOB).

I stopped respecting the tough guy acts a long, long time ago. Hurley wasn't going to back his words up and neither was the fan. It's just childish posturing
Aug 26, 2011
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Some of the greatest coaches across all sports, college basketball included, have had character flaws- regardless of their salaries. This is not to excuse Hurley's behavior, because I do agree that he needs to be above reacting to hecklers. I love his fire, passion, and Jersey kid toughness, but he needs to work on on that. By all accounts, particularly from his wife, he is tough to be around after a loss. Let's face it: most of us, after experiencing what he did last night with that ugly, painful, on-floor performance, combined with the frustration of fans, and failure to even come close to expectations, would probably be pretty vulnerable. To be honest, though I loved the way Jim Calhoun was able to get the most out of his players, and was able to achieve incredible things, I never much cared for his personality, especially his language. For the sake of success it was excused, but the Bob Knights and Jim Calhouns of the world aren't tolerated like they once were. I agree with those saying they Hurley will mature and mellow over time.

Wow comparing Jim C and Hurley this is hilarious. His “personality” that you hated was why we won games that were close. Think about that and then come to reality!
Aug 29, 2011
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YOU just need to ignore nonsense from individual fans. You are the coach at UConn, not some junior college somewhere. Can you imagine any big time coach getting into it with fans? Calhoun? Roy? Jay Wright? Boeheim? Of course not. This is Joe Judge level. Oh, and if he had his team ready to play, nobody would yell at him.

He is coaching at a big time program. He needs to act the part. If he can’t or won’t, he should have stayed at Rhode Island.


Feb 19, 2013
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I love Dan, but this is pathetic. You’re a role model for these kids, and you’d have them running laps in practice if they did this same thing on the court. He should serve a one game suspension.

But also, we better appreciate what Dan has done here a little more. Took him until year 4 to build a consistent top 25 team and add to our NBA player pool. Keep shouting dumb stuff at him and don’t be surprised if he takes a big raise from Maryland or Louisville. Or just keep telling him he sucks, cause that’s surely helping.
May 7, 2015
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This ain't good. Fans are gonna fan, and is it really asking too much for the HC at UConn for christsakes, to maintain his composure when a couple of idiots start to yell stuff? This only shows other teams fans that our guy has extremely thin skin. We're not yet at the point where we can back up his tough-guy act and simply stomp teams into submission. We might get there, but we ain't there yet. So this is just the beginning for Dan Hurley. Other fanbases will come at him even harder, hoping he loses composure and costs the team a win. He's shown fans that its possible to get to him with words.
Also, this isn't the first time Hurley has either mentioned fan's comments or reacted to them in a negative way. If he keeps this up, it ain't gonna end well. Grow the fef up, Dan!
Jun 26, 2021
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Lol, @husky429 hit me with a dislike and then put me on ignore. It kind of makes the point. Guys who shoot their mouth off seldom have the nerve to back it up when they’re quietly called on it.

Welcome to @husky429 ignore club @CL82.
I was also put on ignore back in the summer. Lol
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