Dayton postgame thread [merged] | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Dayton postgame thread [merged]

Apr 10, 2015
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Some thoughts on the Dayton game:
  • No Crystal, no worries. The team stepped up and played generally solid basketball with everyone contributing.
  • Anna looked great right out of the gate knocking down her first two 3’s, playing D, setting up Liv with a great pass and even running the offense some. When she went down my heart sunk. Thrilled to see her start the 2nd half, although it looked like she was trying to play after turning her ankle. I expect she’ll be fine for the next game in 9 days.
  • Megan did some really nice things, but you could tell she was trying to do a little too much in Crystal’s absence as she forced some things that resulted in turnovers. When she just let the game come to her, she was very good.
  • News alert!!! Kyla missed her first shot of the season, but otherwise played a really nice game for the Huskies.
  • Molly wasn’t spectacular, but she was steady running the point and played solid defense which is exactly what UConn needed in Crystal’s absence.
  • Liv is so close to becoming a great player, you can feel it. Hopefully, she can feel it too, and will do whatever is necessary to get there.
1. MOLLYf for most of the game was Geno's PG. Was exceptional when pressed, made a lay up shot a 3 and missed, why not that hand is bandaged. Over all I give her a huge WELL DONE.
2. Ania is becoming the ANIA we expected her to be and now we expect more. She too can be an on floor leader and PG she handles the ball well has good instincts.
3. Aubrey after a rough start proved herself in the second half. That kid is a winner now needs to slow her brain down and see things in real time. I'm a mile high on this kid.
4. Kyla, with or without the alert is playing like a UConn senior. Where has she hidden this for 3 years???
5. Olivia is right now a near great but the Polishing (not POLISH-ing) will take some time. Each game you see improvements from the game before. @oldude I hate to agree with you always but when you are right you are right.
6. Geno will now have to work on a fix for the SWARMING DEFENSE and hope all refs are not so "WALK" happy and those that spoke of the Chop Defense of Liv saw more of it in Dayton, but less than before.
Sorry folks ---I saw an awful lot to be pleased with from the UConn women in this Dayton game.
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Aug 27, 2011
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My fav play was a wonderful pass, Kyla to the post (2nd quarter?) and Ono was perfectly set up to slip it into the hoop with the defense having zero chance...but there was only one such example: only one.

Some really smooth, not easy shots by Meg...better and better; perhaps a real #1.

Great to see Kyla hitting shots

Funniest play...a guard lost (let go) for a drive along the baseline...the help role was a clearly not communicated with Evelyn (a ce moment) ...the drive straight to the hoop for a layup went in a lovely lane between the side line and the unknowing Evelyn's back.

Liv's turn around is quite lovely, her athleticism is remarkable.

Aubrey and Geno will figure out her role for her...sooner than later, I keep thinking Kiah in a guard's body.

Has anybody noticed that Geno is coaching 110% of the time...really active.

Yeah, a little better, but still quite a bit to go...a a big plus was Anna hitting some shots, changes the dynamic of the team offense.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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I thought we played well. Dayton was as cold as Siberia. I would like to see Megan and Squeaks take a few more shots, as long as they are good ones. On that note, I want to see Megan and everyone else make ALL their layups.

This was an old-fashoioned 2-fer. Remember those--when we doubled up the opponent's score?


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Just to put it in perspective...

I'm not even going to analyze the game. South Carolina, at full strength, beat Dayton by 26. UCONN, without Crystal and an injured Anna used Kyla, Molly, and Aubrey a lot, and won by 38. Just a terrific all around game by the entire team.

Monster game by Megan. ONO - O-yes. Christyn - really good. Kyla and Molly - HOORAY!! Anna drained some 3's before her injury. Aubrey - some really good stuff. Evelyn - well, she got some rebounds.

Really proud of how the team played. My favorite game in quite a while.

