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UConn Dan

Not HuskyFanDan; I lurk & I like
Feb 25, 2012
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@DanWolken: Lost in the Gee outrage is a more interesting nugget: He said B1G should have gotten Mizzou and Kansas when it had the chance.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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@DanWolken: Lost in the Gee outrage is a more interesting nugget: He said B1G should have gotten Mizzou and Kansas when it had the chance.

It is a good point but it may also highlight the fact that Delany was already casting his eyes eastward.
Oct 1, 2011
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@DanWolken: Lost in the Gee outrage is a more interesting nugget: He said B1G should have gotten Mizzou and Kansas when it had the chance.

Nothing stopping them from poaching Kansas.

Then there's this @ralphDrussoAP: Oh yes, Rutgers, you will fit right in.

Problem with Russo's "quip" is Rutgers has never won any title of note. Most of their new conference partners have at least won something sometime.
May 23, 2013
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Why Missou?They hemmed and hawed and stalled some more and the B1G was not interested!Mizzou would jump even today believe it or not for an invite!Excuse me..longtime lurker as RU fan and sympathetic to your "situation"! I too think UConn would be a valuable addition to the B1G!
Aug 26, 2011
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Here is a great quote about ND from Gee: Ohio State's president told a university committee in December that Notre Dame wasn't invited to join the Big Ten because they're not good partners, and joked that Catholics can't be trusted. The recording of Gordon Gee speaking to Ohio State's Athletic Council also captures him saying the Notre Dame priests who run the university are holy on Sunday and "holy hell" the rest of the week.

I'm Irish Catholic and if you turn your back on me I'll stab you and take your beer. I'm holy hell all week, no Sundays off for me.

I was an alter boy who had the combination to the safe and drank the wine and ate the hosts. They booted my ass eventually.

I got a condo, with the heat turned way up, waiting for me in hell.
May 23, 2013
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I didnt go to RU just grew up in sopranoland and always knew if RU could keep home some of that talent they'd be a bigtime player sooner or later!btw Im glad to see HFD back the board wasnt the same w/o him!..Plus Ive noticed that tool Bceagle talking crap about how he thought u guys werent worthy of an ACC invite after so many of u backed him up as a friend and I took him to task on it on another site!!!Why else would he come running here bragging about BCs verbals knowing they were MAJOR targets of UConn's!
May 23, 2013
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I think you guys offer more of a market than Mizzou straddling between Boston and NYC!!Maybe WITH Mizzou as a partner tho I think Kansas is a better choice!
Aug 27, 2011
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Are Bentley and Babson exclusive? Hmmm. I know Tufts is.
Eh, sort of. A bunch of those smaller name schools around here are very subject-specific. Bentley is primarily a business school, Wellesley is all-female, Brandeis has the stereotype that it's all Jewish students (though it's not), Babson I don't know much about - but they all generally are not as heavily looked at as the schools in the city, for that main reason. They're not in the city, and that's where the prospective students want to be.

BU, BC, and Tufts are "fallback" schools for those who are shooting for Harvard, Yale, Brown, and other Ivies. I've generally found MIT students don't apply to the other schools around here. Place BU, BC, or Tufts by themselves in nearly any other location in the country and they'd be the top choice of that city. While being in the city with everyone else is all of the colleges' greatest resource, being in the city with everyone else also means they cannibalize one another. Still, BU found a way to convince 52,500 students to apply for this fall.

Place a Michigan, Wisconsin, Penn State, or any other highly ranked B1G public university in the state of Massachusetts, and they would end up in a similar boat to UMass, in that they'd be overlooked for the Boston schools. Very, very, very few Massachusetts high school students with the credentials to go to a school of the caliber that exists in Boston readily aspire to go to UMass. Sure, those B1G schools are better, but the stigma of being "State", and their reputation after competing head to head with the private schools would reduce their overall profile.
Dec 25, 2011
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Those residents of Michigan have an outdated view of Ohio State. With respect to admission criteria, Ohio State has a competitive admission process in which students are considered for admission based largely on their academic performance and credentials. All students are considered under competitive standards except Ohio residents applying to an Ohio State regional campus in Lima, Mansfield, Marion, or Newark, or to Ohio State ATI in Wooster.

