Day Columnist takes on High School girls | The Boneyard

Day Columnist takes on High School girls

Jun 11, 2019
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Okay I might not even disagree with DiMauro but it still seems wrong. 4 high schoolers left a quarterfinal game at halftime to go get ready for their junior prom later in the evening. Apparently they could have finished the game and still made it but they chose to leave. I think they probably should have stayed but these high school girls didn't. And no matter what I think I think it's so wrong to devote a column in the biggest paper and while he didn't name names it was being discussed in the local bar and the names were being discussed. And fwiw I had a much better time at my junior prom than my senior prom fwiw. So am I wrong to think he's right but doesn't belong in local paper?

Aug 26, 2011
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Okay I might not even disagree with DiMauro but it still seems wrong. 4 high schoolers left a quarterfinal game at halftime to go get ready for their junior prom later in the evening. Apparently they could have finished the game and still made it but they chose to leave. I think they probably should have stayed but these high school girls didn't. And no matter what I think I think it's so wrong to devote a column in the biggest paper and while he didn't name names it was being discussed in the local bar and the names were being discussed. And fwiw I had a much better time at my junior prom than my senior prom fwiw. So am I wrong to think he's right but doesn't belong in local paper?

No, don't think you're wrong; public shaming not necessary, but players have to feel a commitment to their teammates. As Allen Iverson would say," It's just a dance!"


Aug 24, 2011
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So high school lacrosse games are generally 40 minutes? Four 10-minute quarters. So there was basically 20 minutes left in the match, give 5 minutes for a TO between Q3 and Q4, and it's maybe 30-40 minutes that they saved by leaving early?

I get that they needed to get ready, take photos, enjoy the experience, but prom is not like a movie or a show - that starts promptly at "X" PM and only lasts an hour and half or 2. . and proms usually go to 10-11 PM. BTW the game was scheduled at 1:30. At most it would have been over by 3:30. I've NEVER heard of a prom starting at 4 PM. Maybe in 2nd grade, but not in high school.

Now I don't know all the specifics so I"m going to speak in generalities, but if it was a boys lacrosse team, what would the reaction be? I've often noticed people complain that some fans are too hard on the women's hoops players (not talking personal attacks), but the fact is those comments are often pale compared to what shows up on men's boards.

Sure high schoolers are younger. But they aren't playing T-ball where you get a trophy just for showing up. These kids made a commitment to their team and teammates. And it's not even like it was "just" a regular game - it was the state quarterfinals.

Would Geno ever consider recruiting a hoops player who abandoned her team in the state quarterfinals to be a prom a half hour earlier? I hardly think so. Maybe these kids don't want to play lacrosse in college. And getting back to the "public shaming " comments, I disagree. Again, not T-league where everyone's a winner. And OMG the comments by readers at the end of the article - holy cow. "Public stoning", "Bully", yikes.

For the record, it would be interesting to hear the other side. I'm sure the players discussed the decision with the coach and teammates. The writer said the coach declined to comment when called. IMHO it would have been better to hold off on writing the piece until talking with the coach and players. But the histrionics of some of the parents' comments is over the top.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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You guys have obviously never been teenaged girls going her first formal event. A guy would go home, take a shower, get dressed and go. A girl has to shower, yes, then she has to get her hair done up, usually a fancy hairdo that takes forever to get right, apply just the right amount of makeup, get dressed, fuss with shoes and jewelry, and have Mom take a couple dozen pictures. I am not exaggerating. A girl’s first formal is a Big Deal.

DiMauro fails to understand human emotions, especially those of a teenaged girl.
Feb 10, 2021
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The solution is simple……

Apr 20, 2017
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I’m not going to say whether I think what they did was right or wrong because I simply don’t have enough information to even begin to make an informed decision. However, young women are told consistently that their participation in sports does not matter. The message comes from the media, it comes from boys, and it comes adults. It’s not surprising to me that a young woman would choose her prom as a priority over sports. It’s horrifying though that Mr. DiMauro would publicly called them out. He’s part of the problem and not part of the solution.
Mar 21, 2021
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You can't be in two places at once. Life is greater than sports. People forget this in all the excitement. Their decision. I'm okay with their choices.
Feb 10, 2021
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You guys have obviously never been teenaged girls going her first formal event. A guy would go home, take a shower, get dressed and go. A girl has to shower, yes, then she has to get her hair done up, usually a fancy hairdo that takes forever to get right, apply just the right amount of makeup, get dressed, fuss with shoes and jewelry, and have Mom take a couple dozen pictures. I am not exaggerating. A girl’s first formal is a Big Deal.

