The reason why there is no good pizza outside that radius is because the outlanders have grown up eating some hideous stuff and they've come to think it is the essence of good pizza. I know someone who moved to New Haven several years ago from Buffalo and he can't abide at all by New Haven pizza. He craves what they do in Buffalo. If he must eat pizza in New Haven, he goes to Bar. I swear, Pepe's could open a shop in Buffalo that duplicates what Wooster St. does and it would be closed within 3 months. I recently read an article by a Buffalonian in a national magazine, and he was extolling Buffalo style pizza. I was convinced he was going to hide the descriptions that proved how awful it was. He didn't. But instead he made them into virtues: sickly sweet sauce, thick bread, heaps of cheese that separate so you end up chewing goo. "Lacks structural integrity." His words. People around here actually like this stuff. They even prefer it to the few shops that try to introduce Neapolitan style here and fail. This largely explains why New Haven pizza is not reproduced elsewhere.