I can't imagine why on earth women (who actually will out number men, viewing the Olympics) aren't better fans of women's sports.
It couldn't have anything to do with history - what with, for example, women's competitive high school basketball being wiped out in the mid-30's. I mean, if THAT doesn't tell women to watch women's sports, I don't know what does?
It couldn't have anything to do with what's on TV - what with, for example, the majority of sports broadcast being of the male type. I mean, why wasn't every woman a UConn fan BEFORE Rebecca Lobo got on TV?
It couldn't have anything to do with coverage -- I mean, if you look hard enough you'll find a blog or two that covers women's athletics. Sure, ESPN won't send Mechelle Voepel to cover the US team, but really, won't you be just as satisfied with AP Doug? He's pretty good. And working hard will keep him out of trouble.
It couldn't have anything to do with missing role models. I mean, women have had forty years of Title IX, fer cryin' out loud. Granted, most universities and high schools aren't in compliance, but honestly, how long does it take to catch up to 100+ years of men's athletics?
It couldn't have anything to do with free time. I mean, really, I understand that in most (hetero) couples both work full time jobs and the woman is still does the greater part of the childcare and housekeeping, but really, if the WANTED to be sports fans they'd find the time.