Me either. UConn won. Congratulations to the team, and the staff. This will be my only comment on this game. :cool:


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Couldn't get ESPN radio on the radio or computer, gave up & signed up for ESPN+ trial. As a result only able to see the last 9 or so minutes of the 1st Q when I finally tuned in, so I missed some hot shooting. Seems to have continued -- 3pt percentage at 52.6 was higher than the 2pt percentage at 50. ESPN+ gave me clear streaming & sound (a little muted, but fortunately I use speakers with their own power source. The refs were not good to UConn, multiple whistles for traveling, didn't award any FTs until pretty far into the 2nd half -- total 4.

With their leader out with injury and heavy reliance on bench players, the rest of the team played above their heads based on previous games. Good work!

And then Anna got injured in the first half. After scoring 2 3s in Q1 and making at least one very good pass, she appears to have sprained an ankle in Q2 and had to leave the game for a check up. She returned at the beginning of the 2nd half, but briefly, and had to sit down.

Meg scored highest, 23 pt, 9 more than Christyn and ONO who had 14 each. Volume shooting, though. Airballs, missed layups, jumpers bounced off the basket, 9-17 FT. But 4-6 3pt was very efficient.

ONO was devastating Dayton with her defense. 7 blocks, 3 Asst, 2 Steals, 8 reb -- and only one TO. She scored a lot better than Ohio State, but Dayton wasn't as physical, but even so her shooting was inefficient at 7-17. But she seemed to be everywhere disrupting the Dayton offense. I don't think radio could do justice to what she was doing, if you weren't able to watch.

Kyla's shooting consistency continues to be remarkable. 3-4 FT & 2-3 3PT. Not a volume shooter but very efficient. She had 6 assts, higher than anyone else on the team, & 6 rebs. compare to ONO's 8.

Christyn also relied on volume shooting, but her layups & the preceding penetration seemed to be more successful than Meg's. Good that she did some of her best work in Q4. One of UConn's most reliable FT shooters.

Nice to see Molly Bent running point, though coach hasn't seemed to be too enthusiastic for subbing her in for CD. Made some unfortunate passes, and avoided what seemed to be a clear path when she was ahead in transition and passed instead, but she got over her nerves and made at least one layup, also in transition. Knowing the team was without CD she knew she had to score, and she came through.

Finally started paying attention to Aubrey Griffin, and she showed potential, going strong to the basket and getting the ball through the hole this time.

Hoping Anna's injury isn't too serious. Hurts that she started out the game so well.

Could have been worse overall, and the Huskies won comfortably, 75-37. Unlike Temple's or Virginia's unexpected 3 pt prowess, Dayton couldn't keep it close, but UConn defense should get some credit.

I have not been able to get a game on 97.9 ESPN this season. They advertise that the games can be heard on that station, but when you tune in, there's no game. :confused:
Aug 2, 2018
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Geno didn&#39;t have an update on Anna Makurat&#39;s ankle injury after the game. Said she didn&#39;t feel like she could push off it.<br><br>He says he&#39;s hoping she and Crystal Dangerfield will be ready after Thanksgiving break. The team practices Saturday but doesn&#39;t play again til next Thursday</p>&mdash; Alexa Philippou (@alexaphilippou) <a href">November 27, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Apr 20, 2016
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Not quite as amazing[as what I pointed out in my last post], but still significant is that it seems that Liv has a 'green light' to take the deep jumper .. if this develops this could be HUGE for our offense!
I also think that Aubrey - who is a VERY TALL 6'1" with looong arms and mad hops has the potential to be Liv's back-up, if Evelyn doesn't pick it up.


retired Ohio teacher
Apr 9, 2016
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I live in Ohio. Got to see my second Husky game in three days! Here is what I think.

--UD Arena is one of the best venues the team will play in all year. Even though the crowd tonight was smaller than Sunday, Dayton again demonstrated why it is great basketball town. Their team is down this year but they still came to see a good show. They weren't disappointed. I wish DannyUConn was there to capture it in pictures.

--Dayton appears to be depleted. At least three tall ladies were dressed in sweats at the end of the bench. They are probably the worst shooting team UConn will see all year.

