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The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I'm pretty sure Harvard and Yale are the Harvard and Yale of the Northeast.

And Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Penn, Columbia, Amherst, Williams, Bates, Bowdoin, Colby, etc. There is no place else in the country like the Northeast and New England in particular. St. Louis has Washington U and Chicago has U Chicago and Northwestern, but that's pretty much it for elite private schools in the midwest. The prejudice against public higher education (and even high school) is much, much stronger here.

It is vastly more difficult to build a highly selective public U in New England. The only real positive is a group of HS kids with very high test scores compared to the national average, across the region. CT has bucked the regional trend by even attempting it, and UConn has improved as a result.
Aug 30, 2011
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And Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Penn, Columbia, Amherst, Williams, Bates, Bowdoin, Colby, etc. There is no place else in the country like the Northeast and New England in particular. St. Louis has Washington U and Chicago has U Chicago and Northwestern, but that's pretty much it for elite private schools in the midwest. The prejudice against public higher education (and even high school) is much, much stronger here.

It is vastly more difficult to build a highly selective public U in New England. The only real positive is a group of HS kids with very high test scores compared to the national average, across the region. CT has bucked the regional trend by even attempting it, and UConn has improved as a result.

It's fairly recent, but UCONN, as reported in the "Greenwich Time," has become the number-one destination for, at least, the last three Greenwich High School graduating classes. I can't prove it, but I've been told that the situation is similar in other wealthy gold coast towns. The reason? The demonstrable improvement in UCONN's academic standing and, it can't be ignored, visibility generated by the athletic programs. These are the kids that used to go to the UM's, UNC's, UW's, and UVA's.
Apr 18, 2013
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I think undergrad education wise UConn's already at the level at your typical Big Ten university.

The big areas still lacking is the overall level of research and football spending...maybe in another decade or so.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's fairly recent, but UCONN, as reported in the "Greenwich Time," has become the number-one destination for, at least, the last three Greenwich High School graduating classes. I can't prove it, but I've been told that the situation is similar in other wealthy gold coast towns. The reason? The demonstrable improvement in UCONN's academic standing and, it can't be ignored, visibility generated by the athletic programs. These are the kids that used to go to the UM's, UNC's, UW's, and UVA's.

This is critical to our success. We need Gold Coast money flowing into UConn. I mentioned that I expected this phenomena to begin and only accelerate if we are in the B10. Many, many B10 alums in lower Fairfield. This trend is another point to market to the B1G.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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NYC metro population (8.3M) is greater than the next two metro areas (LA, Chitown) COMBINED. With Ct part of the TRISTATE AREA why wouldn't anyone be very interested in tapping into this population? Forget about population shifting to the south. This area is still thriving and RICH.
Dec 25, 2011
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Couldn't resist a jab at Ohio State, huh?

I am neutral on the entire U of M v Ohio State war as a UConn alumni; but, I spent enough time in Michigan to hear all about the world’s largest community college located in Columbus, OH.
Dec 25, 2011
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U of M is much more closely related to Uconn than Yale. From the Midwest, only the U of Chicago can be compared to Yale, with Northwestern a tier below. Within the new B1G footprint, Penn, and a few schools in NYC and DC can be compared, but still are not Yale.

I completely agree that academically, U Chicago and then Northwestern are a step above even the top tier of B1G schools. That said, the perception of many in Michigan is that U of M is the Holy Grail while Michigan State is a good, back-up school and the rest are an embarrassment for the elite families.
In CT, it would be the Gold Coast families ping their hopes on Yale while UConn plays the role of a good, back-up school. In Boston, the target is Harvard and MIT while the back-ups are BC, BU, and Tufts while UMass is the school of last resort.
Aug 26, 2011
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I completely agree that academically, U Chicago and then Northwestern are a step above even the top tier of B1G schools. That said, the perception of many in Michigan is that U of M is the Holy Grail while Michigan State is a good, back-up school and the rest are an embarrassment for the elite families.
In CT, it would be the Gold Coast families ping their hopes on Yale while UConn plays the role of a good, back-up school. In Boston, the target is Harvard and MIT while the back-ups are BC, BU, and Tufts while UMass is the school of last resort.

Since U. Chicago is known as a bad bad place for undergrads, I wonder who these families are.