I will readily admit that the University of Michigan is an excellent public university and Ohio State still has work to do to reach their level. However, the idea that Ohio State is "the world's largest community college located in Columbus, OH" is simply false. I hope that you can appreciate, as an Ohio State alum and an alum of a school in a conference which many associated with UConn would like to join, it is difficult to just ignore such statements. That said, this is your board and the defense of a school in the B1G is not its purpose so I will let it rest at this point.

As I have looked at different schools during B1G expansion, I have come to believe that UConn is an excellent university and as a public research university and basketball brand would be a great fit for the B1G. I think it is ridiculous that UConn has been left on the outside looking in with realignment. I wish all of you well and hope that you eventually find yourself in a conference of which you can be proud to be a member.

By ‘those’ Michigan folks, I used to have several auto, tier 1 and 2 auto suppliers as clients in a former job back in the early 2000’s. My customers, many who lived in Bloomfield Hills, Grosse Pointe, etc., when talking about what college their children wanted to go to, broke it down into tiers. The top rung was the big elite, national universities like Harvard and Stanford. That was followed by Midwest big boys U Chicago (I know no one who went there so I cannot comment on the undergrad issue) and Northwestern. The next group was U of M and, for certain folks, ND. Past those two, it was Michigan State and the rest of the B1G schools. The last report resorts were Western, Eastern, Central, etc. Michigan.
Again, this is all perception.
As for Ohio State, outside of some shady academic issues within the athletic department (I do not throw stones when I live in a glass house), it is very well respected as a solid State U behind U of M and Wisconsin; but, on par with Michigan State, Penn State, Indiana, etc. Ohio State’s endowment of $2.1 Billion is also 6 times bigger than UConn’s ($330 million), which key detractor from UConn getting into the B1G.


Mar 30, 2012
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the big 10 name was kept becuase they are looking to have 2 of them. thats the whole gig. they want a east and a west both under the b10 brand. they want to knock a grand slam with the b10network and make cash piles that master p would faint looking at. we know this becuase thru all the rumors over the years, gee let the cat out of the bag once before. over a couple months span several random but high placed figure in b10 land all had random comments. one ad talked about texas, one about mizzu, joepa's kid mentioned uconn and so on. they all happened around the ruty/md b10 move. later gee talked about 20.

the common belief is that the acc gor ruined all this. couldnt be farther from the truth.


now you all understand why buffalo/ny is going for it and umass is having 2nd thoughts.

Let Mizzou stay in the SEC and let's do the Big 18.


Aug 24, 2011
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Stop with your made up mega conferences that will never happen.
A cr board is nothing more than speculation and random news. If u can't handle it stay on the football board. If any news comes about that is truly important, then it will get posted on the fball board anyway. This stuff is entertainment and fun mixed with a little truth and false.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm Irish Catholic and if you turn your back on me I'll stab you and take your beer. I'm holy hell all week, no Sundays off for me.

I was an alter boy who had the combination to the safe and drank the wine and ate the hosts. They booted my ass eventually.

Lol, I got a condo, with the heat turned way up, waiting for me in hell.
I caught a fellow alter boy drinking the wine and I said to him that I'm pretty sure that gets you a special place in hell.

Billy, that you?
Feb 10, 2012
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Right Babson is. SAT
1830 - 2120.

Bentley is much less so, but not exactly easy to get in to either. Similar to UConn admission wise it seems. Tufts is yes, harder still...and Williams and Amherst, harder than Tufts (or Harvard for that matter).
Bentley is a niche program so it's hard to compare to a school like Uconn.
Feb 10, 2012
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Eh, sort of. A bunch of those smaller name schools around here are very subject-specific. Bentley is primarily a business school, Wellesley is all-female, Brandeis has the stereotype that it's all Jewish students (though it's not), Babson I don't know much about - but they all generally are not as heavily looked at as the schools in the city, for that main reason. They're not in the city, and that's where the prospective students want to be.

