Two cold showers and 4 jugs of amber. For me.
Do you do personnel development? Do you know how long it takes even the greatest manager in history to take on his first job at the helm, have almost all of his support team have less or not much more experience than he does, to assess and really learn what all of his people can do, let alone have to readjust when key injuries occur, and have outsiders armchair QB every move he makes? You take a quote out of context and figure that it shows something crazy about the guy who was quoted. It shows me he is taking a look at his horses and deciding on lots of things. He has maybe a half dozen kids at skill positions who are ready to do or are doing very good things, and some of those are his younger players. He has a major problem with the O line, and he has fans who want some things to happen now that probably are not going to show up this year. He has other fans who want him to build for the future but still don't want the team to take lumps now.
As for Whitmer, he isn't the worst passer in the world, that would be me, and his "happy feet" aren't as big a problem as the lack of time he gets. His first INT against Temple was underthrown, but name me a HOF QB who hasn't thrown a bunch of poor passes that cost his team even with great pass protection. The INT that sealed our fate against Boise (unlikely victory to begin with) was a good throw and ripped away from maybe our biggest stud. None of us has the faintest idea if Foxx is the answer to anything at QB, but if bysome chance he has the goods, one should wonder more about how the last regime evaluated him and not how Diaco, dealing with the entire personnel, has to figure things out. Second guessing is what fans do. The coach can't worry about that or he should sell cars instead. Time will tell what Diaco can do, and there isn't much to take away from this year other than that it confirms what we knew off of last year. The program needs a whole lot of better talent.