The question of Harvard/MIT in Boston is also strange. These are essentially small schools with worldwide appeal--they bring people from everywhere. Translation: your kid isn't getting into these schools, Mr. Brookline. Even your kid's chances of getting into Tufts are minimal.

But as for UMass, you may be right. The kid will probably end up at Clark long before he steps foot in Amherst (Clark is a decent school--no slight).
Apr 28, 2013
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I am neutral on the entire U of M v Ohio State war as a UConn alumni; but, I spent enough time in Michigan to hear all about the world’s largest community college located in Columbus, OH.

Those residents of Michigan have an outdated view of Ohio State. With respect to admission criteria, Ohio State has a competitive admission process in which students are considered for admission based largely on their academic performance and credentials. All students are considered under competitive standards except Ohio residents applying to an Ohio State regional campus in Lima, Mansfield, Marion, or Newark, or to Ohio State ATI in Wooster.

I will readily admit that the University of Michigan is an excellent public university and Ohio State still has work to do to reach their level. However, the idea that Ohio State is "the world's largest community college located in Columbus, OH" is simply false. I hope that you can appreciate, as an Ohio State alum and an alum of a school in a conference which many associated with UConn would like to join, it is difficult to just ignore such statements. That said, this is your board and the defense of a school in the B1G is not its purpose so I will let it rest at this point.

As I have looked at different schools during B1G expansion, I have come to believe that UConn is an excellent university and as a public research university and basketball brand would be a great fit for the B1G. I think it is ridiculous that UConn has been left on the outside looking in with realignment. I wish all of you well and hope that you eventually find yourself in a conference of which you can be proud to be a member.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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Those residents of Michigan have an outdated view of Ohio State. With respect to admission criteria, Ohio State has a competitive admission process in which students are considered for admission based largely on their academic performance and credentials. All students are considered under competitive standards except Ohio residents applying to an Ohio State regional campus in Lima, Mansfield, Marion, or Newark, or to Ohio State ATI in Wooster.

I will readily admit that the University of Michigan is an excellent public university and Ohio State still has work to do to reach their level. However, the idea that Ohio State is "the world's largest community college located in Columbus, OH" is simply false. I hope that you can appreciate, as an Ohio State alum and an alum of a school in a conference which many associated with UConn would like to join, it is difficult to just ignore such statements. That said, this is your board and the defense of a school in the B1G is not its purpose so I will let it rest at this point.

As I have looked at different schools during B1G expansion, I have come to believe that UConn is an excellent university and as a public research university and basketball brand would be a great fit for the B1G. I think it is ridiculous that UConn has been left on the outside looking in with realignment. I wish all of you well and hope that you eventually find yourself in a conference of which you can be proud to be a member.

Not to speak for Conehead, but I don't think he was expressing any personal opinion, nor that of anyone on this board. I think he was just telling us what people in Michigan think. If you go to the Cuse board right now I'm sure they would express the same opinion about us, and such is life on these message boards. I think if you took a poll right now you would find about 95% of UConn administration, students and fans happy to associate ourselves with Ohio State.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Since U. Chicago is known as a bad bad place for undergrads, I wonder who these families are.

The question of Harvard/MIT in Boston is also strange. These are essentially small schools with worldwide appeal--they bring people from everywhere. Translation: your kid isn't getting into these schools, Mr. Brookline. Even your kid's chances of getting into Tufts are minimal.

But as for UMass, you may be right. The kid will probably end up at Clark long before he steps foot in Amherst (Clark is a decent school--no slight).

Most people in Boston are looking at BC, BU and probably at a lower level, Northeastern. Maybe Tufts, Bentley, Babson, Brandeis, Wellesley, which are all pretty exclusive. Most know they won't be going to Harvard and very few want to go to MIT.
Mar 30, 2012
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Those residents of Michigan have an outdated view of Ohio State. With respect to admission criteria, Ohio State has a competitive admission process in which students are considered for admission based largely on their academic performance and credentials. All students are considered under competitive standards except Ohio residents applying to an Ohio State regional campus in Lima, Mansfield, Marion, or Newark, or to Ohio State ATI in Wooster.

