Cheating in golf | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Cheating in golf

Aug 27, 2011
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About handicaps. I play golf infrequently but played as a kid, don’t belong to a club and don’t have a handicap. I can shoot in the 80’s and I can shoot 110 depending on frequency of play and difficulty of the course. If the rough is cut wider and higher it can destroy your game and the same course can look completely different. There is just a lot of room for shenanigans on handicaps and I think generous numbers are given. So many factors but yes there are a lot of sandbaggers out there. Love the sand trap vid, also Leslie Nielsen has a good one out there.

Edward Sargent

Aug 28, 2011
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Check his bio for college golf scholarship.
I have another golf cheating story involving a college golf scholarship student intern. So I took on an engineering student from NC St. He was also on the NC St golf team, so I added him to our Company Golf League Team. Here we are in the semi's of the championship and playing our Procurement Group (we were Safety and Environmental). Anyway one of the Procurement players (a woman) yanks her drive way off the fairway leaving her in some deep grass with a sideways lie. Our intern is standing on top of the hill watching when she fluffs the ball out of the deep grass. My intern calls her on it saying you can't do that. Do what she asks? Fluff your ball he responds. Do you know who I am she asks? Yes I do you're the VP of procurement and I am a lowly intern, but you still fluffed your ball he responds. She had to take a 2 stroke penalty and we won. I also highly recommended the intern for eventual full time employment!
Check his bio for college golf scholarship.


Twister Member
Aug 21, 2011
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I do not play golf. Nearly all of my golfing experience has been in Boneyard tourneys.

I played one golf game, totally clean, counted every stroke, improved no lies, took no "gimmies", took no drops.

Shot 124, or so.

I am told that that is a high score for golf. I must be a natural to score so many points.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Amen . Some guys even argue for 5 minutes on whose out. That’s justification for murder.
I once got behind our local HS playing a practice round . These kids take 100 practice swings before every shot. The last foursomes are always the highest handicap so they take a lot of shots.

Ready golf. If some guy is looking for his ball in the woods beyond the green and you are on the green, putt away. Now, if you are already waiting at every tee, well, then maybe not. Never be the reason play is slow. Maybe I'm unusual, but I only take practice swings on partial swings, to get the feel for just how much I'm swinging. Any full swing I tend to be better if I walk up and hit it. Same off the tee. Thinking too much leads to bad things.
Aug 30, 2011
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Don't care how bad a player or group is. Don't score on the greens, Don't group to a single lie, Don't drop another ball in the fairway if you hit a poor shot that's what the range is for (unless you are playing single).


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I would tell them that you don’t want to play for money as long as lies are being improved because you are not used to playing that way. Bad lies or rough lies could be 10 strokes in a round especially with those 5 foot gimme puts.

I don’t golf but this feels like good advice.
Aug 26, 2011
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As long as you play your 18 in 3:30 or less I don't care.
only good thing from Covid was the temporary 1 player per cart. Didn’t have as much time to chat with my buddies but was playing 18 in 2:45 or less Now it takes that long for 9
Aug 26, 2011
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I don’t golf but some of this is surprising to me. I would have figured there are more guys that lie about having low handicaps and brag about it but I’m seeing here that there are more that are better players than their handicap would indicate and use that as a way to win.

It works both ways. They lie with a high handicap when it comes to actually competing. When talking to strangers at parties, they lie with a low handicap.
Aug 29, 2011
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Two things I think

1. Know your club. I used to play at a club where it was just accepted practice that you roll it over on your fairway. It was a local rule even. Apparently it began when they put in a new watering system years ago so fairways were kind of a mess for a season or two. The members liked it and kept it after the fairways were really good. I guess as long as the rules are the same for everyone, it is fine. I played in a match play thing over the course of the season and lost to a guy who marked his balk with a Kennedy 1/2 dollar. Put it down in front of his ball to mark, then put the ball down in front of the marker. And he kept dropping putts that would just fall. He clearly cheated but he was also a really good putter. But I decided it wasn’t worth getting into a fight about it since I was new. Now I’d call him out.

2. Just like every other sport, guys sometimes play way over their heads or way below their potential. I’m around a 15 nowadays. In my younger days I was 9-12. But I shot 82 a few weeks ago and have put together some other very solid rounds. I also shot 106 one day when nothing went right. I suppose if a guy regularly puts up good rounds in tournaments, and bad at other times it might be different. But sometimes it’s just golf.


Feb 25, 2018
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As long as you play your 18 in 3:30 or less I don't care.
I haven't played 18 with a foursome in 3:30 all year. And that's 20 rounds at about 8 different courses. Average has been about 4:15.


Feb 25, 2018
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Two things I think

1. Know your club. I used to play at a club where it was just accepted practice that you roll it over on your fairway. It was a local rule even. Apparently it began when they put in a new watering system years ago so fairways were kind of a mess for a season or two. The members liked it and kept it after the fairways were really good. I guess as long as the rules are the same for everyone, it is fine. I played in a match play thing over the course of the season and lost to a guy who marked his balk with a Kennedy 1/2 dollar. Put it down in front of his ball to mark, then put the ball down in front of the marker. And he kept dropping putts that would just fall. He clearly cheated but he was also a really good putter. But I decided it wasn’t worth getting into a fight about it since I was new. Now I’d call him out.

