Geno Offers His Rationale & Still POed | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Geno Offers His Rationale & Still POed


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Maria Cornelius - ridiculous. To continue to spout the drivel that she [Maria] does regarding the "Ask Geno - he knows" and her terrific line "Her reasons (Pat's), which she never publicly stated, were much more significant and involved recruiting shenanigans she could no longer stomach."

What a bunch of complete and total bullsh!t. To have a booster, who pretends to be a reporter, spout that kind of drivel, does the sport (and the Tennessee program) a disservice. And it perpetuates the fantasy that some Tenn fans cling to that Geno somehow did something so egregious that Pat not only couldn't even say it publicly, but also had to cancel the series for the good of humanity.

I got news for you, Maria - you want to be taken seriously by anyone other than the koolaid drinking loonies, then come out and say what you think you "know". Pat engineered a 37 page complaint against UCONN. But wait - you claim there's more???
  • Do you believe that Geno used Pat's supposed sexual preference against her in recruiting? UCONN has/had MANY lesbians on the team, some of whom are out, and many more who are not. Find a former recruit who will corroborate.
  • You think he somehow paid players or their families under the table? Then show some proof and let the NCAA investigate (oh they did and found UCONN committed less violations than Pat did in her career).
  • You think he gave recruits or their families bonuses, gifts, or other disallowed benefits? Again, do your homework and find some proof.
  • You think he said horrible, degrading, unforgivable things about Pat or the Tennessee program to recruits? Then do your homework - go out and find a recruit who DIDN'T choose UCONN who will go on the record with all the horrible stuff Geno said/did.
  • Got something else? Let it fly and let the chips fall where they may.
The line "Pat told me in a phone conversation in 2008" is total crap. You got that on tape? The Pope told me on the phone that there are 13 gospels, not 4, and that Mary Magdelaine was married to Jesus. Hey I got no proof, but the Pope did tell me during a phone conversation... :rolleyes: (for the record, my last comment is totally untrue and a fabrication to make a point).

Some people on our board have wondered why UCONN fans are so amped up about this topic - it wasn't JUST the ridiculous 37 page complaint (that even referenced a Boneyard member making posters for the Super Show) - it's that some of their insane fans, led by a deranged booster who pretends to be a journalist, continues to believe and regurgitate the lies.

My second bit of news for you, Maria - just because you spout the same lies over and over and over and over does NOT make them true. And just because some ignorant fans believe it like the gospel, that doesn't make it OK. It's just sad and pathetic.

Post of the MONTH!!!! Thanks for setting the record straight for everyone. Including some that may not have been aware (or may have forgotten) of some of the points you so eloquently articulated here. Everyone with an opinion on this subject should read this post to compare the criteria they used to form their opinion(s) against the facts you listed here. Some folks may have been misinformed, or unaware of ALL of the dynamics or actions involved back in 2007. :cool:
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