Geno Offers His Rationale & Still POed | The Boneyard

Geno Offers His Rationale & Still POed


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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“Don’t get me wrong. I was pissed then, I’m pissed now and I’ll be pissed forever at what happened. But if somebody wants to do something that benefits a good cause, let’s do it. If it was going to be ‘Let’s just play because CBS or ESPN or somebody really wants you to do this,’ I could give a spit. When it was something that can help a lot of people, let’s do it.”

“I did feel like there has got to be some sort of acknowledgment. I think you and I both know that’s probably never going to happen. No one’s going to admit to that. If the Hall of Fame hadn’t gotten involved, with the level of respect I have for them, and how the game’s going to handled, I decided it’s worth doing. The idea of anything more, I didn’t think that ever was going to happen.”

The respect he has shown for Pat Summitt’s life does not change.

Neither does his anger over the aspersions unfairly thrown at his competitive character.

"Mostly it was the Hall of Fame wanting to do something,” Auriemma said. “It had been batted around for a few years. You could never find the right balance of where, when and all that."

"Has Auriemma had a change of heart about the relevance of the series? With Summitt’s death in 2016 after a brave battle with Alzheimer’s disease, had he decided that any sort of acknowledgment from Tennessee, let alone an apology, is no longer needed?

“A lot of things were said, an awful lot of insinuations,” Auriemma said. “People have dissected it over and over. We moved on, gone our separate ways. There was no interest in my part in beating down the doors and saying ‘We have to have to have this game.’ I couldn’t care less whether we have the game or not.

Jeff Jacobs: Geno says Tennessee allegations still sting, but he’s glad series benefits good cause
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Aug 24, 2011
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He's a bigger man than I am.
I'm with you meyers. I realize he did it for the good of the game, and clearly is the "bigger person" since he never canceled the game in the first place, but if the HoF and charity angle pressed him to accept, I wish he had told them to pressure Tennessee for their apology to Maya and her family.

I'm so glad his comments were explanatory, but also acknowledged the egregious way Tenn went after UCONN and Maya's family. For all the UCONN fans who advocate "forgive and forget", I'm the complete opposite, as is Geno. He will be "pissed forever" (his own words) and has no use for Tennessee, rightfully so. He would never bother with this if it was not for the good of the game, the good cause, and his respect for the HOF. Bravo Geno. Now beat them into oblivion. I would not be sad to see a score of 150-20. Won't happen, but doesn't mean I can't wish...


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Geno is unfailingly generous and they hooked him with the Hof F support angle. As he said, he could care less if UConn ever played the Orange people again.
I'm not sure I buy (understand?) the HoF involvement angle as either a clincher, hook or sufficient conviction for Geno to entertain this game. The HoF has always had a promotional game and separately the SEC and ESPN had an entire week of "We back Pat" games to benefit Pat's foundation. What's new here and why would the HoF get involved?


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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“Don’t get me wrong. I was pissed then, I’m pissed now and I’ll be pissed forever at what happened. But if somebody wants to do something that benefits a good cause, let’s do it. If it was going to be ‘Let’s just play because CBS or ESPN or somebody really wants you to do this,’ I could give a spit. When it was something that can help a lot of people, let’s do it.”

I thought Geno to be a good Catholic boy who understands forgiveness. Perhaps because he is now an adult and maybe not so Catholic; he has trouble letting go of his "pissed" feelings. As a good Catholic boy he must have read: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" (Matt. 6:14–15). So if Geno continues with his present "pissed" feelings, he will, at least, be making a detour on his way to heaven. :D Of course leave it to St. Thomas Aquinas to muddy the waters. "... evil may be found in anger, when, to wit, one is angry, more or less than right reason demands. But if one is angry in accordance with right reason, one’s anger is deserving of praise" (Summa Theologiae II-II:158:1) :rolleyes: I'm thinking Geno favors Aquinas' thought, however, Geno take care since at the Univ. of Naples Aquinas was known as the "Dumb Ox." Perhaps Geno needs to be reminded of the Seven Steps to Forgiveness. ;) Hmmm, perhaps there are a few posters who also need to be acquainted with the Seven Steps to Forgiveness. :rolleyes::)


Jan 16, 2018
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Yes, Geno is the bigger man. I have so enjoyed UT's downfall, since '08. The further down they fall, the better. To not even acknowledge the wrong doing is too much. They deserve to wallow in their swamp of defeat. Yes, they have a decent program and HW has a win/loss percentage that many would like to have. But, no matter how you slice it, they are not going anywhere.

