How dare Mechelle describe BY fans this way | Page 2 | The Boneyard

How dare Mechelle describe BY fans this way

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Stats Geek
Aug 25, 2011
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ES, have you no pity? The Vol sites have gotten to be like a leper colony that's facing many more visitations of the bubonic plague ahead. They need compassion and maybe a few jugs of hemlock to get them in the proper state of existence.

How funny, I was just thinking of that place as a Lazar House. Apropos in many way, a little contagious, but less contagious than some realize, leaves the victims scarred. Often self-quarantined, which is what they chose to do.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting - the Tennessee message board is much nastier than most Tennessee fans are in person.

As to UConn fans (from an RU fan's POV) - most are quite civil in person and on the board - no reason for a UConn fan to root for RU or Tennessee. However, the ones that aren't - just a very few on the board, and a few in person - were as nasty as I have ever seen. My favorite - unknown - UConn fan was the one who came up to my wife and apologized for the behavior of a middle aged UConn fan that was taunting and making obscene gestures at the RU seating area of the Greensboro regional after you beat us fair and square.

And my least favorite were the group in Cleveland - at the F4, that taunted a group of RU fans on the street and wouldn't let them walk past on the sidewalk. The RU fans? - the president of the fan club (a minister, FWIW) and an 80+ year old, nicest gentleman you could meet, that could barely walk as he was dying of cancer in his back among the group. Forced into the street (we were on the opposite side).

My point - not aimed at UConn - is that every fan base has jerks. I heard one story about a Rutgers fan that pissed me off to the max. In Tennessee's case, perhaps they are mostly on their board.


Aug 24, 2011
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Back in the day...I believe that Uconn Tenn fans had a mutual respect for each other and for the womens game in general. I would like to think that this still remains true in spite of all the rumors to the contrary. I believe fans are and should be behind their respective teams all the way, it should not extend to disrespecting any other fan. Just sayin'.
The funny thing is that most UCONN fans have respect and appreciation for Pat and her legacy. We laugh at her misguided attempts to get UCONN in trouble with the crazy 34 page accusation document that was sent to the NCAA back in the day. We also laugh at the canceling of the series for reasons no one can actually say on the board, but I don't think ANY UCONN fans really hate Pat with a venomous passion. However, I think most Tennessee fans on the summitt feel just that way about Geno.

I can honestly say I hate Tennessee as a program more than any other team (including the Yankees, Lakers, etc) and I always root for Tennessee to never win another game or land another recruit. I'd love to see them fade into oblivion. BUT I don't hate Pat or Holly or any of their coaches/players. I do think many of their internet fans are completely loony-tunes tho.


Aug 26, 2011
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There is a public fan site for the UTenn women. If anyone thinks that the bile spewed by Vol fans has lessened - feel free to stop by. Be sure to read the threads Geno the Bozo and UGH!. You may want to wear a hazmat suit.

Personally, I find their crap funny as hell. It certainly reinforces the stereotype of the typical UTenn fan.

Thanks for the link vtcw. Love to read their garbage. It's like standing in the checkout line at the supermarket. You are entirely correct in your assessment by the way. The scary thing is that these people actually are allowed to wander the streets unattended.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting - the Tennessee message board is much nastier than most Tennessee fans are in person.

As to UConn fans (from an RU fan's POV) - most are quite civil in person and on the board - no reason for a UConn fan to root for RU or Tennessee. However, the ones that aren't - just a very few on the board, and a few in person - were as nasty as I have ever seen. My favorite - unknown - UConn fan was the one who came up to my wife and apologized for the behavior of a middle aged UConn fan that was taunting and making obscene gestures at the RU seating area of the Greensboro regional after you beat us fair and square.

And my least favorite were the group in Cleveland - at the F4, that taunted a group of RU fans on the street and wouldn't let them walk past on the sidewalk. The RU fans? - the president of the fan club (a minister, FWIW) and an 80+ year old, nicest gentleman you could meet, that could barely walk as he was dying of cancer in his back among the group. Forced into the street (we were on the opposite side).