2. Just like every other sport, guys sometimes play way over their heads or way below their potential. I’m around a 15 nowadays. In my younger days I was 9-12. But I shot 82 a few weeks ago and have put together some other very solid rounds. I also shot 106 one day when nothing went right. I suppose if a guy regularly puts up good rounds in tournaments, and bad at other times it might be different. But sometimes it’s just golf.
I would call that trick out in a second and laugh while doing it. What is the deal with people being scared to call out cheaters/bums, as if it then makes you the bum?


I dont have a drug problem I have a police problem
Jan 6, 2016
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@NHRich, you recently joined the club so it may take you a year or two to sort out who does what. If you like the group your playing with but not that one individual I would stay with that group and bite my tongue for awhile longer. It may piss you off but things may change down the road. At my club everyone knows the guys who massage their handicaps. My club is strict about the enforcing the rules during all tourney play. We've instituted a rule that in any match play event as soon as the match is over any holes played in on the way to the house don't. Say, a team or individual closes out 6 and 5 but both individuals/teams decide to play in, all scores are adjusted to the players handicap. Bitd, I had a guy close me out on 14 with nary a double and proceed to double the last four holes. It was my first year at the club and after the match I remarked to my partner that I wished the guy would have started playing lousy earlier in the match. What a rube I was.
Aug 26, 2011
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I never could understand gimme putts. Make the putt. There are no gimme layups.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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I do not play golf. Nearly all of my golfing experience has been in Boneyard tourneys.

I played one golf game, totally clean, counted every stroke, improved no lies, took no "gimmies", took no drops.

Shot 124, or so.

I am told that that is a high score for golf. I must be a natural to score so many points.

Depending on what course this was, this isn't that bad when you think about how many people normal golf...
Aug 27, 2011
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Golf is different for everyone who plays. It’s not about scoring for me because I want to just hit the ball well, straight and flush( it happens infrequently)_. The short game chipping and putting lead to better scores but requires touch, feel and a lot of rounds played to get there. You can actually score without all good shots sometimes and that gives me no satisfaction. So cheating out there to score better doesn’t help either but I’m not in the golf club game which is a whole different social and playing structure. I can see how things can get out of hand because ( and those in the leach field might find this hard to believe), but there are a number of balloon knots out there.
Aug 26, 2011
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Two things I think

1. Know your club. I used to play at a club where it was just accepted practice that you roll it over on your fairway. It was a local rule even. Apparently it began when they put in a new watering system years ago so fairways were kind of a mess for a season or two. The members liked it and kept it after the fairways were really good. I guess as long as the rules are the same for everyone, it is fine. I played in a match play thing over the course of the season and lost to a guy who marked his balk with a Kennedy 1/2 dollar. Put it down in front of his ball to mark, then put the ball down in front of the marker. And he kept dropping putts that would just fall. He clearly cheated but he was also a really good putter. But I decided it wasn’t worth getting into a fight about it since I was new. Now I’d call him out.

2. Just like every other sport, guys sometimes play way over their heads or way below their potential. I’m around a 15 nowadays. In my younger days I was 9-12. But I shot 82 a few weeks ago and have put together some other very solid rounds. I also shot 106 one day when nothing went right. I suppose if a guy regularly puts up good rounds in tournaments, and bad at other times it might be different. But sometimes it’s just golf.
Hey, I earned those doubles!
Mar 24, 2013
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Two things bug me..The guy who gets to the green ahead of the foursome and attempts to make his putt.. If he misses-gives himself the "gimme" putt coming back instead of putting out.--even if out of gimme range.
I hope this was not in a serious competition or a money match. A gimme always has to be conceded by your opponent. If its a casual round, who cares. Gimme range is an automatic putt, guys begging for 3 or 4 footers is pathetic.

And the guy who tries to get in your head after your first good shot/putt.. Just be quiet and respect the game/your opponent. Bustin' among friends is ok but not in a competitive game/match.
Honestly, sounds like it worked. If I can get in an opponents head, I will. As long as your not talking in backswing or anything disrespectful. I was playing in an alternate shot tournament at my friend's club some years ago. We were playing against some older gentlemen. Everything was fine, we were chatting a bit. On the 5th hole we refused to concede a 2 1/2 putt. Guy misses badly then proceeds to blame me for talking too much lol. Wrong move my guy. I was annoying the rest of the round. We went on to take the match. Never show your opponent you're mentally weak.

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
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I do not play golf. Nearly all of my golfing experience has been in Boneyard tourneys.

I played one golf game, totally clean, counted every stroke, improved no lies, took no "gimmies", took no drops.

Shot 124, or so.

I am told that that is a high score for golf. I must be a natural to score so many points.
I played through my teen years, when it was mostly free and I had all kinds of time. Since summer '73, very little, and that's okay by me.