Geno may have been made an offer he couldn't refuse but he knows the majority of his and UConn's WBB fans have his back. Kick butt and don't let off the accelerator.
Jan 13, 2014
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I thought Geno to be a good Catholic boy who understands forgiveness. Perhaps because he is now an adult and maybe not so Catholic; he has trouble letting go of his "pissed" feelings. As a good Catholic boy he must have read: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" (Matt. 6:14–15). So if Geno continues with his present "pissed" feelings, he will, at least, be making a detour on his way to heaven. :D Of course leave it to St. Thomas Aquinas to muddy the waters. "... evil may be found in anger, when, to wit, one is angry, more or less than right reason demands. But if one is angry in accordance with right reason, one’s anger is deserving of praise" (Summa Theologiae II-II:158:1) :rolleyes: I'm thinking Geno favors Aquinas' thought, however, Geno take care since at the Univ. of Naples Aquinas was known as the "Dumb Ox." Perhaps Geno needs to be reminded of the Seven Steps to Forgiveness. ;) Hmmm, perhaps there are a few posters who also need to be acquainted with the Seven Steps to Forgiveness. :rolleyes::)
I think Geno is a good Italian boy who understands “vendetta.”


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Why did the HoF target UConn for its annual game? I guess I'm not there yet. There is still a strong animus in my consciousness for everyone involved in what transpired in 2007. If I were Geno, I would have told them If they were looking for a team to play Tennessee, there are 340 other D-1 programs to choose from, pick one of them. Get Notre Dame, Oregon or Baylor. They're ranked 1-2-3 in the preseason polls. Why us?

It was reported that Geno wrote a check for $25,000 to the Alzheimer's Fund soon after Summitt's death. To my knowledge he has not said anything disparaging about her or the program since news broke of her illness. During a press conference in 2014, in response to a question, he again stated that he had no desire to ever play Tenn again, and that he had moved on. He did, but a lot of us didn't!!! Unfortunately, we're stuck in 2007, like it happened yesterday.

Jeff Jacobs - New Heaven Register: "You may remember how Summitt ended the rivalry in 2007, a bad decision in a career of greatness, a cowardly call in a life of bravery. You remember how Summitt ended the series without explanation, and how a year later 11 silly accusations against UConn surfaced via a Freedom of Information request by ESPN. Ten of the 11 accusations were rejected by the NCAA and the only slung mud that stuck against the NCAA wall was that UConn made reservations for a recruit named Maya Moore to take a tour of ESPN in Bristol. The tour is open to the public. So are hard feelings expressed into microphones."

2008 - UConn coach Geno Auriemma responded last summer to Tennessee canceling the game. Referring to Summitt, he told the Hartford Courant, "I think she should just come out and say she's not playing us because she hates my guts. And I think people would buy that. Then everyone [who seeks a reason] would be happy. She should just say that [Geno is] a dope, a smart-ass and then everyone could say that they agree with her." Auriemma declined to speak with ESPN about the cancellation of the series or his relationship with Summitt saying, "anything to do with her I want nothing to do with it."

Why did outside forces continue to paw at his doorstep, whine and lament over him not wanting to resume the series? We know the sports media very much wanted the series to resume. Obviously so did Tennessee, as Warlick approached him about resuming the series in 2012, but without the offer of a retraction or apology. Reading other posts and comments here, I know I'm not alone in my disbelief and dismay. Geno has appeared to have "softened" in his approach to that incident, and his insistence that an apology be given to Maya and her mother BEFORE any thought of resuming the series can take place.

The respect he has shown for Pat Summitt’s life does not change. Neither does his anger over the aspersions unfairly thrown at his competitive character. While he was on the phone Wednesday, Geno Auriemma made a few other points. He does not believe these two UConn-Tennessee games in 2019-20 and 2020-21 mean a return to the glory days of the greatest rivalry in women’s basketball.

I backed Geno then, I'll back him now. Since two games have been agreed to, I hope UConn sends a strong and unequivocal message to Vol Nation during those two games that will be remembered and revered like Bobby Thompson's "shot heard 'round the world". As Maine Fan said: "Kick butt and don't let off the accelerator". :mad:

I appreciate and respect those of you that feel differently, and have expressed such. Everyone does not view this situation the same, I understand that. I know I'm going to get some push back on this, that's OK. Please don't ask or suggest I see things YOUR WAY. I'm not asking you to see this my way. I'm merely venting here. After this piece, I'm done with this Tenn/UConn resumption thing. I'm stuck on insisting on that apology, and can't get past that. It's an unfortunate character flaw. In my mind, it's due.

