The demeanor of Kimani was a great lesson. No panic. Cool and collected. Focused. Don’t think for a second different players didn’t show up in the last 1:30. They were focused, pushing and there was zero fear. As for Hurley, he’s dug himself a hole with the refs. Getting T’d and thrown out to pump up the crowd and team is not a long term strategy. He has to get some self control.
A bunch of us were talking about it last night after the game - a few of us sit close enough that we can usually hear the coaches talk on the bench. As I said in another thread it was great to see Kamani and Tom M play good guy bad guy with the refs - I think the team reacted well to that style.
I will agree 100% that Dan Hurley should not be thrown out on the 2nd T because while he was rallying the crowd it was clearly not to direct adversity towards the ref. However, it must be said that Dan Hurley was doing hand gestures and saying little asides to all the refs from the beginning of the game that had him on thin ice - he was warned twice before the 1st T. And yes, a coach can be ejected for inciting a crowd but that was a stretch last night. The loud "ref you suck" chant, if Dan Hurley led it or reacted favorably to it - that would warrant such action.
Unfortunately, Dan Hurley has a target on his chest due to his antics and loose lips. Swearing at and calling officials Xrated names doesn't help his image. I don't think its a case of the refs not liking him, its a case of Dan Hurley consistent chirping at the officials and then going a bit too far during the heat of the moment.
If it's a style he can't change he will have to face the possible consequences. Coach Calhoun could be caustic but he was not constant at it and he saved the harsh talk for his players. Maybe Hurley could pick up the Calhoun stomp when he wants to open his mouth!
He was, in my opinion, unfairly tossed at that time, but in my bones I felt he was heading for an early shower at some point of the game last night - he was loaded for bear.