Calling all Huskies (Offering 2 tix for tomorrow for next best MarkersMuppet responses) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Calling all Huskies (Offering 2 tix for tomorrow for next best MarkersMuppet responses)

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i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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A quick note before I start my rant. Just wanted to say thanks to Skinner for his support of the Huskies and the UConn family in general. He bought everyone in the bar drinks as we celebrated the 2011 Elite 8 win over Arizona. Love the UConn pride bleeding blue throughout. So thanks again for that and hopefully see you in Dallas next weekend.

Now, this run has truly been a tremendous ride and it's not over yet. It's felt incredibly good this year, more than normal, I think for 2 reasons. The first is that it's one of those things that you know is special in the moment. That's really rare to be able to realize as it's happening that you're experiencing something that you'll never forget and will join the rotation of sports glory stories that you pass down to the kids and future Huskies.

The second is that good Lord it sucks being kicked in the nuts every day for 3 years straight. April 4, 2011. National champions. Just 3 months removed from our first BCS appearance. We were doing what we do: WINNING. Kings of the Big East. New darlings on the football field and widely-discussed as the up and coming program. One of the most successful athletic departments in the country.

Then everything goes to . Pitt and Cuse bounce and the conference we've loved like family blows up. FHCPP Pasqualoni's the football program right into the ground and frankly, an embarrassment. Emmert exacts his revenge and APR's all over us.

These past few years have been a damn train wreck in so many ways. Body blow after body blow, all playing out to the joy of the Fruit alums at ESPN.

Yet here we are. 40 minutes from our 5th Final Four in 16 seasons. Madison Storrs Garden. No one giving us a shot to win this. Everyone, including the President, has MSU winning this game and the whole thing. That's the narrative.

But when have we ever adhered to the narrative? In the 1980's and 90's, Calhoun heard all the talk about how UConn's peak was a regional power, and said no. Instead we became the most successful program of the last 25 years, nationally. In 1999, our team heard all the talk about how Duke was the greatest college basketball team ever assembled, and said no. Instead we shocked the world, but not ourselves. In 2011, we heard talk going into the BET about how we weren't even going to make the NCAA, and said no. Instead we just won 11 straight games on our way to our 3rd national championship in 13 years, and Kemba became a legend. The past 3 years, we've heard it from everywhere: we're done as a program, we had a good run but it was all Calhoun, we're mid-major, our athletic department is going to collapse, and we said no. Instead, we're putting together another magical March run and showing we aren't going anywhere. Fyck the narrative.

When we look back on this run after getting invited to the B1G, whether it's in 3 months or 2 years or whenever, know that it was you guys, showing up in MSG tomorrow, beating the B1G's prized program, in NYC, being as loud as , influencing this game our way and willing this team to victory, that helped get us there. Know that every decibel level you raise tomorrow will be your contribution to the trajectory of this athletic department and university going forward. But just as importantly, leave it all in that arena because that's what our guys are doing. Support them with everything you've got because they've earned every bit of it.

I can't make this game in MSG, I just touched down in Dallas for business. KO and crew will be coming here to do the same in just a few days. For those that won't make it, here's a shot of our next destination from the plane.

View attachment 5428

40 minutes to Dallas. Let's fycking go boys

A fqcking plus, razz.
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Former Poster
Aug 26, 2011
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I am going in a group of 3 and we are still looking for tix (hoping prices drop a little more before we buy anything) so I can't ditch one of my friends, but if it was me and one other friend, I would definetly take the time to write an extemely long post professing my love of the huskies, but in short I just want to say:

1. Your awesome
2. I love the passion and intensity you show for the team (I remember watching that Maui game on tv and seeing your reaction and thinking, that guy is kind of crazy... but I want to grow up and be just like him!)
3. Love that your giving two free tix away to those who show most husky pride
4. My vote also goes to tcf... he deserves it for all the highlight clips he has put together this year!
I vote for tcf too for the amazing Senhor Testiculo photo shopped pics. To me, they've been a real rallying point and hilarious. Also props to the poster that introduced the original Senhor T. post.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I vote for tcf too for the amazing Senhor Testiculo photo shopped pics. To me, they've been a real rallying point and hilarious. Also props to the poster that introduced the original Senhor T. post.

That would be the master of mojo. The shaman. Deep.

His track record is unquestionable. And people poo poosed testículo. Ridiculous.
Aug 24, 2011
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Markersmuppet and OkaForPrez are hard acts to follow, but since I'm rarely lacking in words, I'll give it a go.

Before we began our unprecedented 11 game run in 2011 that ended with both countless memories and cutting down the nets, I made a case for UConn winning the Big East Tournament even though we had to play in the first round and would need to win 5 games in 5 nights. I believe I said that rarely you’d find a first round team capable of winning the BET, but UConn was that rare team and I stated “Why not us?!?!” I then made another why not us statement to win it all and the rest was history, thanks to Kemba and his teammates.