BU, BC, and Tufts are "fallback" schools for those who are shooting for Harvard, Yale, Brown, and other Ivies. I've generally found MIT students don't apply to the other schools around here. Place BU, BC, or Tufts by themselves in nearly any other location in the country and they'd be the top choice of that city. While being in the city with everyone else is all of the colleges' greatest resource, being in the city with everyone else also means they cannibalize one another. Still, BU found a way to convince 52,500 students to apply for this fall.

Place a Michigan, Wisconsin, Penn State, or any other highly ranked B1G public university in the state of Massachusetts, and they would end up in a similar boat to UMass, in that they'd be overlooked for the Boston schools. Very, very, very few Massachusetts high school students with the credentials to go to a school of the caliber that exists in Boston readily aspire to go to UMass. Sure, those B1G schools are better, but the stigma of being "State", and their reputation after competing head to head with the private schools would reduce their overall profile.
state schools in New England don't have the same reputation as those in Big10 country. Top students in New England haven't typically been looking at uconn, umass, uri, etc.

of the new england flagship universities, only uconn seems to have bucked that trend with massive state investments.
Apr 28, 2013
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My apologies to CL82 ... "Does anyone else see a new post in the B1G thread and have a millisecond of "INVITE?" thought before sighing and clicking on it?" ... this is more me just curious about the end game for the B1G and if UConn might eventually be a part of it in light of a few sentences from these articles.

If the B1G is " trying to lay claim to largest media market in the country, the New York metropolitan area" and hold " additional future conference events" at Yankee Stadium beside just a bowl game, then I do not see how just the addition of Rutgers accomplishes this goal. I would think additional northeast coast teams would be needed to "lay claim"?

The Pinstripe Bowl and Big Ten will announce at Yankee Stadium on Monday a multiyear agreement between the conference and the 3-year-old postseason game, according to a person familiar with the situation.

The Big Ten's addition of Rutgers made the Pinstripe Bowl, which is sponsored by New Era, a perfect fit for a league trying to lay claim to largest media market in the country, the New York metropolitan area.

The deal between the Big Ten and Yankee Stadium also will include additional future conference events held at the ballpark, a source said.
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Mar 30, 2012
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It seems like realignment may sleep for a few years. There's no urgency for the B1G, they will get a clear picture from TV networks of the value of potential adds in their next contract negotiation, and so they won't want to speculate about that value in advance; and UConn can survive on exit fee money for a few years. It seems like there's no reason for the ACC to move if the B1G and Big12 aren't threatening to poach targets from them. I'm sure everybody is interested in seeing how the football playoff system works out and whether these league networks get traction. It does seem like UConn is in the B1G's plans but there's no telling if we will every overcome the entry hurdle, especially if a partner doesn't turn up like it did for Rutgers.

Still, I take the Johns Hopkins lacrosse entry to the B1G as a heartening sign. Of course UConn could have provided the #6 lacrosse school, so in one sense it removes one possible selling point for us, but it shows the B1G is willing to grow, wants inventory in sports other than football, values academics, and is willing to have unconventional arrangements. Maybe a 15-school football league will be an unconventional step they're willing to take to be the top league in the northeast.
Aug 27, 2011
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"It seems like realignment may sleep for a few years". Not if common sense prevails. One of the bigger mistakes made by the Big 12 was not inviting UL when the ACC was sniffing. They should have moved immediately with UL, waited to see if there was any FSU/Clemson reaction (probably not) and then stepped to 12 with BYU, UC, or UConn (I wud think UL going Big 12 would have given UConn the ACC invite but the ACC could have done something like Navy fb only). Anyway my point is conference heads now have to have immediate action plans should something break. And one assumption of their action plan is the common belief (mentioned by the ACC) that UConn will always be around.

Can the B1G and ACC wait around thinking UConn is always available? What would happen if SEC says UConn and WVU come on down (I select WVU because Luck has luck and perhaps he could get out of the GOR based on no travel partner picked for WVU). UConn and WVU to the SEC would marginalize ACC football for its northern 3 schools. UConn and WVU would make the B1G have to concentrate on UVA/UNC to expand and that aint happening. Alternatively Big 12 taking UC and UConn would not affect ACC as much but would tend to box in the B1G. Boxed in by the assumption that all 5 major conferences are stable and where can they expand?.

