B1G | Page 17 | The Boneyard


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Aug 24, 2011
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um stir the pot a bit, is the b10 pulling a fast one on the b12 and sec? how far is fsu from aau membership? about the same as uconn? they have good research stuff how ever u want to explain it i dont care.


that would be the east coast line and leave 1 slot for nd in 2015 and if not then #20 is open to another school like cuse....all big publics, big markets and big fanbases. you touch markets from florida to new england. cable boxes paradise.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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We're likely not getting a B1G invite, I think most people concede that. But it's not like there's a 0.0001% chance of it. Even it's 5 or 10% whatever helps us get through this. The bottom line is ANY B1G expansion right now is good news for us.
Maybe you shouldn't read this thread for your own health.

This. I don't believe that even the most optimistic poster here on the BY believes that we have better than a 50/50 to get into the B1G, and I'm guessing that most people are assuming that the odds are long indeed. So what! There are only two conferences out of the supposed "Power 5" that we would be able to be invited in (three, if you are willing to stretch your mind into believing that the Big12 would actually take a run at us). Out of those two conferences, it is obvious that the ACC is the more likely of the two to offer us, and even that may not be much better than a 50/50, based on past offers.

So to those who are mocking all the "crazies" on the board who dare dream of a B1G invite, I say to you, "Don't dream small....dream B1G!" :cool:
Aug 26, 2011
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Link is already posted earlier in this thread. Did you not see it, or are you just too lazy to find it for yourself?
Wait a second - do you mean the Iowa writer who was spit balling ideas and rehashed his stuff from 2010? I mean something within the last week that says - yes, indeed, Uconn is getting the call.
Nov 2, 2011
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Wait a second - do you mean the Iowa writer who was spit balling ideas and rehashed his stuff from 2010? I mean something within the last week that says - yes, indeed, Uconn is getting the call.

Again, link already posted earlier today. From the ONE AND ONLY source that called RU and Maryland to B1G before it happened.

That makes him 1 for 1, and more credible than anyone out there at the moment. It's not like this guy is like Mhver3 or Dude of WV, throwing hundreds of possibilities out there where one is eventually going to be correct.

Sheesh. Wait and see, like the rest of us. There's no guarantees in life.
Nov 2, 2011
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BTW, for anyone going to today's football game, keep an eye out for this guy:

Nov 2, 2011
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Interesting BTN related post from another site:

" You all don’t understand how the TV deal works for the Big Ten Network. Essentially, the BTN gets subscriber fees of about ten cents if it is on a paid sports tier network. It gets about 80 cents if it is part of a basic tier. This is regardless of how many people watch the channel. The BTN makes additional money selling ads which is ratings based. Most outside of the Big Ten don’t realize Fox Sports owns 51% of the BTN. Fox is also starting a national sports channel next year to rival ESPN. It is Fox’s intention to bundle the BTN, YES & their new sports channel in the NY market to get on basic tier.

I don’t think the Atlanta market will be as easy to happen…but if Fox is going to bundle their sports packages like that in Atlanta, GaTech makes perfect sense for that market…just like MD did for DC... "


Aug 24, 2011
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1-ny(ruty, uconn, nd, mich, psu, tosu reach. rutgers and uconn have land stake)
3-chi(nw, ill, many b10 schools)
4-phili(psu, ruty, nd)
7-boston(uconn, nd)
8-atl(gtech, nd)
9-dc(md, uva, nd)
11-det(mich, msu)
23-pitt(psu, tosu)
25-indy(ind, pur, nd)
26-balt(md, nd)

so 18 of the top 30 markets are possible to get cable box wise if delany was doing what i posted above. thats borderline silly if its the secret plan to dominate. no one could touch that. there is another 9 smaller reached markets from 30-50 that the teams reach. just insane tv possibilities. uconn brings a piece of the biggest 1 in a wealthy market and 2 other top 30 spots in boston and hnh. uconn also reaches several small ones new england wise. also pk ny.

i can see this getting fun.


