COVID Vaccine Thread, the Sequel | Page 28 | The Boneyard

COVID Vaccine Thread, the Sequel

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Aug 14, 2011
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Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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I know several months ago there were some articles suggesting getting one Pfizer and one Moderna for your initial set was worth looking in to when the shots were first becoming available. A risk mitigation or cost averaging type concept.
Aug 27, 2011
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I am seeing a scary display of the power of this virus right next door. My neighbors are in their mid thirties. He is a financial planner, she is an engineer. They are smart, pleasant people. She got covid 3 months ago and is now in a wheel chair with issues breathing and chronic pain. He avoided infection when she had it by having her quarantine to one side of the house. She stayed in the master suite alone for over a week.

He went on a business trip to meet an out of town client about two weeks ago. He got sick and tested positive so he stayed in a hotel. He got too sick to cope and went to the ER. He is now in intensive care on a ventilator 2000 miles away. They have four little kids and they have a visiting nurse at their house all day. Again, they are in their 30's and very active.
Absolutely shocking to read this, because we have seen these types of stories on tv but these are your neighbors and it’s not elsewhere. Why the hell didn’t they get the vaccine?
Oct 11, 2013
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Absolutely shocking to read this, because we have seen these types of stories on tv but these are your neighbors and it’s not elsewhere. Why the hell didn’t they get the vaccine?
Although rare, it’s happening to the vaccinated too. My friend here in Stamford moved to northern NJ last year and was having his house renovated there, so he decamped with his family to his sister in law’s house in Tampa for the summer. Somehow, he contracted covid down there and ended up in the hospital for six days with pneumonia. Double vaxxed, healthy 43 year-old. Now he’s recovering at his in-laws’ place in the White Mountains, and he tells me he now feels like he is “living inside an 80 year old body”. Scary. I told him I would have picked summer in NH over Tampa 100 out of 100 times.
Aug 30, 2011
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To add an anecdote, I work in a major hospital in a major city and we are seeing the young ones coming a lot more than before. I just had a 30 year old patient who was completely asymptomatic until she had a stroke.
This. Have a friend who is a doctor in a major hospital down in Florida. Went from ~40 COVID patients to 220 in the matter of a week (this was a few weeks back). Beds completely full at this point, 100% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated and far more in the 20-40 range than previous waves. We're all focused on hard core anti-COVID vaccine folks and they're certainly a problem, but her experience was that this was more apathetic younger people that just didn't think it was a big issue and didn't get around to getting the vaccine while still going out to bars and gathering in groups socially.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am seeing a scary display of the power of this virus right next door. My neighbors are in their mid thirties. He is a financial planner, she is an engineer. They are smart, pleasant people. She got covid 3 months ago and is now in a wheel chair with issues breathing and chronic pain. He avoided infection when she had it by having her quarantine to one side of the house. She stayed in the master suite alone for over a week.

He went on a business trip to meet an out of town client about two weeks ago. He got sick and tested positive so he stayed in a hotel. He got too sick to cope and went to the ER. He is now in intensive care on a ventilator 2000 miles away. They have four little kids and they have a visiting nurse at their house all day. Again, they are in their 30's and very active.

We’re they vaccinated?
Aug 29, 2011
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This. Have a friend who is a doctor in a major hospital down in Florida. Went from ~40 COVID patients to 220 in the matter of a week (this was a few weeks back). Beds completely full at this point, 100% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated and far more in the 20-40 range than previous waves. We're all focused on hard core anti-COVID vaccine folks and they're certainly a problem, but her experience was that this was more apathetic younger people that just didn't think it was a big issue and didn't get around to getting the vaccine while still going out to bars and gathering in groups socially.
You nailed it. The vaccine stats for the 20-30 and 30-40 year old demographics are dismal, regardless of politics, race, religion or other variables. Whether is is apathy or that sense of invincibility that is part of being young, the original COVID did not scare people in these age groups. Delta is different and these age groups and sadly younger children are feeling the impacts.
Jan 6, 2015
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That was one silver lining of my Moderna shots: with side effects that crummy, you know your body is building antibodies!
Aug 26, 2011
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You nailed it. The vaccine stats for the 20-30 and 30-40 year old demographics are dismal, regardless of politics, race, religion or other variables. Whether is is apathy or that sense of invincibility that is part of being young, the original COVID did not scare people in these age groups. Delta is different and these age groups and sadly younger children are feeling the impacts.

People starting to be admitted to ER in Fairfield County again.
May 7, 2014
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That was one silver lining of my Moderna shots: with side effects that crummy, you know your body is building antibodies!
I’m also happy as of now that I ended up with Moderna. That was back in January-February now so we will see how long it stays effective.


The files are in the computer
Jul 26, 2014
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Has anyone on this board gotten a Booster shot yet ???

I don’t really want to debate the morals of getting one, but am interested if anyone else, who like me got their first and second shots back in late January have gone ahead and gotten a booster based on the “unofficial” data that seems to show some loss of efficacy after six plus months.

