When I first saw that Bouk was at the game I thought it was great that he came back to Storrs during the NBA break.
The kid has behavioral issues beyond the realization of 99.9% of the people on the BY. That's as far as I go up that lane.
This is a bad look for Bouk - to have the refs come over to Dan Hurley and ask him to motion to Bouknight to leave the arena and then the kid runs up and tries to hide in the student section.
Nothing wrong with Bouk. He didn't yell back at the ref or throw a tantrum. Put his hands up said ok ok, and then left. Not true at all, he wouldn't leave that's why the ref asked Dan Hurley to motion for him to leave. Some day you may find out why Bouk does some of the things he thinks to be normal.
If you watched him during the 1st half he was standing on the court and giving the refs crap and talking trash. The refs twice, that I saw, asked him to move back and sit.
If Dan Hurley didn't give him an earful after the game then he is wrong. Of course AD David Benedict is sitting in the proximity of Bouknight and says/does nothing to him.
Two student athletes at the game and two different behaviors - CV was/is always a class act
Epic move by a former student, lifetime Husky. I would've done the same. Wow
Maybe you don't know that

UConn got an important win and held on to the lead when it looked like things were going completely wrong. That is a HUGE statement for the program this season. Hopefully the good mojo will continue on Tuesday - would love to see them beat Nova