DiMauro fails to understand human emotions, especially those of a teenaged girl.
Very good points. The problem is one of commitment. I’m sure their teammates worked very hard to get to an important game and then were abandoned. If the coach knew this was going to happen, maybe requesting an earlier start time would have resolved things. No argument with how important the Junior Prom is to these girls. However, they made a commitment to the team and didn’t live up to it. I don’t know if any of these players are college material, but if they are, recruiters might question thir decision to leave the team in the middle of a game (or is it match).


Proud Connecticut WBB Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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DiMauro likes to stir the pot. Remember the "UConn fans are racists because Maya's last game wasn't a sell-out" column? Every so often he gets a bug up his shorts and lets fly.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Very good points. The problem is one of commitment. I’m sure their teammates worked very hard to get to an important game and then were abandoned. If the coach knew this was going to happen, maybe requesting an earlier start time would have resolved things. No argument with how important the Junior Prom is to these girls. However, they made a commitment to the team and didn’t live up to it. I don’t know if any of these players are college material, but if they are, recruiters might question thir decision to leave the team in the middle of a game (or is it match).
Sort of a strange take, IMO. A girl is not going to be eliminaTed as a recruit for missing 20 minutes of one game to attend a major life event. You, like DiMauro, appear to lack understanding how huge an event a first formal is to a 16 year old girl.

DiMauro is a dope, btw. He would have been at home with those Puritans that forced women to wear scarlet letters.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Incidentally, it happened with the lacrosse team, too. Where’s the outrage?

If I had to guess, it happens at high schools everywhere. When my kids were in high school, some girls took the day off from school to get ready. They had appointments at the salon to, yes, get their hair and makeup done. A prom is a rite of passage and has more significance than men realize.

May 30, 2020
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Incidentally, it happened with the lacrosse team, too. Where’s the outrage?

If I had to guess, it happens at high schools everywhere. When my kids were in high school, some girls took the day off from school to get ready. They had appointments at the salon to, yes, get their hair and makeup done. A prom is a rite of passage and has more significance than men realize.

It happens in Academic competition as well.

I was out [did not take a medical "red shirt"] with double total hip replacement early in the "season" and did not notice that our school's prom was scheduled for the State Finals in Academic Super Bowl until early March, 2022. We had had two teams qualify for the State Finals for the last three years that a team competition had been held [2020 was wiped out by CoViD-19], so I expected to get at least 3 and most likely four teams qualified for the State Finals. Additionally, our Math coach had a significant brain bleed on MLK, Jr. day, and was out [Medically] until two days after the Math team qualified for the State finals with my limited help [Valentine's Day on].

A Senior girl who was on both the English and the Fine Arts teams made it known to the coaches that the Prom scheduled for later in the day of State Finals was her higher priority than the State finals in Academic Super Bowl. She revealed this four days before the Area competition [State Finals qualifier - like the Sectionals, Regionals & Semi-State competition rolled into one competition], which allowed me as the Head Coach to adjust my roster for the Interdisciplinary team, but this dropped the English team to two Sophomores and a Freshman for the State Finals, as she was clearly in the top four of the ten girls on the English team roster, but she was present to help the team qualify for the State Finals at Area.

