Cheating in golf | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Cheating in golf

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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Funny story about a buddy who was playing in a foursome with a notorious cheater. Playing a par 3 they walk to the green and the cheater is walking on the fringe and can't find his ball. My buddy sees him pull a ball out of his pocket, drop it and says he found his ball. My buddy then tends the pin and sees the guys ball in the cup. Freakin guy got a hole in one. My buddy reaches down, picks up the ball and puts it in his pocket and doesn't tell the guy. Guy never knew he got the hole in one! Screw him.
This story is so good that it wouldn't matter if you witnessed it, knew the guy who shared it, had only friend-of-a-friend or similar tenuous connection, heard it as fable, or made the damn thing up.

I'll be sharing it with my sister who recorded her second hole-in-one last month, during a championship qualifying round.


North is a direction; South is a lifestyle
Mar 7, 2017
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When I lived in CT I played regularly with my two best friends. Two guys I would trust with my life, my wife and my bank account. Each time out the scoring duties were rotated among us. For 6 straight weeks the guy who was scoring had the best score and I know those two guys wouldn't cheat. Would they?

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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When I lived in CT I played regularly with my two best friends. Two guys I would trust with my life, my wife and my bank account. Each time out the scoring duties were rotated among us. For 6 straight weeks the guy who was scoring had the best score and I know those two guys wouldn't cheat. Would they?
The band gets free beers too.
Aug 26, 2011
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Here's a couple more little ways some of the "best' find ways to score better. How about this:

Winter rules are fine with me. From December to March or in that area in the northeast. We play early year/late year in the cold when the grass is all fd up and they haven't mowed so club length everywhere but do not improve your lie. Do not take it out of trouble, or from behind something like trees, bushes, wall etc.. I play with multiple guys all of whom are friends and we all discuss this because most of us are honest. We have 2 who find ways to beat the rules every round and although they hardly ever play together it's like they're in a competition of who can pull the wool over our eyes. They never do of course but hey, at least they think they do. They both always are able to putt when they are near the green. They're always on the fringe or at worst on the edge of the rough so they can putt and don't have to chip it's hilarious. And these guys both have been seen tossing coins or markers while going to mark their balls on the green. They hardly know each other as I said yet they are so alike it's unbelievable. One of them one day drove up so fast and left his cart mate behind to mark his ball for his birdie putt I watched the event on purpose. Funniest thing ever as I was closer but made it up on time but he thought being in the cart I couldn't see him. Tossed the coin out a little from his 25 footer and the damn thing did a turn and came back behind him LOL I almost laughed my butt off. You could tell by then he knew someone may have noticed something so he sued a different coin to make sure we thought he dropped the one which rolled back to 30 feet, beautiful stuff. We have another buddy who I refuse to play with for money ever, who has never lost a ball on 17 at Fairview Farms on a dogleg right trying to hit it over the woods and yet 75% of the time we hear clanking around. It's crazy how many birdies and even an eagle or 2 he's made without finding the original and is ok with that? Nuts, lose respect for him and was a good friend. That's just one hole in his world of cheating we've seen him under a hill where we can't see him below an area we are in and he's walking in the rough with a club in his hand, rolling his drive 15-20 years further along while he walks - I kid you not. We can't see the ball because of the level to the right we are but we know what he's doing. He's whacked. I haven't played with him in a few years and really don't care to ever again, remain friends with him and watch UConn games together but he's ridiculous. The other guy is a decent player 80-90 player who I think beating his is a challenge with his extra efforts on the course. Funny thing about these 2 the one who I won't play with anymore is the one who wins your money but won't pay for anything but his after at the bar. The other guy is more than generous no matter win or lose and the only reason he cheats is because he wants to win the score, not the money.

Hence playing golf with those who play like you is most important. Reading most of these I'm good with rolling them in the fairways on public courses no reason not to. Play TPC, The Ranch, Meadowbrook, Blackstone and alike don't touch them anywhere. No worrying about who's doing what just play your own game and enjoy the day whether you play well or have an off day. Drink some beer and have some laughs with others who love the game. Cheaters just bring in an extra concern not needed for a fun day. I honestly don't go crazy over it but I have others we play with who it ruins their game as well and I get it. So at some point even though their great friends, they eventually need to know they're just not getting away with what they think they are. Funny thing is in our group none of us step up we just talk about it amongst each other after and share what others may have missed. LOL
Aug 26, 2011
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Obviously the guy doesn’t put in the right scores. It’s easy to figure out on GHIN app. Also, they tried to limit sandbaggers when they implemented the new handicap system. If you go up a certain amount which I think is 3.0 shots on your index within a year you become soft capped, which limits your upward progression by 50%, which in turn makes it extremely hard to go up anymore.
Or making your tournament score account for 75% of your handicap input


I dont have a drug problem I have a police problem
Jan 6, 2016
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I’d like to say when I’m not playing a match or in a tournament, I don’t pay attention to others. For 99% of the people I play with, I really don’t care. However Mr Handicap manager tries to be very secretive about his score. He doesn’t like being asked what he shot. It’s so obvious that he is cheating, he’s not fooling anyone. He’s clearly not posting good scores, managing his score or he’s posting inaccurate scores. He should be about a 9, and has the skills to be lower.

Also, in addition to being long offf the tee, good iron player, good chipper, he’s right up there with the best putters I’ve seen. Very good at reading greens. Our greens are large, fast (11.5 rolled) with very subtle breaks. He putts very well.

I guess in his head he’s justified winning much more than he loses. I don’t know what I’ll do if I decide to play in the member member next year and he’s in my flight.
I can't imagine other members putting up with that BS. Massaging a handicap is one thing(we have a guy at our club who is famous for saying "never make a putt you don't have to"), not posting good scores or altering them to increase your handicap is the biggest no no. Clubs will kick members out for that stuff. I wouldn't let my best friends get away with that. Improving lies is a penalty but if he is doing what you say that is a golf crime.

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