Tennessee had the stones and the sour grapes demeanor to ask the Southeastern Conference in July 2006 to investigate the UConn program, and impugn the character and integrity of UConn, Geno, Maya and her mother, then let them have the intestinal fortitude and decency to issue a "public" apology (as the accusations they made were public), not necessarily to Geno or UConn, but to Maya and her mother. Then we can all move on.
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Dec 15, 2017
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I thought Geno to be a good Catholic boy who understands forgiveness. Perhaps because he is now an adult and maybe not so Catholic; he has trouble letting go of his "pissed" feelings. As a good Catholic boy he must have read: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" (Matt. 6:14–15). So if Geno continues with his present "pissed" feelings, he will, at least, be making a detour on his way to heaven. :D Of course leave it to St. Thomas Aquinas to muddy the waters. "... evil may be found in anger, when, to wit, one is angry, more or less than right reason demands. But if one is angry in accordance with right reason, one’s anger is deserving of praise" (Summa Theologiae II-II:158:1) :rolleyes: I'm thinking Geno favors Aquinas' thought, however, Geno take care since at the Univ. of Naples Aquinas was known as the "Dumb Ox." Perhaps Geno needs to be reminded of the Seven Steps to Forgiveness. ;) Hmmm, perhaps there are a few posters who also need to be acquainted with the Seven Steps to Forgiveness. :rolleyes::)
Somehow I knew, sooner or later, someone would bring religion into this discussion.
Obviously to you, this is important. I personally find it annoying and somewhat invasive. If you choose to believe whatever, great, but I don't wish or need to hear it. Especially on a sports blog.
Now I'm sure I will get some blowback as my position on this issue is viewed as less meaningful or valid by many.
For now, I will leave my comments as is, but obviously there's more behind this on both sides.
Apr 7, 2012
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Somehow I knew, sooner or later, someone would bring religion into this discussion.
Obviously to you, this is important. I personally find it annoying and somewhat invasive. If you choose to believe whatever, great, but I don't wish or need to hear it. Especially on a sports blog.
Now I'm sure I will get some blowback as my position on this issue is viewed as less meaningful or valid by many.
For now, I will leave my comments as is, but obviously there's more behind this on both sides.
"I don't wish or need to hear it. "
Then move on to the next comment. This is not television, it's written words. (if it WAS Television: change the channel) You don't have to "hear" anything.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I thought Geno to be a good Catholic boy who understands forgiveness. Perhaps because he is now an adult and maybe not so Catholic; he has trouble letting go of his "pissed" feelings. As a good Catholic boy he must have read: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" (Matt. 6:14–15). So if Geno continues with his present "pissed" feelings, he will, at least, be making a detour on his way to heaven. :D Of course leave it to St. Thomas Aquinas to muddy the waters. "... evil may be found in anger, when, to wit, one is angry, more or less than right reason demands. But if one is angry in accordance with right reason, one’s anger is deserving of praise" (Summa Theologiae II-II:158:1) :rolleyes: I'm thinking Geno favors Aquinas' thought, however, Geno take care since at the Univ. of Naples Aquinas was known as the "Dumb Ox." Perhaps Geno needs to be reminded of the Seven Steps to Forgiveness. ;) Hmmm, perhaps there are a few posters who also need to be acquainted with the Seven Steps to Forgiveness. :rolleyes::)
One certainly can/should forgive. Doesn't mean one should forget or allow evil back into their lives. :cool:

e.g. You can forgive someone's debt who borrowed money from you and never paid it back. BUT, you don't let them borrow money from you again.
Nov 20, 2011
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The biggest irony here is that Tennessee ended the series to punish UCONN and they thought it would hurt their program as far as recruiting. It ended up backfiring. One can only wonder if Tennessee would have been better off not canceling the series. I am not sure if they will ever again be a top program. Not anytime in the near future as far as I can see.


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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Somehow I knew, sooner or later, someone would bring religion into this discussion.
Obviously to you, this is important. I personally find it annoying and somewhat invasive. If you choose to believe whatever, great, but I don't wish or need to hear it. Especially on a sports blog.
Now I'm sure I will get some blowback as my position on this issue is viewed as less meaningful or valid by many.
For now, I will leave my comments as is, but obviously there's more behind this on both sides.

Did you confuse alum for your baby powder?


Aug 24, 2011
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The biggest irony here is that Tennessee ended the series to punish UCONN and they thought it would hurt their program as far as recruiting. It ended up backfiring. One can only wonder if Tennessee would have been better off not canceling the series. I am not sure if they will ever again be a top program. Not anytime in the near future as far as I can see.
Define "top program"... Clearly in the near term, they won't be a top 5 team nor will they be competing seriously for a final 4 never mind a NC. I am sure by Tenn fans' standards, they would agree with you - not a top program any time soon.