I will readily admit that the University of Michigan is an excellent public university and Ohio State still has work to do to reach their level. However, the idea that Ohio State is "the world's largest community college located in Columbus, OH" is simply false. I hope that you can appreciate, as an Ohio State alum and an alum of a school in a conference which many associated with UConn would like to join, it is difficult to just ignore such statements. That said, this is your board and the defense of a school in the B1G is not its purpose so I will let it rest at this point.

As I have looked at different schools during B1G expansion, I have come to believe that UConn is an excellent university and as a public research university and basketball brand would be a great fit for the B1G. I think it is ridiculous that UConn has been left on the outside looking in with realignment. I wish all of you well and hope that you eventually find yourself in a conference of which you can be proud to be a member.

If you don't live in the immediate area of a school, you don't generally know what it is all about. I applied to colleges 6 years ago, and actually applied to OSU. I did not get it, but I would have been thrilled to have gone. OSU is an excellent school, and it is regarded as such. U of M may have the edge, but they are in a class that only a handful of public universities are in (think Texas and UVA). As far as the other schools go, OSU is clearly in the second (if you want to call it that tier). If it comes down to a choice between going to Ohio State or Indiana, or Iowa, Alabama, Mississippi, etc., there are few schools that OSU would not get the edge against.

I was fortunate to get into UConn, and honestly, am grateful that I did. What UConn was when I applied, and what is becoming is incredible. UConn is now in that vein of schools where you would absolutely choose UConn over many of the others, and while it was starting to get there when I was accepted and attended, it is becoming more so even faster than I imagined. If I applied to UConn now with the grades I had in high school, I would be sweating bullets as to whether I would be accepted, and I was in the top 40% of a very good high school.

Just as an aside, don't take anything regarding what any of us says about other schools personally. One thing I have found glaringly obvious during this whole realignment process is that we really do not know much about schools in different regions of the country very well. For example (not to insult these schools), when I was looking into colleges, I never in a million years could have been talked into Iowa or Indiana as a realistic college to go to. Now, while I still regard UConn more highly, I wouldn't say anything bad about them. It is really all about where you grow up, and know the most about.
Aug 26, 2011
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Most people in Boston are looking at BC, BU and probably at a lower level, Northeastern. Maybe Tufts, Bentley, Babson, Brandeis, Wellesley, which are all pretty exclusive. Most know they won't be going to Harvard and very few want to go to MIT.

Are Bentley and Babson exclusive? Hmmm. I know Tufts is.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Babson yes to a certain degree for undergrad. Bentley, not as much.

Right Babson is. SAT
1830 - 2120.​
Bentley is much less so, but not exactly easy to get in to either. Similar to UConn admission wise it seems. Tufts is yes, harder still...and Williams and Amherst, harder than Tufts (or Harvard for that matter).
Apr 18, 2013
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That's exactly the tier of schools that flagships like Rutgers and UConn are taking students away from :)
Aug 26, 2011
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$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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I found this interesting: http://espn.go.com/college-football...te-president-takes-shots-notre-dame-catholics

Big 10 would never consider Louisville. Perhaps there is hope for us after all.

Here is a great quote about ND from Gee: Ohio State's president told a university committee in December that Notre Dame wasn't invited to join the Big Ten because they're not good partners, and joked that Catholics can't be trusted. The recording of Gordon Gee speaking to Ohio State's Athletic Council also captures him saying the Notre Dame priests who run the university are holy on Sunday and "holy hell" the rest of the week.
Aug 26, 2011
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So, someone in a committee (of, say, 12 people) was taping the university president, am I getting this right? The things that are said in committee are typically confidential, with minutes taken only so future committee members can look over the historical record. Taken completely out of context, what am I to do with those minutes? The stuff about Catholics is offensive. Was he joking? Were there other Catholics in the room that he was jibing?
Aug 26, 2011
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So, someone in a committee (of, say, 12 people) was taping the university president, am I getting this right? The things that are said in committee are typically confidential, with minutes taken only so future committee members can look over the historical record. Taken completely out of context, what am I to do with those minutes? The stuff about Catholics is offensive. Was he joking? Were there other Catholics in the room that he was jibing?

ESPN story doesn't give it justice... http://bigstory.ap.org/article/apnewsbreak-osu-head-jabs-notre-dame-catholics

Gordon Gee = crazy uncle.
Oct 1, 2011
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Does anyone else see a new post in the B1G thread and have a millisecond of "INVITE?" thought before sighing and clicking on it?
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