I am not invaliding your your opinion, just disagree with it strongly. And I am sorry about your 82 yr old mom and know it is tough. My mom is 85 and has health issues. We haven’t seen her since christmas, which is hard.
but the situation you and I share with elderly parents is our situation. We, and others in our situation should act responsibly. But again, that doesn’t mean we impose restrictions on the broader public that don’t have the same situation.
On your point about bars and restaurants, there is a big difference between getting our kids Safely back to a normal life and an adult being able to go out for dinner or go out drinking with friends. But I would have thought this would be obvious to everyone.
the order/guidance from your governorwasn’t that straightforward. You should read it. All kinds of silly exemptions that make no sense if crossing the border to rhode island was really a threat.
for example there is not a restriction between ct and ri or between ct and ma! Cross pollination. And let’s not get into the whole transitory exemption, which is the overwhelming number of people crossing boarders that have the highest potential to spread from state to state.
again, understand the facts and let knowledge, not fear guide your decision making.
I'm getting my MPA right now so I've literally spent the past 4 months comparing US Municipality/State/Fed response to COVID vs other countries to determine why we are the worst in the entire world, but thumbs up bro you obviously the smartest and most knowledgeable dude on the planet.
FWIW one of my key takeaways is that in most other countries there is a much higher cultural cohesion and willingness to "go above and beyond" what the authorities are requiring as bare minimum, and that is one of the key factors to their excellent responses. See especially the APAC countries like japan and South Korea for extreme cultural collective sacrifice.
It is the minimalism - doing only what is absolutely required by state/fed authorities that is allowing the slow burn of the pandemic in the US - which you are the purest self-interested and self-righteous example of.
Actually I'd love to quote this exchange as a case study in my thesis due in November if you'll will allow me permission?
Wrong again, but keep working on you thesis. Have you ever been to japan or South Korea? I have, many times. I have teams in both countries, and can tell you, you are distorting facts to fit your fear.
And please save your condescending “quote this exchange as a case study” I have a BS two masters and a PhD and run a global risk management business.
I have offices in 20 countries around the world and have been dealing with the impact of COVID, not just from a sports perspective where this back and forth started, but real world situations that have real impacts on my teams and their families lives.
so go back and hide in you basement. And get tested when you go to RI, unless you work there or are going grocery shopping, or just passing through on your way to CT, in which case you don’t have to.
Or get educated.