Two weeks earlier [than her reveal], after verifying priorities with my other Junior and Senior competitors between Prom and the State Finals, I focused two of my outstanding girls to Social Studies [the senior was to be the Valedictorian, and the junior is in the top five of her junior class] as I had made my decision as to the starting line-ups for Math {the senior}, and Science {the junior} to free their limited time outside of serious dual credit coursework to work on one discipline which had not qualified for the State finals since 2007. They both were still qualified to medal {and did} in both of their disciplines plus interdisciplinary should have the Interdisciplinary team qualified for the State finals [as they were the defending State Champions at that point, but was a tie-breaker away from qualifying for the finals :oops:].

My High School qualified four teams to the State Finals for the first time in our history, and they earned a State Championship in Science [all three boys [two Juniors and a Senior, who were headed to the Prom later], Runners-up in Math [same three boys plus a Sophomore], third in English [the aforementioned two Sophomores and a Freshman], and third in Social Studies to become the only High School with three or more teams qualified for the State finals to medal with ALL of their teams.

Because our students were honest with their priorities this year {early enough to make changes}, we {the coaches} were able to refocus our other competitors to effect positive line-up changes to maximize double medalists [10] in one competition, and achieve triple medalists [5] for career medals for the first time in history.

By the way, the Social Studies third place was the happiest I have ever been to finish the "season" with a third place, because they had started out the State finals competition in last place, scratched their way to fourth place by the 20th question (out of 25 questions), caught third place on the 24th question, and held it by getting the 25th question correct. It was against the High School that had beaten our football team in the State Championship game at Lucas Oil Stadium on the Saturday after Thanksgiving three years earlier on a touchdown with 10 seconds left on the game clock (4th quarter) and won converting a 2-point conversion to go up by one. Earlier that day we had beaten their Science team by three for the State Championship.

Therefore, NO outrage here, just thanksgiving for being blessed with outstanding students who are selfless, flexible, and hardworking to the Glory of God.

Although we are losing the Valedictorian (Social Studies Captain & Math) and the Salutatorian (Math & Science Captain), we still have eleven students with experience at the State finals for next year. Time to not be complacent...
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That's big-boo-TAY
Dec 16, 2016
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I got no dog in this race. But I loved this quote:

Maybe this is why I frequently refer to the words of writer Anne Lamott, who wrote rather famously once that society is "deteriorating faster than I can lower my standards."


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't think there is a really good answer.

Life over sports? For sure. I appreciate the significance of life events, such as proms, in the development of teenagers.

That said, there is the commitment to a team issue. It is real as well. Plenty of sacrifices made by many athletes for the sake of their teams over the years.

So, no good answer. What they didn't / don't deserve is being ripped up for their decisions. If their coaches were "ok" with it, its all good. If they weren't, its their issue to deal with. Not the nattering public that has an opinion on everyone.
Mar 21, 2021
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I wonder if this guy ever called out sick from work, but instead hung out with friends and family? You think he was sitting around feeling like he let the "team" down?
Oct 10, 2020
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You can't be in two places at once. Life is greater than sports. People forget this in all the excitement. Their decision. I'm okay with their choices.
Life may be greater than sports, but I’d bet they made a commitment to their team (when chosen for the team,probably mid-March) LONG before they were asked to the prom. Their commitment is CLEARLY to the team FIRST, particularly when they could have easily done both !!
Jan 26, 2016
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You guys have obviously never been teenaged girls going her first formal event. A guy would go home, take a shower, get dressed and go. A girl has to shower, yes, then she has to get her hair done up, usually a fancy hairdo that takes forever to get right, apply just the right amount of makeup, get dressed, fuss with shoes and jewelry, and have Mom take a couple dozen pictures. I am not exaggerating. A girl’s first formal is a Big Deal.

DiMauro fails to understand human emotions, especially those of a teenaged girl.
right you the father of a now college aged daughter who went through this very thing, I can say that absolutely nothing could get in the way of her prom prep and the hours of time involved in getting's a true right of passage and luckily her coaches were fully aware of this situation.....
Aug 26, 2011
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You guys have obviously never been teenaged girls going her first formal event. A guy would go home, take a shower, get dressed and go. A girl has to shower, yes, then she has to get her hair done up, usually a fancy hairdo that takes forever to get right, apply just the right amount of makeup, get dressed, fuss with shoes and jewelry, and have Mom take a couple dozen pictures. I am not exaggerating. A girl’s first formal is a Big Deal.