--The game was pretty sloppy at times. If memory serves, when the Huskies play two games in three days on the road, focus isn't as apparent during the second game. With the holiday in two days, I am sure they are looking forward to getting home.

--Other than Anna getting hurt, Geno got a lot accomplished. I hope Crystal back spasms aren't serious but I would not be surprised if rest for her became an order after watching the Flyer's on tape.

--Geno's class never ceases to amaze me. The Hall of Famer sought out Coach Green prior to tip off for a three or four minute chat. Coach Green did most of the talking. He doesn't have to do any of that. You could tell she was flattered.

--You can see Kyla's confidence growing by the minute. If she doesn't have Geno's trust yet, she soon will. Zero turnovers in 36 minutes. There are still things she can't do but the positives far outnumber the negatives.

--I now understand after seeing her live why Evelyn's minutes have been limited. I am not sure any grad transfer can adapt to the UConn way. There just isn't enough time. She is tentative and not nearly in the condition that she could be in. I am sure the staff has been in her ear but there is talent there. There are lots of obstacles preventing it from being shown. There is still time.

--I think Geno is trying to get Megan used to playing close to 40 minutes. Physically and offensively she can handle it. Mentally, she has lapses. She is taking good shots, I just wish her shooting percentage was a little higher.

--There were several fans Sunday with Bent jerseys. I hope they stayed in Ohio for this game. Probably a personal record for minutes in a game for Molly. She makes some odd choices, especially for a senior, but there is no questioning her athleticism.

--It is too bad that Aubrey spent time in Geno's dog house during the game. It would have been really fun to watch her get 25-30 minutes. It is easier to see her potential when you see her live. She just glides.

--6-0 with four of the wins on the road. Lets hope that Anna and Crystal are ready to go on the 5th.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Very happy Geno had Molly handle point. CW needs to hunt her offense and she would be too tentative at the point imo. Molly has alot to offer, especially on the defensive end and I think she got more comfortable as the game went on. Some nice drives.
Nov 5, 2013
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Pos: liv is shooting from everywhere, obviously she got the green light from Geno. Ania finally got out of her shooting slump.

Not so pos:though Megan scored a bunch, she also had many silly turn overs, which really negated her offensive prowess. As a highly touted player now a junior,isn’t she expected better than this?
Aug 27, 2011
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Kyla was really good vs. Dayton. Her points were scored in the flow of the offense and again, she led the team in asst. She also did the little things that don't show up in statsheet. She's the first person to pick up a teammate, celebrate a made shot, and her vocal leadership in huddles is evident. She will be key component to the team's success moving forward. Well played, Kyla.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Pos: liv is shooting from everywhere, obviously she got the green light from Geno. Ania finally got out of her shooting slump.

Not so pos:though Megan scored a bunch, she also had many silly turn overs, which really negated her offensive prowess. As a highly touted player now a junior,isn’t she expected better than this?

Most of her TO's were the result of these epidemic first step pseudo travel calls the refs are calling and is a symptom of Megs aggressiveness. That is a good thing.
Jun 9, 2012
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I live in Ohio. Got to see my second Husky game in three days! Here is what I think.

--UD Arena is one of the best venues the team will play in all year. Even though the crowd tonight was smaller than Sunday, Dayton again demonstrated why it is great basketball town. Their team is down this year but they still came to see a good show. They weren't disappointed. I wish DannyUConn was there to capture it in pictures.

--Dayton appears to be depleted. At least three tall ladies were dressed in sweats at the end of the bench. They are probably the worst shooting team UConn will see all year.

--The game was pretty sloppy at times. If memory serves, when the Huskies play two games in three days on the road, focus isn't as apparent during the second game. With the holiday in two days, I am sure they are looking forward to getting home.

--Other than Anna getting hurt, Geno got a lot accomplished. I hope Crystal back spasms aren't serious but I would not be surprised if rest for her became an order after watching the Flyer's on tape.

--Geno's class never ceases to amaze me. The Hall of Famer sought out Coach Green prior to tip off for a three or four minute chat. Coach Green did most of the talking. He doesn't have to do any of that. You could tell she was flattered.

