In terms of the impact of injuries it is far more than the devastation to our sophomore and junior classes which is almost beyond belief. In fact all of our recruiting classes on this team have been devastated by injuries. There are actually 5 classes on this year's team including Aubrey who was the year before the other seniors, but who took a redshirt year.
Aubrey's class had very bad luck because she missed a whole year. There were other injuries that year as well, but one very good rotation player missing the whole season by itself makes it a bad year on the injury front. Paige's class obviously had worse than average luck because of what happened to her, not just missing a full season, but half of another, and we have not been lucky on the health front with this year's freshmen class either, because Jana will miss the whole year.
Basically if you miss a key player for the whole year, good health for the remaining rotation players the rest of the year doesn't make up for it. Of course we haven't had that either with multiple injuries after season ending losses. After Paige's injury in her second year and other injuries, I'm sure many thought next year has to be better on the injury front and then amazingly it was worse. Then this year it just had to be better right? Nope, I haven't done the math yet but I am pretty sure we will have more games missed due to injuries this year than the last two if Ayanna doesn't return this year and Caroline only plays part of the year.
I would say we are due for a healthy roster next year, but I could have said that the last three or four years too.