Now we find our 2014 Huskies not only traveling that same road, but playing at a very similar high level, capable of taking all that APR crap and constant negative campaigning against our program, and shoving it right up the collective butts of both the NCAA leadership and all the Husky haters who have counted our Men’s program as irrelevant.

The fact is, you can kick the dog, but you can’t keep a good dog down. And UConn, after being unceremoniously kicked to the curb last year (banned from the tourney) and finding no power conference love, our Huskies proved that they are among the top 8 teams in the nation and are about to make that top 4.

We are UConn, the team that many thought was from Alaska, before Jim Calhoun put us on the national map. Who can boast three NCs in less than 15 years? Who can boast 5 wins in 5 nights and 11 postseason wins ending in the last men standing? Who can boast that alumni will travel the globe to return to CT to play in a charity event sponsored by their beloved head coach? Who can claim to be the launching pad for scores of NBA players from Cliff Robinson to Donyell Marshall to Ray Allen to Rip Hamilton to Caron Butler to Rudy Gay to Kemba Walker and so many others in between and who have and will follow?

What program that was, and still might be considered, Wing-U, can now claim to be Basketball-U, producing NBA talent at all positions? Bigs – Travis, Jake, Emeka, Boone, Hilton, Charlie V, Hasheem, Drummond and the newest and relentless big, Jeff Adrien. Guards – our very own Head Coach Kevin Ollie, Scott Burrell, Khalid, Ben Gordon, AJ Price, Jeremy Lamb and the above mentioned Rip & Kemba…and soon to be NBA baller Shabazz Napier.

What program takes unheralded recruits and develops them into top flight college players and gets them into the NBA? I can tell you no one was talking NBA when Ollie, Donny, Travis, Jake, Emeka, Boone and Thabeet stepped foot in Storrs. Compare that with all the Burger AAs that set foot in Chapel Hill and Durham NC and never got a sniff of the NBA. While some programs do less with more, JC, and now KO, have and are doing more with less.

The answer to all those questions is UConn, UConn, UConn!!! And we are all fricken proud of it. I’m not from CT, nor did I go to school there…though my wife is an alumna…but I bleed Husky Blue. I’d like nothing more than to see our guys cut down the nets, and with a collective voice say take this Big East busters, Husky Haters, ESPN, and NCAA a-wipes, who have collectively tried to kick UConn to the curb.

A week from Monday, the answer to who’s the only program that has four NCs in the 15 years, will again be UConn, UConn, UConn...hum...I guess we'll have to add an additional UConn to that, won't we!?!? :)

This might not be anywhere close to MakersMuppet and it might not net 2 MSG tickets, but I hope it helps fire us all up for tomorrow’s game against the Spartans. After tomorrow, they won’t be saying, “Remember the Spartans!” they’ll be saying, “Damn those F’in’ Huskies!” while the collective UConn Nation smiles with the attitude, we’ve been here before.
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Aug 26, 2011
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The day was March 29th, 1999. The boy was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, the youthfulness and freedom of childhood briefly confined. It was his daily sentence to the ten hours of purgatory known to his parents as bedtime. Suddenly, he heard a yell from the unmistakable voice of his father. The young boy scampered downstairs, liberated from his personal imprisonment. His father screamed, “Look at the TV! Connecticut shocked the world!” The boy looked at the TV just in time to see a middle-aged basketball coach lifting his arms in joy as pure as the boy’s. Fifteen years, a couple feet, and bushels of facial hair later, hardened by the challenges of adolescence, few things remain the same. One thing that does, however, is my love of Connecticut basketball, and that all started with Jim Calhoun.

Unlike many in the coaching fraternity, Calhoun was not gifted with the benefits of family connections or superior athletic genetics. While coaching at Northeastern, he burst onto the radar of college basketball. Fourteen years later, Calhoun landed at Connecticut, a perennial doormat in the Big East Conference. Twenty seven years after taking that job, Calhoun retired a legend. If making lemonade from lemons is considered admirable, Calhoun’s creation of an empire from his bare hands is nothing short of heroic.

In an age where political correctness is nearly overbearing, Calhoun’s type is a dying breed. As a coach, he was content to dismiss concerns about his public perception to ensure that his values were paramount within his program. He was not perfect, but whatever flaws he had, he wore on his sleeve. The man was always willing to give a troubled kid a chance, even if self-righteous media members criticized him from their moral mountaintops. Polish, lipstick, and glamor were punted away at the expense of toughness, courage, and loyalty, a resounding theme that has endured into the Kevin Ollie years and been adopted passionately by his players.