--You can see Kyla's confidence growing by the minute. If she doesn't have Geno's trust yet, she soon will. Zero turnovers in 36 minutes. There are still things she can't do but the positives far outnumber the negatives.

--I now understand after seeing her live why Evelyn's minutes have been limited. I am not sure any grad transfer can adapt to the UConn way. There just isn't enough time. She is tentative and not nearly in the condition that she could be in. I am sure the staff has been in her ear but there is talent there. There are lots of obstacles preventing it from being shown. There is still time.

--I think Geno is trying to get Megan used to playing close to 40 minutes. Physically and offensively she can handle it. Mentally, she has lapses. She is taking good shots, I just wish her shooting percentage was a little higher.

--There were several fans Sunday with Bent jerseys. I hope they stayed in Ohio for this game. Probably a personal record for minutes in a game for Molly. She makes some odd choices, especially for a senior, but there is no questioning her athleticism.

--It is too bad that Aubrey spent time in Geno's dog house during the game. It would have been really fun to watch her get 25-30 minutes. It is easier to see her potential when you see her live. She just glides.

--6-0 with four of the wins on the road. Lets hope that Anna and Crystal are ready to go on the 5th.

I saw a couple of games ago that EA was not in shape and figured as much. Also doesn’t Molly have Sue Bird’s old number.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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Not quite as amazing[as what I pointed out in my last post], but still significant is that it seems that Liv has a 'green light' to take the deep jumper .. if this develops this could be HUGE for our offense!
I also think that Aubrey - who is a VERY TALL 6'1" with looong arms and mad hops has the potential to be Liv's back-up, if Evelyn doesn't pick it up.
Liv has a very nice shot. Almost all her misses last night, including the one 3 she took, were right on target, but off the front of the rim, something that’s easily correctable. As for Aubrey, she did see some minutes in the game as Liv’s backup. Aubrey is a special athlete who has the ability to impact a game like Gabby once she figures things out.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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My fav play was a wonderful pass, Kyla to the post (2nd quarter?) and Ono was perfectly set up to slip it into the hoop with the defense having zero chance...but there was only one such example: only one.
That was a really nice feed and finish.

Funniest play...a guard lost (let go) for a drive along the baseline...the help role was a clearly not communicated with Evelyn (a ce moment) ...the drive straight to the hoop for a layup went in a lovely lane between the side line and the unknowing Evelyn's back.
I remember that play, I yelled "Evelyn wake up" at the TV. Then I thought, well there's an example of why she's not getting much playing time.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Some nice quotes in Alexa's postgame article

The money quote

“I was really proud of Molly and Kyla, stepping in like that, and Anna did a good job off the bench,” UConn coach Geno Auriemma said. "Meg had a great game, a monster game. We got a little bit from everybody and that’s what it takes.”

Others in the article.



bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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I've been following basketball for a long time. One lesson I've learned is that if a team can hold its opponent to under 40, such a team is likely to emerge with a win!
It’s still early in the season, but UConn is currently holding opponents to 54 ppg, 2 ppg less than last season. The “Liv factor” looms large so far this season... :rolleyes:


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Not so pos:though Megan scored a bunch, she also had many silly turn overs, which really negated her offensive prowess. As a highly touted player now a junior,isn’t she expected better than this?
Yea I know. Carrying the team on her back, averaging 20 ppg, 8.8 rpg, shooting 47%/47%/76%, A/TO ratio of 1.00. It's sad really. You'd think she would be better.

:rolleyes: Head bang

What happened to our "dislike" button?


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Yea I know. Carrying the team on her back, averaging 20 ppg, 8.8 rpg, shooting 47%/47%/76%, A/TO ratio of 1.00. It's sad really. You'd think she would be better.

:rolleyes: Head bang

What happened to our "dislike" button?

Hover over the 'like' link and a 'like' and a 'dislike' appear. I miss the 'love' button though.
Nov 30, 2015
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It's going to be one of those seasons. Should be a fun ride.

Next player up!

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