My last round was a baseball-themed fundraiser a dozen years ago, and I got grouped with a guy who similar to you counted every stroke. Everybody who teed off after us ended playing through. Our guy broke 80 on both nines, and scored somewhere in the high 140s. It was excruciating, though partially redeemed by being so surreal.

When we got back to the clubhouse, people were heading out of the parking lot. The awards had been given out, and as for lunch, there were only 2 incomplete hot dogs sitting in a warming tray. All other food had been cleared.

Three Fridays from now, I'll be going to an Irish wake to celebrate the life of the guy who organized the tournament (and so much more) to benefit so many others. He died 9 months ago at 60 or so. Riffing on John LeCarre's "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy," I've already lauded him in written condolences as "Tummler, Fresser, Macher, Mensch." Long ago, I forgave him for putting me in that foursome, but I wish he were around so I could remind him that he did so.

I caddied at the club where I grew up playing and saw endless varieties of what's in this thread. Every single golf shot is an encounter with the player's self. The ways that players inflate, reduce, and manipulate their scores is certainly revealing.
Sep 2, 2015
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I haven't played for over a year. I've been trying to strengthen a shoulder after a second dislocation.

I used to work at a golf course in VA, and did take advantage of my free rounds before then. Before the injury I was shooting in the mid 80's. It's a shame because a new manager drove the course into the ground and out of business, but that's another story.

My personality made me play just straight up, following the rules straight up. Only course repair or weather that caused standing water would ever make me entertain the idea of taking a drop... etc.. I just competed with myself to try to see if I could improve. But over the years I've played all sorts of personalities. I usually only played for money with my brother and/or his friends.
My brother would talk about how much better he was, but he played with his own rules. One time my dad and I were on the putting green waiting for my brother to arrive. My dad said, "On what hole do you think your brother will ask for a mulligan on?". I said, "Number 8", and my dad replied, "I think 13."
Sure enough, on 13 my brother hit what we call a 'blinker' hook because the ball looks like to goes 60 yards and turns directly left or so it seems. He turns and says how many mulligans do we get. My dad and I just started cracking up.
Sep 18, 2011
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I’d like to say when I’m not playing a match or in a tournament, I don’t pay attention to others. For 99% of the people I play with, I really don’t care. However Mr Handicap manager tries to be very secretive about his score. He doesn’t like being asked what he shot. It’s so obvious that he is cheating, he’s not fooling anyone. He’s clearly not posting good scores, managing his score or he’s posting inaccurate scores. He should be about a 9, and has the skills to be lower.

Also, in addition to being long offf the tee, good iron player, good chipper, he’s right up there with the best putters I’ve seen. Very good at reading greens. Our greens are large, fast (11.5 rolled) with very subtle breaks. He putts very well.

I guess in his head he’s justified winning much more than he loses. I don’t know what I’ll do if I decide to play in the member member next year and he’s in my flight.


Twister Member
Aug 21, 2011
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I’d like to say when I’m not playing a match or in a tournament, I don’t pay attention to others. For 99% of the people I play with, I really don’t care. However Mr Handicap manager tries to be very secretive about his score. He doesn’t like being asked what he shot. It’s so obvious that he is cheating, he’s not fooling anyone. He’s clearly not posting good scores, managing his score or he’s posting inaccurate scores. He should be about a 9, and has the skills to be lower.

Also, in addition to being long offf the tee, good iron player, good chipper, he’s right up there with the best putters I’ve seen. Very good at reading greens. Our greens are large, fast (11.5 rolled) with very subtle breaks. He putts very well.

I guess in his head he’s justified winning much more than he loses. I don’t know what I’ll do if I decide to play in the member member next year and he’s in my flight.
As the saying goes, " Cheat, if you want. It's only a game, to me."
Sep 1, 2011
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Funny story about a buddy who was playing in a foursome with a notorious cheater. Playing a par 3 they walk to the green and the cheater is walking on the fringe and can't find his ball. My buddy sees him pull a ball out of his pocket, drop it and says he found his ball. My buddy then tends the pin and sees the guys ball in the cup. Freakin guy got a hole in one. My buddy reaches down, picks up the ball and puts it in his pocket and doesn't tell the guy. Guy never knew he got the hole in one! Screw him.


Twister Member
Aug 21, 2011
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Funny story about a buddy who was playing in a foursome with a notorious cheater. Playing a par 3 they walk to the green and the cheater is walking on the fringe and can't find his ball. My buddy sees him pull a ball out of his pocket, drop it and says he found his ball. My buddy then tends the pin and sees the guys ball in the cup. Freakin guy got a hole in one. My buddy reaches down, picks up the ball and puts it in his pocket and doesn't tell the guy. Guy never knew he got the hole in one! Screw him.
Karma proves, once again, it is a bitch.
Feb 1, 2020
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Obviously the guy doesn’t put in the right scores. It’s easy to figure out on GHIN app. Also, they tried to limit sandbaggers when they implemented the new handicap system. If you go up a certain amount which I think is 3.0 shots on your index within a year you become soft capped, which limits your upward progression by 50%, which in turn makes it extremely hard to go up anymore.

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