It is an opinion - but it is also the "opinion" of Body Politic that long COVID is real.
If you ask an average citizen - is chronic lyme disease real? - they will say yes (I had this conversation with my wife this morning - she definitively believes it is real) - but the NIH says it isn't real.
It isn't a matter of "do people have something wrong with them" - it is the attribution that is the problem. And IF long-COVID isn't really a thing - then lots of people are going to misdiagnose themselves and be mistreated because they aren't looking for the real underlying medical issue.
An excerpt from the article:
Why include the reported symptoms of those who never had a confirmed infection? “Due to the severe lack of testing available in many areas and the prevalence of false negatives, we do not believe people’s experiences with COVID-19 symptoms should be discounted because they did not receive a positive test result,” the survey authors wrote in their first report. “We believe future research must consider the experiences of all people with COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of testing status, in order to better understand the virus and underscore the importance of early and widespread testing.”
I'm not sure I'm interested in taking medical advice from a group that is counting symptoms from people that might have not actually had COVID. But everyone can make their own decisions.