"The guy, made some mistakes many years ago, and I'm sure has learned his lessons, with regards to actual business of college football, and he clearly wasn't fit to be making statements to the press for a division 1A football program at UCONN and needed a little instruction on correcting those mistakes as well, and I'm sure has learned his lessons, and for whatever reasons, of which I'm sure the media storm was one, and the winter we're having probably another, (we're at the point now, where 3 inches of snow is a dusting and I'm not shoveling - at least for me) and he came to the conclusion that the he didn't want to be at UCONN anymore. I'm glad he decided quick."
From a strictly grammatical point of view, that is one helluva sentence! Complex, compound, subordinate clauses, parenthetical comments, the works. A truly admirable achievement. (The first one, not the second.) And absolutely no sarcasm intended! One comma fault early on, but once you got rolling, wow!