If your facts about what is more or less harmful are from "High Times", they don't count.
And if you believe governments will use the taxes for infrastructure you haven't been paying attention. The money always ends up in the General Fund. They haven't used lottery funds the way they promised and the costs for gambling addiction treatment aren't being met with the revenues from the casinos so why would you believe the taxes on marijuana will be used for anything like infrastructure? It would make more sense to dedicate the money to treatment of drug abuse but that won't happen based on prior experience.
Dr.Hoop provided a couple links to studies and said he could provide lots more, but take a look at this NIH study for its conclusions about THC:
Some of their conclusions, that may even be facts: THC overactivates certain brain cell receptors, resulting in effects such as:
- altered senses
- changes in mood
- impaired body movement
- difficulty with thinking and problem-solving
- impaired memory and learning
The last two should be frightening for young people facing a future requiring technology- centric skills.
Try this article:
Is Marijuana Really Harmless? Not According to This New Book
I saw an interview with the author and he makes some pretty compelling points.
The facts are the most recent studies show strong evidence of psychoses associated with use of the newest highly powerful strains, along with depression and other problems. Crime statistics were expected to decline where marijuana was made easily accessible for recreational use but that is the opposite of what has happened with violent crimes in Colorado.