DiMauro fails to understand human emotions, especially those of a teenaged girl.
He got more comments than usual. Job done.
Mar 21, 2021
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Life may be greater than sports, but I’d bet they made a commitment to their team (when chosen for the team,probably mid-March) LONG before they were asked to the prom. Their commitment is CLEARLY to the team FIRST, particularly when they could have easily done both !!
I don't know all the details. I don't know when they were asked or what they previously said they would do. It doesn't matter to me. It was their decision and I'm not sure making it anyone's else's is appropriate not to mention writing an article. These are young kids. Who here has never broken a commitment? I mean...seriously. This is just overblown outrage if you ask me. I didn't get the impression that it was a repeated behavior.
Apr 20, 2017
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Forget about the coach, what about their teammates' reaction? I would guess that there were other players on the team that somehow managed to get to the prom, after finishing the game.
In the local paper commentary, a member of the team said they made the decision as a team and all were on board.
Jan 29, 2012
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As someone who coached at the HS level for over 30 years I've had Wrestlers miss the Conference or Regional or State Tournaments to go skiing with friends NOT FAMILY for the weekend! One kid broke his leg skiing!
I also coached Girl's Field Hockey.
At our preseason meeting with parents invited we discussed all aspects of the program and the upcoming season. And commitments made if broken would be frowned on! Even though wrestling is an individual sport it is also a team sport, the individuals create the final score!
In the 1988 State Class L finals we were favored to be in the chase for the State Championship and in the Semi's my 145 lost on 3 stalling points to a kid he beat during the season and went home with his Mother in a huff not staying to Wrestle in the consolations! Then my 185 seriously hurt his knee also in the Semi's but he hung with the team. When it came time for the 185 consolation 5th/6th match the other Wrestler was also hurt and was not there so my injured 185 still in his uniform limped on the mat to get 5th place points + forfeit points! If my 145 had stayed and Wrestled in the consolations he would have come back to take third (he was the best in his weight class and had already beaten the Wrestlers ahead of him in the conso's) giving us enough points to beat the eventual wining school by a point to win the State Championship!
I'm old fashion and believe in commitments made are kept!
I think in this instance the girls who left at 1/2 time would have been better off to not show up at all!
It changes the tenor of the game if they play the first 1/2 then leave, patterns have been set with the girls there then the remaining girls have to reboot during the 2nd 1/2! One other idea is the girls that left could have gone home right after the game with their parents not waiting for the school bus!
Jan 29, 2012
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I don't think there is a really good answer.

Life over sports? For sure. I appreciate the significance of life events, such as proms, in the development of teenagers.

That said, there is the commitment to a team issue. It is real as well. Plenty of sacrifices made by many athletes for the sake of their teams over the years.

So, no good answer. What they didn't / don't deserve is being ripped up for their decisions. If their coaches were "ok" with it, its all good. If they weren't, its their issue to deal with. Not the nattering public that has an opinion on everyone.
KnightBridgeAZ- - I don't think the coach was in favor of the situation as after the game he was asked by reporters about it he made a big point of saying NO COMMENT!
Mar 31, 2021
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I went to a lacrosse game the other day and a prom broke out. Hey, did any one catch the score of the game? Not in that DiMauro penned article. As psconn pointed out earlier in this thread DiMauro likes to stir the pot, create controversy, with the primary reason to demonstrate to the New London Day managers that people are reading his articles. And as uconnfan68 reported, he got more comments than usual. He is not the first sports reporter to use these tactics and he will be the last.
Mar 31, 2021
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I went to a lacrosse game the other day and a prom broke out. Hey, did any one catch the score of the game? Not in that DiMauro penned article. As psconn pointed out earlier in this thread DiMauro likes to stir the pot, create controversy, with the primary reason to demonstrate to the New London Day managers that people are reading his articles. And as uconnfan68 reported, he got more comments than usual. He is not the first sports reporter to use these tactics and he will be the last.
And he will not be the last. sorry about that.

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