My point - not aimed at UConn - is that every fan base has jerks. I heard one story about a Rutgers fan that pissed me off to the max. In Tennessee's case, perhaps they are mostly on their board.
Also most people from the south are much nicer and friendlier than people from the general.
Sep 9, 2011
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There is a public fan site for the UTenn women. If anyone thinks that the bile spewed by Vol fans has lessened - feel free to stop by. Be sure to read the threads Geno the Bozo and UGH!. You may want to wear a hazmat suit.

Personally, I find their crap funny as hell. It certainly reinforces the stereotype of the typical UTenn fan.
I just checked out their "fan site" and although some of the people there seemed to be pretty knowledgeable, there were others that were pretty clueless. I did like the last observation, which was posted earlier today. It stated that the Vols had made Louisville look really good while UConn in the championship game made the Cardinals look like a "mediocre mid-major" team. What a wonderful and insightful comment. It made looking at their "game thread" from the Louisville loss in the Regional finals worth the time it took!
Sep 9, 2011
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The funny thing is that most UCONN fans have respect and appreciation for Pat and her legacy. We laugh at her misguided attempts to get UCONN in trouble with the crazy 34 page accusation document that was sent to the NCAA back in the day. We also laugh at the canceling of the series for reasons no one can actually say on the board, but I don't think ANY UCONN fans really hate Pat with a venomous passion. However, I think most Tennessee fans on the summitt feel just that way about Geno.

I can honestly say I hate Tennessee as a program more than any other team (including the Yankees, Lakers, etc) and I always root for Tennessee to never win another game or land another recruit. I'd love to see them fade into oblivion. BUT I don't hate Pat or Holly or any of their coaches/players. I do think many of their internet fans are completely loony-tunes tho.
It's funny that you don't seem to mind Pat Summit but it seems to me that she is the one that contributes to the Geno hate thing by some of her public remarks. When her "subjects" who revere her as the "Saint of Tennessee women's basketball" hear or read some of her remarks pertaining to Geno, it isn't hard for them to take the innuendoes in their context to mean that he is the devil incarnate, that he is the dirtiest, most deceitful, dishonest coach in the history of sport. "If Pat says this or that about him, it must be even worse because of course, she would never publicly say what he REALLY IS because she's too sweet and too nice a Christian. That type of thing really feeds into some of these wahoos minds and half truths and misleading info can sure make some of these looneys ugly.


Aug 24, 2011
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It's funny that you don't seem to mind Pat Summit but it seems to me that she is the one that contributes to the Geno hate thing by some of her public remarks. When her "subjects" who revere her as the "Saint of Tennessee women's basketball" hear or read some of her remarks pertaining to Geno, it isn't hard for them to take the innuendoes in their context to mean that he is the devil incarnate, that he is the dirtiest, most deceitful, dishonest coach in the history of sport. "If Pat says this or that about him, it must be even worse because of course, she would never publicly say what he REALLY IS because she's too sweet and too nice a Christian. That type of thing really feeds into some of these wahoos minds and half truths and misleading info can sure make some of these looneys ugly.
I have mixed feelings about Pat. I certainly respect all that she accomplished in an era where WCBB wasn't nearly as respected as it is now. However, I also agree the way she handled losing recruits, canceling the series, and trying to report UCONN for a host of imagined improprieties was disgraceful. But then her diagnosis and subsequent retirement from WCBB, and it's just hard for me to hate Pat the person. I have zero respect for how she treated and handled Geno and UCONN back in the day (referencing the above actions), but I have pity on where she finds herself now. IMHO retiring was not her decision, but rather a decision necessitated by her disease.