I have two kids under 12 who are non vaccinated yet (fingers crossed soon I hope) so really am trying to protect them.

And yeah, I got the third one two weeks ago.
Mar 19, 2016
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That was one silver lining of my Moderna shots: with side effects that crummy, you know your body is building antibodies!
Got those same side effects with Pfizer. My titers for all the other vaccines I've ever recieved (MMR, HepB, HepA) as well as chicken pox, which I had as a kid are right at the upper limit of normal, hoping my immune system reacted the same way with this vaccine.
Aug 26, 2011
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Has anyone on this board gotten a Booster shot yet ??? I don’t really want to debate the morals of getting one
And yeah, I got the third one two weeks ago.
Without commenting on morals of a 3rd (or 2nd J&J) booster innoculation (don't really care), but where were you able to obtain a booster vaccination, e.g., chain pharmacy, small pharmacy, hospital, other source)? What if any questions were asked, or were you eligible due to pre-existing immune-deficiency considerations?

When/if a J&J 2nd vaccine becomes available, or more info is shared regarding mixing J&J 1 with a MRNA or PFE booster, I may join the queue especially if Delta, Delta+, Lambda, etc #s go even crazier near us. Due to too many self-centered, don't give a crapper people and rising #s nearby, we already transitioned back to ordering groceries and take away meals with parking lot pick up. Guess 2-3 month of nearer normal activities was just too much to expect. SMH


The files are in the computer
Jul 26, 2014
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Without commenting on morals of a 3rd (or 2nd J&J) booster innoculation (don't really care), but where were you able to obtain a booster vaccination, e.g., chain pharmacy, small pharmacy, hospital, other source)? What if any questions were asked, or were you eligible due to pre-existing immune-deficiency considerations?

When/if a J&J 2nd vaccine becomes available, or more info is shared regarding mixing J&J 1 with a MRNA or PFE booster, I may join the queue especially if Delta, Delta+, Lambda, etc #s go even crazier near us. Due to too many self-centered, don't give a crapper people and rising #s nearby, we already transitioned back to ordering groceries and take away meals with parking lot pick up. Guess 2-3 month of nearer normal activities was just too much to expect. SMH
Pretty easy.

1 - go somewhere they don’t have a record of prior ones (ie go to a state clinic if you got at cvs before, etc).

2 - on the line where they ask if you have been vaccinated yet you say no.

that’s it. They’ll have you schedule your next shot and just don’t show up for it.

I would have preferred waiting for a tailored booster or official okay to do it, but seems CDC dragging its feet very badly on this. I am not a doctor or healthcare worker or that smart, so don’t listen to me, but to me all data out there made it a no brainewhen shots are being thrown in the trash every day.

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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This is where I see things going the next few years. You'll take a test at your Dr's office and based on the results, they'll determine a booster periodicity or strength of booster.

This article quotes a couple of different docs saying the antibodies are only a portion of a person's immune system response. T Cells and memory B cells also aid in fighting off catching and the strength of the infection.

Study showing antibody levels protecting against COVID-19 could speed creation of new vaccines, boosters


What do I know.
Aug 28, 2011
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I received my second shot 2 weeks ago. Took some time to get it. I wasn't self entered as one stated above. It was keep an eye out on what is happening. First, I am 70, and a lite diabetic. When this first started I was labeled prime target for COVD. Well nothing happened. I did follow the rules. Store said mask, I masked. For many years I take vitamins, natural herbs, and pills or liquid to build up immune system. So, happy to say that any type of illness have been rare if not zero. I live in Savannah now where my son is. Weeks ago he asked me if I was vaccinated. I said no. Then he said, "Dad I know you, you love to travel, and if you are intending to do that, you need to be vaccinated." I thought, he is right so I did it. My. plans for Atlantis are in the works.
I DO NOT IN ANY WAY blame the unvaccinated for all our problems. It is a personal choice. I respect that. In conversations I have had with people I know explained to me why they will not get it, as of now. All the reasons I have heard had zero to do with being self-centered or having a huge ego. I read this morning of some of the after effects of the shot. One was DVT. Gee, what a coincident, I went to the ER almost two weeks ago for a superficial blood clot. Which at first was thought of DVT. So, in ending, let's leave people alone. I don't anybody has a handle on it 100% yet. If you mask, you can still get it, if you are vaccinated you still can get it. Rules are changing and higher ups are looking for an excuse. So, I wish everyone good health. You know yourself best.

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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'How does it work? Home kit, or go to a lab?

From the link................

Aug 26, 2011
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1 - go somewhere they don’t have a record of prior ones (ie go to a state clinic if you got at cvs before, etc).

Did you do this? If yes, which vaccine and any side effects? How did the side effects compare to the 2nd shot? I am considering doing this but waiting until Oct/Nov. I’d like to send my mom also.
Aug 26, 2011
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Gee, what a coincident, I went to the ER almost two weeks ago for a superficial blood clot.

Last year a significant number of unvaccinated, remember no vaccine at this time, were dying from bloodclots while in ICU. It’s all about percentages. Glad you are ok now.
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