Got my first Garden Special (& 1st Tuesday pie) at Sally's last night. Thanks
@8893 for the heads up.
My post-Labor Day pizza tour is nearly wrapped up, and I can definitely say that in the 6-week period, my 2 pies from Sally's were better than the 3 from Modern, as well as the 1 from Pepe's.
The order, for this time period alone is:
Next Door
Blind Pig
Artichoke Basille's
I would recommend ALL except Artichoke, and accept partial responsibility on the wording of my Modern & Pepe's orders.
In the case of initial visits to Zeneli's, Blind Pig, and ReBAR, my recon stuck to Margherita for calibration purposes. On subsequent visits, I'll explore toppings & location-specific specials. In the case of Buffalina, I added sausage my first time, as per 8893's recommendation, and did a lot of, "What's that?" asking as pies came out of the oven.
I'm imagining a red pie from Pepe's (had a too crispy "well done" white clam last week; a couple trips to Zuppardi's (sausage, then clam); and then a circle back to my local goto pair Ernie's & Grimaldi's as daylight shortens, and basketball season commences.