I guess my point is it's complicated... :)


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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It's funny that you don't seem to mind Pat Summit but it seems to me that she is the one that contributes to the Geno hate thing by some of her public remarks. When her "subjects" who revere her as the "Saint of Tennessee women's basketball" hear or read some of her remarks pertaining to Geno, it isn't hard for them to take the innuendoes in their context to mean that he is the devil incarnate, that he is the dirtiest, most deceitful, dishonest coach in the history of sport. "If Pat says this or that about him, it must be even worse because of course, she would never publicly say what he REALLY IS because she's too sweet and too nice a Christian. That type of thing really feeds into some of these wahoos minds and half truths and misleading info can sure make some of these looneys ugly.
It's a tough one. You have to say flat out that she did a humongous amount for establishing WCBB and have to deeply respect her for that. And her teams did things that UConn has not approached yet, such as 9 NC appearances in 14 years, which is just incredible. You can wrap all my beefs about her behavior in the phrase "sense of entitlement." She fought and scrapped for respect in the early decades, but by the 2000s she simply thought that she and her team were entitled to things that they were not. Each year is a new year, and each recruit is different, and just because you have a lot of NC rings on your finger does not mean everybody should bow and scrape to you and your wisdom and offer up their best players in your service. With Geno, despite the 8 rings, you know that he expects someone is always sidling over to him to muss up his hair.


Stats Geek
Aug 25, 2011
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Some LV fans never cease to amaze.

I don't know how to do those poll thingies. so I'll just ask you to mentally guess the answer.

An LV fan discounts UConn's accomplishments because:
  1. The SEC is a little stronger than the Big East
  2. The SEC is 50% stronger than the Big East
  3. The SEC is twice as strong as the Big East
  4. The SEC is five times as strong as the Big East
  5. The SEC is ten times as strong as the Big East
  6. The SEC is fifty times as strong as the Big East
  7. The SEC is 100 times as strong as the Big East
  8. The SEC is 500 times as strong as the Big East
The statement made was #8.

To their credit, one person disagreed.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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Thanks for the link vtcw. Love to read their garbage. It's like standing in the checkout line at the supermarket. You are entirely correct in your assessment by the way. The scary thing is that these people actually are allowed to wander the streets unattended.

I used to limit my visits to the Summitt, stopping by only after a UTenn loss. They really are funny. I wish that I could have visited after UConn cut down the nets.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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The thing about Nashville is that that is the home of Vanderbilt University. I don't think the Commodore fans care one way or another about either UConn or Tennessee.

Also most people from the south are much nicer and friendlier than people from the general.
I dunno. We've visited my husband's family in North Carolina at least once, and usually twice a year for the last 20 years. They have their share of rude people in similar proportion to the folks here in Connecticut.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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The Summitt used to be pretty bad when Smoky was moderating it. Then Maria took over and drove that sucker right over the cliff.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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The thing about Nashville is that that is the home of Vanderbilt University. I don't think the Commodore fans care one way or another about either UConn or Tennessee.

LV fans' hatred for Vandy is second only to their hatred for UConn, and that is only because Vandy seldom beats them. They hate Vandy, I think, because it is so superior to UT academically, but sports results trump academics on Rocky Top by a large margin. Them folks just naturally cain't ABIDE havin their Ladies gettin their butts kicked! Gets them all riled, to the point where they can't think good.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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I was hoping the Tennessee entry in the list of The 50 Fattiest Foods in the States would be a sweet item, to fit with your theme, but it isn't so this is just an OT post which may interest some. I did sample the Louisiana entry, but I've never had the Connecticut entry.

Now's not really the time, but maybe later this summer when we are searching for things to talk about, we could find out who has tried the most items.

Thanks for the link, Should help me in the future in planning road trips. Gonna go pick up the NC entry in the grocery store tomorrow. I never knew what was in Livermush... had no idea it contained pig heads parts :eek:


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting - the Tennessee message board is much nastier than most Tennessee fans are in person.

As to UConn fans (from an RU fan's POV) - most are quite civil in person and on the board - no reason for a UConn fan to root for RU or Tennessee. However, the ones that aren't - just a very few on the board, and a few in person - were as nasty as I have ever seen. My favorite - unknown - UConn fan was the one who came up to my wife and apologized for the behavior of a middle aged UConn fan that was taunting and making obscene gestures at the RU seating area of the Greensboro regional after you beat us fair and square.