Is playing with an uneven 15 team league that bad? Hell give UConn the invite now starting in 2016, that would give the inviting conference 2 1/2 years to find one more team. The assumption by all these conferences that UConn is always there is flawed compared with the risk of someone else picking us up.

Or maybe UConn just sucks and the nation doesn't give one damn bit. But they cared about BCU, Cuse, Pitt, Maryland, TCU. Its a reach but if the SEC did invite UConn I guarantee the ACC and B1G would be pissed, big time.
Apr 28, 2013
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It does seem like UConn is in the B1G's plans but there's no telling if we will every overcome the entry hurdle, especially if a partner doesn't turn up like it did for Rutgers.

This was news for those of us at OSU. I couldn't help but think UConn and University of Virginia would have made (and still would be) a good #15 and #16 combo for the B1G. UConn is not AAU, the entry hurdle, but clearly has a commitment to advancing as a research university. For a conference that wants a presence in the East especially New York City and Washington DC, the B1G certainly would accomplish that with Penn State, Rutgers, UConn, Maryland and Virginia. Wishful thinking on my part.

Ohio State joins prestigious Universitas 21
Ohio State has joined Universitas 21, the leading global network of research universities, spanning 16 countries. Together, the universities foster global citizenship and institutional innovation through research-inspired teaching and learning, wider advocacy for internationalization, student mobility and connecting students and staff. Ohio State is one of four institutions representing the United States in this network, joining the University of Connecticut, University of Virginia and University of Maryland.
May 23, 2013
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"It seems like realignment may sleep for a few years". Not if common sense prevails. One of the bigger mistakes made by the Big 12 was not inviting UL when the ACC was sniffing. They should have moved immediately with UL, waited to see if there was any FSU/Clemson reaction (probably not) and then stepped to 12 with BYU, UC, or UConn (I wud think UL going Big 12 would have given UConn the ACC invite but the ACC could have done something like Navy fb only). Anyway my point is conference heads now have to have immediate action plans should something break. And is one assumption of their action plan the common belief (mentioned by the ACC) that UConn will always be around.

Can the B1G and ACC wait around? What would happen if SEC says UConn and WVU come on down (I select WVU because Luck has luck and perhaps he could get out of the GOR based on no travel partner picked for WVU). UConn and WVU to the SEC would marginalize ACC football for its northern 3 schools. UConn and WVU would make the B1G have to concentrate on UVA/UNC to expand and that aint happening. Alternatively Big 12 taking UC and UConn would not affect ACC as much but would tend to box in the B1G. Boxed in by the assumption that all 5 major conferences are stable and where can they expand?.

Is playing with an uneven 15 team league that bad? Hell give UConn the invite now starting in 2016, that would give the inviting conference 2 1/2 years to find one more team. The assumption by all these conferences that UConn is always there is flawed compared with the risk of someone else picking us up.

Or maybe UConn just sucks and the nation doesn't give one damn bit. But they cared about BCU, Cuse, Pitt, Maryland, TCU. Its a reach but if the SEC did invite UConn I guarantee the ACC and B1G would be pissed, big time.
Aug 26, 2011
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This was news for those of us at OSU. I couldn't help but think UConn and University of Virginia would have made (and still would be) a good #15 and #16 combo for the B1G. UConn is not AAU, the entry hurdle, but clearly has a commitment to advancing as a research university. For a conference that wants a presence in the East especially New York City and Washington DC, the B1G certainly would accomplish that with Penn State, Rutgers, UConn, Maryland and Virginia. Wishful thinking on my part.

Ohio State joins prestigious Universitas 21
Ohio State has joined Universitas 21, the leading global network of research universities, spanning 16 countries. Together, the universities foster global citizenship and institutional innovation through research-inspired teaching and learning, wider advocacy for internationalization, student mobility and connecting students and staff. Ohio State is one of four institutions representing the United States in this network, joining the University of Connecticut, University of Virginia and University of Maryland.

Soon, all the B1G schools will join, and only UConn and Virginia will represent schools outside the B1G... Hmmmm...