If the opponent were anyone but Michigan State, I would advice you to give the ticket to someone else. The first Connecticut basketball game I attended in my lifetime was 1,822 days ago, in Detroit. I was accompanied by my father, who turned on the radio when his old, rugged BMW - which we had been driving in for upwards of 16 hours at that point, from our home in Massachusetts - finally crawled within 30 miles of Ford Field. "The place is littered with Spartan green", the local talk show host boasted. "This place holds 70,000 people, and I expect 50,000 Michigan State fans will be here." As my father and I marched into Ford Field, the estimate proved to be frighteningly accurate. To this day, I've never been to a louder venue. The rambunctious crowd propelled the Spartans to victory, and to my dying day I'll remember being swallowed up by one big wave of Spartan ectasy as I sat in my seat in the upper deck, begging for the opportunity to one day return the favor.

As one of the sole Husky fans who braved the hostile elements of Ford Field that day, I believe the mojo dictates that I reap the rewards of a decidedly pro-Husky crowd on hand tomorrow. Jim Calhoun's hand-picked successor, Kevin Ollie, debuted against a nearly identical Spartan team fourteen months ago on a Naval base, and in just over 16 hours, he'll meet them again for a chance to go to the final four. The symmetry of it all is glaringly palpable, and as somebody who is eternally grateful for the kids who remained loyal to the program when they had every opportunity to bolt, I'd forfeit my left thumb for the chance to watch them in the world's most famous arena one last time. Yesterday afternoon, I departed for New York City at 1 PM, and arrived back in my bed at 6 AM Saturday morning. And do you know what? I'd love nothing more than to do it all over again. And while I can't promise a victory, what I can promise is that my voice will be hopelessly hoarse by the time its all over. Jim Calhoun, Kevin Ollie, and the kids on the team who have devoted more to their craft than we could ever comprehend deserve at least that much.

I can't tell you who to give the tickets to, huskies92. There are a lot of staunchly loyal posters on this board, and I wouldn't fault you for giving the tickets to any of them. But if you're looking for somebody to share and embrace the gift of UConn basketball with, I can assure you I will not disappoint. We may be total strangers. But for forty minutes tomorrow, we might as well be lifetime friends united by one common bond. If I'm lucky enough to win them, I'd be more than happy to bring another poster along with me. Whether I'm watching with you tomorrow, or here on my couch, people like you and everyone else on this board are what make this program a joy to root for. Go Huskies.


Garbage Time All Star
Aug 26, 2011
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It feels sacrilegious to write a post knowing it will be measured against Makers Muppet, but I remember watching Skinner at the Maui game in '10 and if there is ANY chance I can get to sit next to this're goddamned right I'm going to take it. Here's why.

Like some of you cretinous reprobates I started watching and living Husky basketball during the dream season. I was 13 and as I went through school I remember the state shutting down this time of year. Every year. Huskymania. TVs pulled into the library for the BET, scouring the Bridgeport Post and reading articles about how Donny Marshal was going to have a barbeque if we made the F4 in '95. Of course I watched all the games, but at that age the idea of attending one was fantasy.

Fast forward 15 or so years and I've somehow managed to escape my parent's basement and the Trumbull school system and I can actually start going to see the Huskies live. I don't know what happened to the people in this state, but sometime between then and now most attendants at a Husky game ceased being Husky fans. I don't know why they choose to spend their time and money doing something they seem so disinterested in, but there's nothing I can do about that. I can't make them stand up. I can't make then cheer for a shot, let alone a rebound or a straight hustle play. All I can do is yell from start to finish, and find the other sections with the real fans, last night it was 208, and think "I want to go sit with THOSE ".

So tomorrow, I'll standing outside the Broadway stubhub office. Waiting for my friend and fellow true fan to get a last minute ticket, knowing when we walk up to MSG and shout "UCONN" the vast majority of people from Connecticut will ignore me, but true fans, like Skinner, like Muppet, like the Boneyard, will answer back.

Aug 26, 2011
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I second this. Without tcf, our memories would just be memories. Now everytime we want to re-live our memories we can go to his YouTube channel. 99% of teams don't have a tcf. Heck, I would start him over Ennis.

Skinner? Seymour Skinner? Springfield Elementary School principal? Vietnam Veteran tormented by his mother? I didn't think so. Way too Simpsons, and they date back to UConn's Dream Season. Not relevant.

I know you've asked for new writing, but you've already seen it elsewhere and it's very simple: these tickets are for tcf15. Hands down.

Again in CAPS: TCF15

You say want a MakersMuppet-ish post? So far, the best would be from David Carlson, who put up a 'Show Us Some Hate' post on St Patrick's Day, arguing that we don't need anyone's love. I copied and pasted that post and stuck it into The Judge Speaks thread on Page 6, just before testicular avatars got erased as the moderators tried their best to kill a mojo that rapidly got way too NSFW. Carlson's post got some kudos from the bump, but no great traction. Now, every time I read a pre-game or post-game article about UCONN, it mentions last year's post-season ban. Every damn article. If I didn't think it was indispensable to the mojo, I'd hate reading it every time. It's like a guaranteed winner on a March Madness BINGO card.