Aug 24, 2011
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So UConn and Cuse are thinking B1G?

cuse fits as a private becuase of its research and location but u dont need cuse to get nyc. so cuse can easily be passed over. most ppl outside of the north east view new england as one state becuase of its size. imagine coloring that area in b10 states. nyc would be the connecting piece to that and having uconn/ruty and then the b10/nd would be 99%owning it.
Nov 15, 2012
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Everyone needs to stop having these wet dreams. Sure this would be the best case scenario but it's Ga Tech and UVA to the B1G to fill out their conference to 16. Unfortunately those institutions are well above UCONN as far as academics, Ga Tech offers the ATL market. I'm a bit surprised by UVA from a TV market perspective but most reports (except random posts on message boards) indicate UCONN isnt in the mix.
Nov 28, 2012
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Everyone needs to stop having these wet dreams. Sure this would be the best case scenario but it's Ga Tech and UVA to the B1G to fill out their conference to 16. Unfortunately those institutions are well above UCONN as far as academics, Ga Tech offers the ATL market. I'm a bit surprised by UVA from a TV market perspective but most reports (except random posts on message boards) indicate UCONN isnt in the mix.
False http://www.cornnation.com/2012/11/30/3711156/is-georgia-tech-next-for-the-big-ten
Feb 7, 2012
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Everyone from the media to us loyal UConn fans have just assumed that the ACC snubbed UConn and chose Louisville. That may very well be the case unless.........the Big Ten invites us before Jan. 1. This whole story, from the selection of Louisville to our Administrations reaction and all the heresay in between, still doesn't quite add up to me. So, if the dust settles and we join the Big Ten, I will contend that it was UConn who snubbed the ACC, not vice versa. What a great last laugh that will be.
Aug 26, 2011
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Everyone from the media to us loyal UConn fans have just assumed that the ACC snubbed UConn and chose Louisville. That may very well be the case unless.........the Big Ten invites us before Jan. 1. This whole story, from the selection of Louisville to our Administrations reaction and all the heresay in between, still doesn't quite add up to me. So, if the dust settles and we join the Big Ten, I will contend that it was UConn who snubbed the ACC, not vice versa. What a great last laugh that will be.

Open warfare in the press between UNC and FSU is the real story. Ville and UConn are pawns.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Greetings, long time lurker here who really appreciates all the insight and funny banter provided at The Boneyard.

Just a thought, but I think it would be a mistake by the B1G to not add another northeastern team; either UConn, Syracuse or BC. While I understand the growth and eyeballs are appreciable in the south such as Georgia, NC and VA, without another team in the northeast, I don’t feel like the B1G has a complete presence. If Rutgers quickly falls into the basement for B1G football and basketball (already a given for BB), then the fickle NYC market won’t give B1G sports much of a following for games at MSG and the Meadowlands. TV ratings will also lanquish and local tv ad revenue on BTN wont be robust. I think if you really want to have the critical mass to ensure a strong presence rather than just a presence, then another team is necessary.
Nov 15, 2012
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Much better source than BeanTownBob.


if we are citing SB NAtion articles, here you go. Sorry for being objective in all of this. Most people on this board are endlessly trying to conjure up scenarios where UCONN in more attractive than these other schools and is entitled to a B1G invite. Take off the rose colored glasses. Our best bet is the ACC after it gets poached again, but even then we'll still be in a vulnerable conference.

Nov 2, 2011
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if we are citing SB NAtion articles, here you go. Sorry for being objective in all of this. Most people on this board are endlessly trying to conjure up scenarios where UCONN in more attractive than these other schools and is entitled to a B1G invite. Take off the rose colored glasses. Our best bet is the ACC after it gets poached again, but even then we'll still be in a vulnerable conference.


I must have missed the part about UConn.
Nov 2, 2011
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And BTW, I think the guy that wrote the article is wrong. He states that Virginia "sternly denied" having interest in the B1G.

If true, I haven't seen that.
Nov 15, 2012
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I must have missed the part about UConn.

Exactly the point, there is little to nothing amongst all the realignment news that ties uconn and the B1G, What is out there (throwaway sentences and all) are having the life squeezed out of them in hopes that we can convince ourselves we are getting an invite.

Sorry but when compared to other schools mentioned I am having a hard time finding attributes of UCONN that would make us a more desirable addition than the others mentioned. AAU? No. Large TV market? No (although many people here think that a UCONN addition means that we somehow also include the Boston market). Strong Football Program? No, we have a dinosaur coaching our team into oblivion.