May 23, 2013
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Believe me they care!!As an outsider and RU fan there's NO way the big 5 (4 is ACC equal?) go into the future w/o UConn!!If a small private past its prime "Cuse" was called by the ACC in their small CNY market as just a hoops and Lax school no way up and coming large state FB school (you will be)like UConn get left out in post-PP era Connecticut WILL play a role in the final analysis!You guys are good in almost everything but perception outside the NE hasn't caught up yet!
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Mar 28, 2012
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"It seems like realignment may sleep for a few years". Not if common sense prevails. One of the bigger mistakes made by the Big 12 was not inviting UL when the ACC was sniffing. They should have moved immediately with UL, waited to see if there was any FSU/Clemson reaction (probably not) and then stepped to 12 with BYU, UC, or UConn (I wud think UL going Big 12 would have given UConn the ACC invite but the ACC could have done something like Navy fb only). Anyway my point is conference heads now have to have immediate action plans should something break. And is one assumption of their action plan the common belief (mentioned by the ACC) that UConn will always be around.

Can the B1G and ACC wait around? What would happen if SEC says UConn and WVU come on down (I select WVU because Luck has luck and perhaps he could get out of the GOR based on no travel partner picked for WVU). UConn and WVU to the SEC would marginalize ACC football for its northern 3 schools. UConn and WVU would make the B1G have to concentrate on UVA/UNC to expand and that aint happening. Alternatively Big 12 taking UC and UConn would not affect ACC as much but would tend to box in the B1G. Boxed in by the assumption that all 5 major conferences are stable and where can they expand?.

Is playing with an uneven 15 team league that bad? Hell give UConn the invite now starting in 2016, that would give the inviting conference 2 1/2 years to find one more team. The assumption by all these conferences that UConn is always there is flawed compared with the risk of someone else picking us up.

Or maybe UConn just sucks and the nation doesn't give one damn bit. But they cared about BCU, Cuse, Pitt, Maryland, TCU. Its a reach but if the SEC did invite UConn I guarantee the ACC and B1G would be pissed, big time.

YES, it IS that bad. I cannot emphasize that enough. The fact that the Big Ten had 11 schools for many years is irrelevant because there weren't divisions or a conference championship game. That is obviously the case now, which means that there HAS to be a "Noah's Ark" approach to football expansion going forward - it's either expanding by two (or some other even number) or zero. Odd numbers can work perfectly fie for basketball (hence, there's no need at all for the ACC to expand with Notre Dame as a 15th non-football member), but they are dealbreaker for any power conference that has divisions and a championship game. (The MAC has been an exception because they have no choice and are near the bottom of the totem pole, as Temple got poached by the Big East/AAC right when they finally got back to an even number of schools with UMass.)


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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This was news for those of us at OSU. I couldn't help but think UConn and University of Virginia would have made (and still would be) a good #15 and #16 combo for the B1G. UConn is not AAU, the entry hurdle, but clearly has a commitment to advancing as a research university. For a conference that wants a presence in the East especially New York City and Washington DC, the B1G certainly would accomplish that with Penn State, Rutgers, UConn, Maryland and Virginia. Wishful thinking on my part.

Ohio State joins prestigious Universitas 21
Ohio State has joined Universitas 21, the leading global network of research universities, spanning 16 countries. Together, the universities foster global citizenship and institutional innovation through research-inspired teaching and learning, wider advocacy for internationalization, student mobility and connecting students and staff. Ohio State is one of four institutions representing the United States in this network, joining the University of Connecticut, University of Virginia and University of Maryland.

VERY interesting indeed. I need to figure out if acceptance into Universitas 21 is by invite only (similar to AAU) or if it is granted based on a set of core criteria being met. The more B1G schools in Universitas 21 with UConn will bode well for an AAU invite, I would think. That, along with our state senate overwhelmingly passing measures to increase future funding of further UConn expansion by some $1.5B (in an economy where spending cuts are the norm, still needs to pass House vote) should show the commitment that our university and state are not afraid to make to gain acceptance into the B1G.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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Maryland, Ohio St and University of Johannesburg have just been invited. Does that make it Universitas 24 or will it stay as Unversitas 21?
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