However, when you consider how hard it is to be in the top 25 every single year, never mind the top 15, I think Tenn has to be considered a "top" program. Certainly not the same level as UCONN, ND, Baylor, Texas, L'ville, SC, and a few others who should be permanently in the top 10 for the foreseeable future, but how many other programs are actually "better" than Tennessee across the board? Since Holly took over, they've made the elite 8 three times, the sweet 16 once, and twice they lost in the 2nd round. I'm betting there aren't 10 programs with better results over the past 6 seasons...
Oct 2, 2014
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I think the Hall of Fame game has South Carolina and LVille a couple years ago in Springfield. Quite embarrassing. Few forms of life showed up at the game. It was a disgusting environment.
Oct 2, 2014
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Define "top program"... Clearly in the near term, they won't be a top 5 team nor will they be competing seriously for a final 4 never mind a NC. I am sure by Tenn fans' standards, they would agree with you - not a top program any time soon.

However, when you consider how hard it is to be in the top 25 every single year, never mind the top 15, I think Tenn has to be considered a "top" program. Certainly not the same level as UCONN, ND, Baylor, Texas, L'ville, SC, and a few others who should be permanently in the top 10 for the foreseeable future, but how many other programs are actually "better" than Tennessee across the board? Since Holly took over, they've made the elite 8 three times, the sweet 16 once, and twice they lost in the 2nd round. I'm betting there aren't 10 programs with better results over the past 6 seasons...
It’s not easy for L’ville to finish top 10 each year. Coaches final poll past 6 yrs L’ville finished in top 10 4 times and top 4 twice.
#4,#12, #8,#8, #4, #17

The teams that finished 12th in 2017 and 8th 2016 were hard to watch with lousy chemistry. 2015 #8 was better.
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Aug 24, 2011
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It’s not easy for L’ville to finish top 10 each year. Coaches final poll past 6 yrs L’ville finished in top 10 4 times and top 4 twice.
#4,#12, #8,#8, #4, #17

The teams that finished 12th in 2017 and 8th 2016 were hard to watch with lousy chemistry. 2016 #8 was better.
Good point. I was just trying to point out that while Tennessee is not one of the true elite teams in WCBBB, they are in the next tier, and likely that is their ceiling.
Nov 12, 2017
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Define "top program"... Clearly in the near term, they won't be a top 5 team nor will they be competing seriously for a final 4 never mind a NC. I am sure by Tenn fans' standards, they would agree with you - not a top program any time soon.

However, when you consider how hard it is to be in the top 25 every single year, never mind the top 15, I think Tenn has to be considered a "top" program. Certainly not the same level as UCONN, ND, Baylor, Texas, L'ville, SC, and a few others who should be permanently in the top 10 for the foreseeable future, but how many other programs are actually "better" than Tennessee across the board? Since Holly took over, they've made the elite 8 three times, the sweet 16 once, and twice they lost in the 2nd round. I'm betting there aren't 10 programs with better results over the past 6 seasons...
It matters how you are seeded in the NCAA Tournament. How in the world did Tennessee get a #3 seed last year? Last year, Tennessee should not have been seeded better than a #6 seed.
Oct 2, 2014
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It’s not easy for L’ville to finish top 10 each year. Coaches final poll past 6 yrs L’ville finished in top 10 4 times and top 4 twice.
#4,#12, #8,#8, #4, #17

The teams that finished 12th in 2017 and 8th 2016 were hard to watch with lousy chemistry. 2015 #8 was better.
Amazing to me is the best team I saw play all year (didn’t see much UConn) was the Tenn team for the first 17 minutes vs ND last year. They looked incredible. Then they looked not incredible and inexplicably lost the game and ND went on to win a championship. I forgot about UConn’s first quarter 27-4 vs L’ville or Lvul destroying ND in Lvul
Aug 27, 2011
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It matters how you are seeded in the NCAA Tournament. How in the world did Tennessee get a #3 seed last year? Last year, Tennessee should not have been seeded better than a #6 seed.

Playing in the SEC gives them an almost automatic RPI/SOS high enough to get themselves a nice seed. It's been shown repeatedly that it's not how well you play. It's who you play (and who you don't play). Tenn always has had strong athletes on their teams and that's about all you need to beat #'s 20+. Pressing and trapping and hitting the offensive boards win them a lot of games but as soon as the LV's have to face a well-coached and somewhat talented team on a neutral court they lose.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Playing in the SEC gives them an almost automatic RPI/SOS high enough to get themselves a nice seed. It's been shown repeatedly that it's not how well you play. It's who you play (and who you don't play). Tenn always has had strong athletes on their teams and that's about all you need to beat #'s 20+. Pressing and trapping and hitting the offensive boards win them a lot of games but as soon as the LV's have to face a well-coached and somewhat talented team on a neutral court they lose.

Those preseason high rankings Tenn receives of late and never lives up to are proof of that. Plus there is the whole home game terror syndrome that still impacts opponents.

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