Please tell me what makes us more attractive than the other schools being mentioned, because I don't see it. I want to believe that we could end up in the B1G, but the cards are stacked against us.
Nov 2, 2011
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So the fact that an article about UVA and GT not going to B1G doesn't mention UConn means ????

You have me totally confused. Why would UConn be mentioned in an article about UVA and GT?

Also, I did a google search for UVa denying B1G interest, and came up with nothing. The article mentions their "stern denial". Have you found anything? Because if so, I would sincerely like to read it because that would be somewhat relevant to us. Only comment I ever saw on this was from David Teel's twitter feed.
Nov 15, 2012
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So the fact that an article about UVA and GT not going to B1G doesn't mention UConn means ????

You have me totally confused. Why would UConn be mentioned in an article about UVA and GT?

Also, I did a google search for UVa denying B1G interest, and came up with nothing. The article mentions their "stern denial". Have you found anything? Because if so, I would sincerely like to read it because that would be somewhat relevant to us.

I cited that article to show that SB Nation articles like the one cited mentioning UCONN, aren't worth crap. It wasnt for the purpose of showing UCONN is/isnt in the mix. You are better off citing a bleacher report article. You also pretty much made my point by saying you could not find anything with UVA denying interest.
Nov 2, 2011
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Got it. Articles that mention UConn aren't worth a crap. Articles that don't mention UConn aren't worth a crap.

Thanks for your contribution.
Dec 1, 2012
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What the B1G should do:

Go to 18 teams and be done...for now. This conference realignment has proven that expansion is all about getting into big markets and gaining new cable subscriptions. The B1G has made it clear that they want a large presence in NYC and Baltimore/D.C. They also seem to want to go a little farther south.

1. So first they should take UVA. Them with Maryland is about the best they can do for the Baltimore/D.C. market.

2. Grab UConn to help supplement the NYC market (banking in on the 1 million in Fairfield County and the fact that Penn State, Rutgers, Notre Dame, & UConn are the 4 most followed teams in NYC)

3. That leaves the B1G's want to go farther south. The most talked about options are UNC and Georgia Tech. Let's look at both those options. Georgia Tech is basically like the N.C. State of Georgia in that it will always be overwhelmingly behind the main state school - UGA. The only people who care about Georgia Tech are students, staff, and alumni. The state of Georgia and Atlanta as a whole are UGA fans. Because of this, UNC is the next most logical get. Let's face it, North Carolina residents are either UNC or Duke fans. N.C. State is the red-headed stepchild that only alumni care about (much like Georgia Tech). Since UNC is the big prize of the B1G's southern expansion, you give them what they want - even if that means taking Duke. UVA, UNC, & Duke are a great package and would love to be in the same conference.

By adding UConn, UVA, UNC, and Duke, you are further taking control of the northeast (NYC), the mid-atlantic (Baltimore/D.C.), and the want to go south (basically gaining all of North Carolina minus the N.C. State alumni).

In addition to a great market expansion, which is what football is all about, the B1G instantly becomes the best men's basketball, women's basketball, men's soccer, and lax conference in the country. It is also academically superior to any other conference.

And all of this doesn't have to piss off the current B1G members' rivalries. Why? Because with 18 teams, you get 3 divisions of 6:

Western: Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Northwestern
Central: Indiana, Purdue, Michigan, Michigan St, Ohio St, Penn St
Eastern: UConn, Rutgers, Maryland, Virginia, UNC, Duke

The orginal B1G doesn't get stuck in divisions with "watered down" football opponents.

3 conferences is doable with a conference playoff championship. There are 2 ways. Either the overall number one team gets a first round bye and the other two division champions play for a spot in the championship. Or you take the 3 division champions and add the fourth best team from whatever division its from (like the NFL wildcard).

This 18 team conference would thrive financially, academically, and athletically. And if Notre Dame ever decided to join, you could add them with Syracuse and take complete control of the NYC market. Done and done!
Nov 15, 2012
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Got it. Articles that mention UConn aren't worth a crap. Articles that don't mention UConn aren't worth a crap.

Thanks for your contribution.

Wrong, SB NAtion articles are garbage. They are all part-time writers where there is zero accountability. Anyone on this board could get a writing gig there.
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