TCF's contribution to a self-crippling mojo has been extraordinary.

It saps me of any motivation to weave a narrative that speaks of how my dad used to dine with Harry Gampel at Scoler's Restaurant (dating back to when it was on Farmington Avenue) once monthly with the Toppers, a quasi-fraternal collection of Jewish guys who grew up during the Great Depression mostly in Hartford's North End; my high school classmate Danny Novarr , a 30 year season ticket holder who died mid-season at age 60; Jackie Burns, the wicked witch from Broadway's Wicked who appears on one of the UCONN ads in the MetroNorth cars and whose dad was a 45 year buddy of Dan's; Amby Burfoot who got mention in the thread about long distance running and cellphones after I ignored posted William Shea; the guy from Cape Town South Africa who I hope gets an online link to watch the game, and who has to be somewhere nearby the mom & dad that traveled there from Trumbull for a family wedding such that I'm back at their home changing diapers and teaching their twin 31 month old boys to say, "Go Huskies"; or the wonderful wife who will enjoy tomorrow's closing night of The Book of Mormon at The Bushnell with kids and now a lucky friend who gets the husband's ticket as he's off to MSG. I had the good sense to be at the Bushnell on opening night, before the Round of 64 kicked in.

Would I like to go to MSG? Sure. But I still say it's TCF, so all you get is this name-dropping sketch of what makes me love The Boneyard, this team, and the Husky basketball ever since my dad first took me to the Field House starting in 1962 when I got Toby Kimball's autograph.

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Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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I agree @tcf15 deserves a ticket more than anyone. But where is he? Tcf post a señor T in here so we know you want to go!!


Former Poster
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree @tcf15 deserves a ticket more than anyone. But where is he? Tcf post a señor T in here so we know you want to go!!
Maybe one of him sitting with the UCONN band at MSG.
Aug 26, 2011
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Give 1 to big red if he is still in need, and 1 to tcf. I'd lobby for myself, but the mojo requires me to point out the obvious, they both deserve it more than I do.


Aug 26, 2011
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Not what the OP has solicited but similar to others suggestions - TCF and Big Red would be at the top of my list. They are the virtual and physical incarnations of PURE MOJO.

That aside... what a facking thread. Nothing better than being a UConn fan!
Oct 16, 2011
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Skinner - I have tickets but felt the need to comment...this is such an awesome gesture and speaks volumes to the type of person you are. You truly do BLEED BLUE and we are lucky to have you. From what I hear, you were absolutely instrumental in making our practice facility a reality, which will keep our program at an elite level for years to come.

I met you briefly after the Florida game this year (celebrating at good old Ted's). Hope to see you again postgame tomorrow after a similar outcome!! Probably won't have a voice left by the end of it but it will all be worth it.

There is something special about this team, I can feel it. The team chemistry is incredible, we have an All-American PG, and one of the best coaches/motivators in America. WHY NOT US?

May 21, 2012
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I am sitting at a table with our UConn family, some of the all time greats and we've read every post. We are overwhelmed by how awesome they are, I wish I had tickets for everybody and if I could I would. It was a hard decision and I had tears in my eyes. I share the same passion as all of you and but I have decided to give the two tickets to champs99and04. Thank you for all your responses, they were amazing. I will see you in Dallas! Everyone is awesome.. Love you all and I BLEED BLUE!.. LETS DO THIS


Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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Congrats Champs. If anything, waiting for my chance at a ticket has helped me patiently watch prices fall on stub hub, I probably would have pulled the trigger hours ago. If you guys want to meet up for a pre game beer, would love to share stories.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Congrats Champs. If anything, waiting for my chance at a ticket has helped me patiently watch prices fall on stub hub, I probably would have pulled the trigger hours ago. If you guys want to meet up for a pre game beer, would love to share stories.
There were tickets on sale for $112 on StubHub. I kid you not they lasted a good 16 seconds and my internet is so slow. Fudge.
Aug 24, 2011
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Enjoy the game at MSG Champs and Skinner. Thanks for your generosity toward the Boneyard.
Aug 26, 2011
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Woah, Skinner, this is awesome!

I see a lot of people throwing my name in the ring, but I am on a self-imposed ban from going to MSG when UConn is playing there. I've been there 3 times and I've witnessed 3 losses - UK, St. John's (2011) and NC State. I believe in the power of mojo, and by being in UConn's presence at MSG, I'll be putting that in jeopardy.

We can't have that happen. I can't believe I'd ever say this, but I'm much more comfortable watching at home and photoshopping Senhor Testiculo than being in person at MSG.
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