No you got the timing wrong. It was never the beaches in Florida, its the bars. The spike is timed perfectly 2 to 3 weeks after bars were opened up. Due to the Saharan dust we've been very hot down here for the last few weeks so everyone has been staying indoors to cool off. They drink, drank drunk themselves silly. Early in the rise in cases DeSantis tried to pawn it off on increased testing. He also tried to say it was because of a spike in cases in migrant workers who live together in tight quarters. When someone pointed out to him the the migrant workers left the state in May he backed off on that but continued to say it was due to increased testing. The data however doesn't lie, liars lie. The median age dropped from 65 to 35 from April to now, coinciding with the average age of the bar crowd. The percent positive went from a nice 2 to 4 % to almost 18%. I do think we will see a spike in cases due to the BLM protests, how big remains to be seen. It will likely blend in the the increase in cases we are already seeing. My concern now is lagging indicators. Hospitalizations are starting to rise, and DeSantis somehow has taken this indicator off the State's dashboard (like I said liars lie!) and fired the dashboard's creator. So far we have been told we have enough hospital beds, but some states like Arizona and Texas are struggling. The next lagging indicator is ICU utilization followed by deaths. With our significant seniors population I fully expect to eventually see a rise in these as well, maybe by the end of July.