Wow! I had no idea that Worcester Academy sent the entire team to St Thomas to play an exhibition game. Really nice Thanksgiving break, considering how cold it will be in the Northeast over the next few days.
I remember reading somewhere that her
entire team was going to be there this week. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the article at the time. I basically glossed over it. I thought it was for a tournament, but I was (correctly) informed by UConnCat that their season does not begin until December.
Some high schools have already started. My granddaughter's BB team is 2 games into a thanksgiving holiday tournament here in So. Cal, that will resume Friday. From my vantage point, it appears that this scenario was very carefully planned out by Boston's camp.
1. To be at home in the Virgin Islands during the early signing LOI period.
2. To have her
entire team, coaches, parents, family, friends and neighbors all present with her.
3. And just by "coincidence", as luck would have it, UConn just happens to be on the island playing in a tournament that week.
That's a "PERFECT storm" if you ask me. Based on all of these things dovetailing very nicely into a nice tight little package, I'm stepping as far out on a limb as I can go (and putting my reputation.....such as it is, on the line), and predicting that Boston made up her mind long ago, and is joining the UConn family. She'll sign her LOI today at a formal signing ceremony and celebration in front of the people that are closest to her.
She'll "officially" be a husky by the end of the day.
I'm so sure of this, I'm going to go all in and shove all my chips to the center of the table (Jim Fassel), and borrow a term from the late Justin Wilson,
I guarantee it!!.
Of course if I'm wrong, I'll have to step back into the shadows for awhile until this is forgotten by most of my BY brethren.
This is the kind of thing that can happen when you have lots of idle time on your hands waiting for a recruit to make their announcement.