Wow...... do you remember what section you were sitting in ?? I witnessed no such behavior where I was... I think I was in the UCONN section.. I do remember i was in the area up from the UCONN bench... so I assume that was the UCONN area. I probably still have my ticket somewhere. Going into the regional.. I wondered if there would be any ill will among the fans in attendance... I'd read on the old UCONN board about their general feelings towards Rutgers. Heck... I had some ill will towards Rutgers at that time as well ;)

Also most people from the south are much nicer and friendlier than people from the general.

I agree.... though my long time preference has been for women from the Northeast as opposed to the ones from the South. Actually dated two from Hartford..... One was nice and friendly.... the other was nice and friendly on certain days. :oops:

I dunno. We've visited my husband's family in North Carolina at least once, and usually twice a year for the last 20 years. They have their share of rude people in similar proportion to the folks here in Connecticut.

:eek: What part of NC is this ?? Surely not the Piedmont Triad :)


Some LV fans never cease to amaze.

I don't know how to do those poll thingies. so I'll just ask you to mentally guess the answer.

An LV fan discounts UConn's accomplishments because:
  1. The SEC is a little stronger than the Big East
  2. The SEC is 50% stronger than the Big East
  3. The SEC is twice as strong as the Big East
  4. The SEC is five times as strong as the Big East
  5. The SEC is ten times as strong as the Big East
  6. The SEC is fifty times as strong as the Big East
  7. The SEC is 100 times as strong as the Big East
  8. The SEC is 500 times as strong as the Big East
The statement made was #8.

To their credit, one person disagreed.
The insane thing about that is twofold. First, it's probably mathematically impossible for the SEC to be 500 times as strong as the big east, no matter what criteria you used (they always whined about UCONN having a "soft" schedule). Second, UCONN has 8 NC's. That means that they have to beat the best of the best to win it all, just like the Vols USED to do...


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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:eek: What part of NC is this ?? Surely not the Piedmont Triad :)
Asheville, a couple hours east of Knoxville. We usually fly into Charlotte and drive to Asheville, stopping along the way for lunch so we've been in several towns along the way.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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Asheville, a couple hours east of Knoxville. We usually fly into Charlotte and drive to Asheville, stopping along the way for lunch so we've been in several towns along the way.

Asheville is a neat little city. I assume you pass through the Lake Lure and Chimney Rock area on the way ? Beautiful area down there.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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There is a public fan site for the UTenn women. If anyone thinks that the bile spewed by Vol fans has lessened - feel free to stop by. Be sure to read the threads Geno the Bozo and UGH!. You may want to wear a hazmat suit.

Personally, I find their crap funny as hell. It certainly reinforces the stereotype of the typical UTenn fan.

Wow! Yes, they still are out there. Creating their own personal, distorted, fairly wretched history of WCBB with particular love for Geno. Even on mundane historic facts they are twisted! I may have to eat a half gallon of ice cream or drink a bottle of Pepto Bismol. Reminds me of Col. Kurtz: "The horror...." Frankly glad the series is dead and that Holly confirmed last week it still is dead.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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We drive West on I85 to Gastonia, nothe on 321 to Hickory ("Hick'rey") the West on I40 over Black Mountain to Asheville. But we've been to, and slid down, Chimney Rock. We've also been to Nantahala for whit water rafting and loved it.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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We drive West on I85 to Gastonia, nothe on 321 to Hickory ("Hick'rey") the West on I40 over Black Mountain to Asheville. But we've been to, and slid down, Chimney Rock. We've also been to Nantahala for whit water rafting and loved it.

Ah.... you take the quicker route............ and yes... over Black Mountain.. thats quite a hill. I think you mean Sliding Rock... near Brevard. If you'd slid down Chimney Rock, then you should change your name to Superwoman :D

But back on topic... Tenn will be good.... and will contend for a Final 4 appearance.


Mega Monster Moderator
Aug 15, 2011
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Asheville, a couple hours east of Knoxville. We usually fly into Charlotte and drive to Asheville, stopping along the way for lunch so we've been in several towns along the way.
Asheville is awesome.
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