Azzi is worth waiting for, but Geno should offer other kids he likes. If that means a large class, he can deal with it later.
We really have no idea when Azzi will commit. Note, however, that Megan, Christyn, and Olivia all committed during the November early signing period. So did Haley Jones and Aaliyah Boston.
Azzi is on record as saying she is "the worst decision maker" or something like that. That may mean that she won't decide until she has to. She also is a sweet kid who may have trouble telling coaches "no."
Based on the above, I think Azzi COULD wait until November to decide. If it takes her that long, we need to be patient. But if Geno can get commitments from any of Rivers, Moore, Iriafen, Ducharme, et al., he should take them.